
穿越库克海峡 新西兰美妙的火车之旅 Train Travel in New Zealand



新西兰引人入胜的自然景观与早期铁路工程师们的丰功伟绩是分不开的。正是因为他们精湛的技术和坚定的意志,我们的美妙观光火车之旅才得以穿越遥 远的国家公园、宏伟的火山奇观以及纵横交错的河谷和高山隘口,并最终带领我们沿着崎岖的海岸线欣赏分布于两边的陡峭高山和太平洋。

这条卓越的火车观光路线历时 12 小时,途经北岛(North Island)的火山中心带。其中的特色景观包括汤加里罗国家公园(Tongariro National Park)以及铁路工程史上的宏篇巨作劳利姆盘山铁路(Raurimu Spiral)。
城际线(Overlander)沿途会有停留点值得留宿一晚或停留多日,你可以借此良机中途下车,寻觅另一番体验。从奥克兰出发向南行驶,至上 午 10 点左右便可到达奥托罗昂格(Otorohanga),这里是通往怀托摩萤火虫洞(Waitomo Caves)地区的入口。在这里,你可以惬意地徒步穿越古代石灰岩洞,还可以体验奇妙的地下游船之旅,欣赏头顶荧光闪烁的萤火虫星河。继续向南,城际线便 到达了陶马鲁努伊(Taumarunui)和旺格努依国家公园(Whanganui National Park),后者以穿越原始荒野的多日独木舟之旅而闻名于世。
在劳利姆(Raurimu),通过一条长达 6.8 公里的铁路工程杰作——劳利姆盘山铁路,火车可行至 132 米的高度,这无疑是一次让人神情紧张的观光体验。在劳利姆的南面,城际线会在国家公园和奥阿库尼(Ohakune)稍作停留。这些市镇是在汤加里罗国家公 园进行(Tongariro National Park)徒步旅行和冬季滑雪的胜地。纳提图怀勒陶族(Ngati Tuiwharetoa)的酋长蒂修修图基诺(Te Heuheu)将这片原始纯净的土地赠送给了新西兰政府,三座壮观的火山山脉坐落于此:汤加里罗(Tongariro)、瑙鲁霍伊(Nguruahoe) 和鲁阿佩胡(Ruapehu)。

Wellington-Auckland on the Overlander from just NZ$131 (£66)!

The famous "Overlander" train is easily the best way to get from downtown Auckland to city centre Wellington, stress-free and in comfort at ground level, stopping off if you like at the Tongariro National Park.  The "Overlander" is an epic 681 kilometre (423 mile) journey across the whole interior of the North Island, taking you in a single day past every kind of scenery there is, from coastline to volcanoes to mountains, from lush green farmland to thick New Zealand bush.  It will take you the length of the historic North Island Main Trunk Railway, started in 1885 and completed in 1908, over such feats of engineering at the Raurimu Spiral, Turangarere Horseshoe and Makatote Viaduct.  It's one of the world's great railway journeys, and one of my favourites.  And all this costs just NZ$ 131 (£66 or US$99).  This is one of my favourite train journeys anywhere, you'd be crazy to waste the opportunity, so ditch that domestic flight to Wellington and take the train!

穿越库克海峡(Cook Strait)
从惠灵顿,你可以乘坐渡船直接跨越到南岛(South Island)。渡船航行历时三小时,沿途风景如画。行程的最后,我们将带你巡游马尔堡海峡,在这里,星罗棋布的古代低陷山谷编织成了蔚为壮观的陡峭水道。

从皮克顿(Picton)至基督城(Christchurch)的海岸线(Coastal Pacific)
库克海峡的渡船停泊在历史文化海港镇——皮克顿,在这里你可以搭乘海岸线向南到达基督城。在火车驶入海岸线之前,首先印入眼帘的是美丽的马尔堡 葡萄酒产区。一边是此起彼伏的凯库拉山脉(Kaikoura Ranges),一边是太平洋潮水不断拍打着崎岖的海岸,沿途的风光着实令人称奇。时不时地,你还能看见栖息在岩石上的海豹和企鹅。如果你有铁路通票,还 可以在凯库拉小镇稍作停留,以便参加一个赏鲸团。接下来,火车将穿越肥沃的坎特伯雷平原(Canterbury Plains),沿途你将看到纵横交错的河流分割成的一块块美丽的园艺和田园风景。海岸线全程总计穿越 22 座隧道和 175 座桥梁。

Picton - Christchurch by "Coastal Pacific" train 

    The Interislander ferry and connecting 'Coastal Pacific' train are easily the most comfortable and scenic way to travel from Wellington to Christchurch.  It's also very cheap, with inclusive train+ferry fares from just NZ$130.  Originally named 'TranzCoastal', the train was renamed 'Coastal Pacific' when it resumed running on 15 August 2011.


这条风景秀丽的火车观光线堪称全世界最好的旅游线 之一,它穿越了南阿尔卑斯山(Southern Alps),连接了基督城和历史文化名镇格雷矛斯——崎岖西海岸上的一个河畔小镇。沿途的特色景观包括梯子高架桥(Staircase viaduct)、亚瑟通道国家公园(Arthur’s Pass National Park)以及奥蒂拉(Otira)隧道。
火车的第一站将穿越坎特伯雷平原的园艺和农田区。在斯普林菲尔德市镇(Springfield),火车将驶离干线公路,进入纵横交错的怀马卡里 里河(Waimakariri River)流域,接着便沿着 Korowai Torlese Tussocklands 公园的北界向西蜿蜒前进。当火车驶近名副其实的楼梯(Staircase)小镇,借助于一系列宏伟的高架桥,南阿尔卑斯山的登山之旅便在你的期待中开始 了。而当火车行驶在克雷格本山谷(Craigieburn Valley)时,越来越多的高山风景开始呈现在眼前:干枯的生草丛、碎石坡道以及从谷底拔地而起的陡峭山脉。抵达亚瑟通道后,火车会稍作停留,你可以借 此机会到站台上伸展一下筋骨。
离开亚瑟通道后,高山线便穿过长达 8.5 公里的奥蒂拉隧道,抵达位于大分水岭(great divide)西边的奥蒂拉峡谷(Otira Gorge)。与东边干燥的山毛榉林和交错的河流形成对比的是,西边的景观以翠绿葱郁的植被和湍急的河流为主。在前往格雷矛斯的途中,美丽的布鲁内湖 (Lake Brunner)也是不容错过的一大景观。
高山线全程 223.8 公里,历时四个半小时,总计穿越 19 座隧道和 4 座高架桥,其中包括 73 米高的梯子高架桥(Staircase Viaduct)。火车上设有室外观光车厢,你可亲密接触新鲜的高山空气和壮美风景。
从但尼丁(Dunedin)至米德尔马契(Middlemarch)的泰伊里峡谷火车观光线(Taieri Gorge Railway)
这条历史性的火车观光线路每日发车,沿古老的奥塔哥中部铁道线路(Otago Central Railway)行进。火车从但尼丁西部向北出发,途经风景秀丽的泰伊里河峡谷,最后到达斯特拉斯o泰伊里平原(Strath Taieri Plain)上的普克兰吉(Pukerangi)或米德尔马契。该旅程全程共穿越10 座隧道和 12 座高架桥,其中最大的一座高架桥长 197 米、高 47 米,它是在 1886 年建成的一座地标性杰作。泰伊里峡谷火车观光线不仅能带你探索奥塔哥南部和中部的历史文化和美丽景观,实现绝妙的旅游体验,而且还能激发你沿着奥塔哥中部 铁道开启另一段探险之旅,即在米德尔马契和克莱德(Clyde)之间历时五天的徒步和自行车旅程。

Christchurch - Arthurs Pass - Greymouth on the "TranzAlpine" train...

It's perhaps the most scenic train ride in New Zealand, and one of the most scenic train trips anywhere in the world.  The TranzAlpine, run by New Zealand train operator Tranz Scenic, runs once daily between Christchurch, Arthur's Pass and Greymouth on the South Island's west coast, through the amazing misty mountain scenery of the Southern Alps.  The journey takes 4½ hours, and if you like you can go there and back in a day with an hour in Greymouth.  Or take the TranzAlpine one-way, and connect with buses down the west coast to Franz Josef Glacier.  Although I rate the North Island's Overlander from Auckland to Wellington as a far more historic and epic route, and in many ways almost equally scenic, you certainly won't regret buying a ticket for the TranzAlpine!  This page explains the TranzAlpine's timetable, fares, how to buy the cheapest tickets, and what there is to see on the journey.

Tour New Zealand by Rail

Explore the magnificent landscapes and beauty of New Zealand by rail.  With spectacular mountain peaks, crystal-clear lakes and rivers, miles of coastline, sparkling blue sea and untouched native forests, travel by rail through New Zealand is a truly unique experience.

Highlights of Scenic Tours New Zealand Rail Tours:

    Travel from Taumarunui  onboard the Overlander train and journey up the famous Raumiru Spiral onto the awesome volcanic plateau. Continue through Tongariro National Park to Wellington.

    Board the TranzCoastal Train and journey south along the Pacific Ocean coastline to Christchurch

    Take a breathtaking journey through the magnificent Southern Alps on the TranzAlpine railway to Kaikoura

    In Dunedin, enjoy a spectacular rail journey into Taieri Gorge on board the Taieri Gorge Train

    Board the historic Seasider train for a spectacular journey along the coastal cliffs of Otago
