
北京十大地道小吃馆子 Top 10 places in Beijing to snack

京的风味小吃历史悠久、品种繁多、用料讲究、制作精细,堪称有口皆碑。清代《都门竹枝词》云:三大钱儿卖好花,切糕鬼腿闹喳喳,清晨一碗甜浆粥,才吃茶 汤又面茶;凉果炸糕甜耳朵,吊炉烧饼艾窝窝,叉子火烧刚卖得,又听硬面叫饽饽;烧麦馄饨列满盘,新添挂粉好汤圆……”这些小吃都在庙会或沿街集市上叫卖, 人们无意中就会碰到,老北京形象地称之为碰头食










这里的羊蝎子火锅35元一小锅,45元一大锅。汤色呈酱色,里头很少看到大料和调味料,舀几勺汤品后发觉汤清而不淡,香味很足;羊腔骨肉质细嫩,骨 髓香而不腻。每口锅内还特别放有一根羊尾巴,吃起来连骨头都嚼得动。火锅店现在还属开业期,店内给每位顾客发放优惠卡,每锅优惠10元。



打小就吃的天福号酱肘子,北京人没有不知道的黑红油亮软烂入味肥而不腻,味道那叫一个棒。尤其每年立春立秋,吃他 家肉都成了规矩,可见在老百姓心中的地位有多高。好东西,价钱自然不便宜三十几块钱一斤买一点点都要十几二十块,可馋起来有什么办法?



北京老字号。虽说两家分店都不是很好找,环境也差了点,不过还真没影响奶酪的质量”——原味的宫廷奶酪浓、稠、凉、细、滑、香、甜 瓷碗装着,倒过来还能做到纹丝不动、一滴不洒,真不愧是京城独一份合碗酪!其他各种奶制品也很有特色。有外地朋友来就愿意往这 里带












精品小店,在新街口一带算不错了。这里的凉面不是一般的棒”——面条非常清爽筋道,调料配得也特别好;还有担担面也很好吃 虽然地方,环境,服务也国营,但生意很好饭点一定会排长队”(常去这儿吃的人,“已经习惯了这种风格就是图这个热闹”)在新街口附近逛的话中午可以去尝尝




米线非常的好吃,汤非常的好喝,是吃过的最好的过桥米线。有很多种选择,价格从10元到60元不等,量大实惠。店风格和昆明总店 如出一辙,所有的原料都是天天从云南运来的,小妹也全是从云南来的,热情的没法说有问必答。如果你还没去过云南,那就先去他家感受一下吧。




北京十大24小时餐厅推荐 Beijing Top Ten 24 hour Restaurants




  自新路店 地址: 宣武区陶然亭路12号;双井店 地址:朝阳区广渠路(九龙花园对面)




  永定门店 地址:崇文区永定门外东河滨路11号


  桃园店 地址:崇文区桃园东里15号(天坛南门)

  电话: 87287342


  金鼎轩金碧辉煌的仿古建筑风格和正宗美味的粤菜海鲜已经在食客中颇受好评,而且这儿还是北京少有的几个可以在深夜和凌晨都能去的绝妙去 处,经常是夜半三更还灯火辉煌人声鼎沸。来这里明炉烧鸭不得不尝,色泽金黄悦目,食之皮脆肉香,和北京常见的烤鸭是不同的,烧鸭需要在鸭身上抹上糖稀,把 白糖、料酒、花椒粉、盐、味精、酱油、葱、姜、蒜末等调料注入鸭腹中,将鸭上炉烤烧,至鸭皮坚脆,最后烧烤好的鸭切成块,还要浇上鸭腹中的卤汁。


  电话:010-64296888 64299888


  北京釜山烧烤餐厅位于五道口王庄路18号,交通便利,典雅独特的装修风格,独创作的多种特色菜品;为宾客提供先进全面,尽善尽美的优质 服务,每一位顾客都可以在舒适、优雅的环境中尽情品位用餐的乐趣。在这里,有美食,阳光,让您的时尚生活又多了一重享受。24小时营业的韩国餐厅,口味比 较正,服务也比较有水准,总是招呼及时。




  有好粥得先有好师傅。为此,嘉和一品特聘国际烹饪大师、八项国际金奖得主、世界大赛评委屈浩老师为技术总监,屈老师多年经验,深谙消费 者的需求,并结合现代流行趋势,不断创新出新的粥种。迄今为止,嘉和一品共有40余种粥品,几乎都兼有美容养颜之效。红豆薏米美肤粥和双莲红花养颜粥,光 听名字就了解它的功效。红豆有助益气补血,利水消肿,清热排毒,薏米也能消除粉刺雀斑,保持人体皮肤白皙细腻;百合莲子绿豆粥,绿豆所含的维他命能有助淡 化黑色素,百合则能滋润肌肤;菠菜粥,补血养颜,红润肌肤,适合阴血不足者;花式果粒冰粥和山楂雪梨冰粥,更是加入了西瓜、葡萄、猕猴桃等适量水果,美容 养颜的同时轻松拥有苗条身材。其他诸如银耳莲子粥、鲍鱼虾球粥也是裨益多多,让人轻松获得一身完美肌肤。

  地址: 海淀区成府路29号



  鼓楼东大街云集了众多老北京菜餐厅,酷烤在这里却有与众不同之处。那彩色的门脸不得不让人觉得艳丽,因为路过很多次了对门口的彩灯印象 颇深。酷烤属于那种极具魅力的店,总能吸引着客人的眼球。它环境幽雅设计现代,是一家真正的主题休闲餐吧,经营面积有160多平方米,其中包含两个包房和 一个大厅小包房红色调浪漫温馨玫瑰饰墙。大包房紫色为主题蝴蝶兰装饰墙,在酷烤可同时接纳一百多人就餐更适合朋友聊天就餐和各种聚会。这里拥有着一批精良 的技术人员,以及逐渐形成了一套科学的服务管理体系。在东北烧烤,朝鲜烧烤,韩式烤肉的文化基础上创新了多个菜品系列,排骨串,鸡软骨,月牙骨,烤翅中, 烤牛排,烤羊排,烤鲫鱼,虹鳟鱼,烤鳗。鱼烤乳鸽等,而特色锅系列分为,香辣铁锅,麻辣涮肚,大虾汤等。

  地址: 东城区鼓楼东大街136号



  1995年,马兰拉面快餐连锁有限责任公司成立。在中国传统饮食文化的基础上,借鉴了现代快餐简捷、明快的风格,形成了中国传统餐饮与 现代快餐相结合的中式快餐模式。在中式餐饮的标准化、工业化、连锁化方面取得了重大突破,从民间小吃走向快餐企业,从作坊加工走向工业化生产,截止 2005年底,在全国建立连锁店385家,其中北京\天津地区101家。1999年底,马兰拉面第一家海外连锁店在美国洛杉机开业,标志着中式快餐迈出了 跨国经营的战略,2001年8月,马兰公司董事长与法国凯宾斯基总裁签署了在法国巴黎开办3家连锁店的合作协议,马兰拉面顺利进军欧洲,2003年4月马 兰新加坡店开业。1999年,北京世纪亚太信息公司进行的市场调研显示,马兰拉面在北京的知名度仅次于麦当劳、肯德基,位居连锁快餐排名之三;在第三、 四、五、六届全国中式快餐研讨会上,马兰拉面受到了国内贸易局领导和与会者的高度肯定,被认为是“国内连锁店最多的中式快餐”、“有可能最先走出来的中式 快餐”。2000年11月,经中国连锁经营协会首次在全国组织的权威调查统计及专家评选,“马兰拉面”被评为全国特许经营优秀品牌之一,是中国餐饮业发展 中式快餐最成功的企业之一。




避风塘茶楼在上海江宁路开设了第一家“避风塘茶楼”。现北京也拥数家“避风塘茶楼”,其首创的“欢乐无限时,畅饮无限量”的经营模式,其 返朴的装修风格,人性化的服务理念,让宾客在无拘无束的环境中尽享时尚饮品和休闲时光,倍感舒适。避风塘拥有百余茶品,畅饮无限量,欢乐无限时本店全日价 18元/位百种时尚饮品、小食由您选择,24小时营业任您谈天说地,游戏娱乐,十分随意,更有18元内全天场饮品和小吃,草本疗效茶,丰富客人的饮用需 求。

  地址: 朝阳区西坝河东里77号底商2号



  北京老上海城隍庙餐饮有限公司创建于1998年,由原宏海餐饮有限公司与有色金属实业开发公司共同出资组建的股份有限公司。公司采用连 锁直营的经营模式,主要经营富有浓郁的乡土风情和文化气息的上海城隍庙小吃。并在此基础上经过潜心研究,不断创新现已发展到百余个小吃品种。推荐:叉烧 包、叉烧酥角、大排面、鸡腿饭、酒酿圆子、马拉糕、荠菜馄饨、肉粽、三丝春卷、小笼包、椰奶紫米球。

  地址: 东城区灯市口大街25号(灯市口东口)



  永和大王成府路店是北京地区第21家分店,位于北京市海淀区五道口华清嘉园7号楼一层,是永和大王第三代(风格化)中式餐厅。新店处在 北京市北三环北侧,海淀区成府路华清嘉园的首层。它东临五道口,西接中关村,是两地交通枢纽地带,故多路公交车都能到达,交通十分便利。在其东边500 ——800米分别是地质大学和语言学院。东升小学,福来得学校,慈安堂药店,东升园公寓,城市之光分别在位于南侧和东侧。新店西侧还有一家亚洲开发银行北 京资料馆,并且现华清嘉园首层华润超市,中复电讯及几家服装专卖店已经开业。该餐厅于2002年12月31日正式营业,永和大王成府路店的全体员工为您提 供亲切、满意、周到的服务。欢迎光临我们的美食天地!

  地址: 海淀区五道口华清嘉园7号楼一层



Global financial crisis hits Beijing luxury hotels hard

A glut of new upscale hotels opened before the Olympics, and business has gone from bad to worse.

The owners of a new ultra-luxury hotel maintain an air of confidence in the face of adversity. The 234-room Pangu Plaza (
Pangu 7-star hotel), which opened in December, charges as much as $17,750 a night for a suite. The sushi bar, where the cheapest lunch special is $265, cooks its rice in mineral water flown in from Japan. The walls in the hotel are covered with silk, the floors with marble -- Italian of course.

"The Chinese new rich have plenty of money. We have Bentleys pulling up with no number plates. So you can tell that they're brand-new," room manager Dennis Seng said, scoffing at the suggestion of inauspicious timing for opening a luxury hotel.

"The other day, a Russian couple ran up a $4,000 tab at an intimate lunch for two in the Japanese restaurant," he said.

His confidence, however, is belied by the cavernous, empty lobby where the only sound is the tapping of the high heels of the crisply attired staff. No paying customers were evident during a weekday afternoon visit, although Seng said that occupancy has reached "up to 30%."

If that is the case, the Pangu is faring far better than dozens of other newly opened hotels here.

It might simply be a glut of luxury.

"Everything that the developers are building is 'luxury' or 'imperial,' luxury apartments, luxury shopping mall, luxury hotels, but this is not what the Chinese people need or can afford," said Hu Xingdou, an economics professor at the Beijing Institute of Technology.

Pangu overlooks 2008 Summer Olympic landmarks like the "Bird's Nest" and the "Water Cube," and the new Regent Hotel boasts a panoramic view of the Forbidden City. The Park Hyatt opened in December on the upper floors of a new skyscraper.

It touts itself as the highest hotel in Beijing, with 360-degree views from a 66th-floor restaurant.

Adjacent to the Summer Palace is the new
Aman hotel, part of which occupies original imperial guesthouses. The cheapest room is $480 in the off-season.

"You had so many new hotels opening in the Olympic lead-up and even afterwards. [Even] if it was business as usual and we didn't have a financial crisis, this would have been a tough year," said Damien Little, a director of the hotel consulting firm Horwath Asia Pacific.

His firm counted 126 hotel openings in Beijing last year, adding 29,000 rooms. Hotels that missed their deadlines for completion are still opening.

Even the Olympics were disappointing. Despite advance word that all rooms would be sold out during the games, hotels were only 67% occupied during August, the Olympic month, according to STR Global, a hotel research firm.

China's tourism business was also badly hurt by the government's decision to sharply limit the number of foreign visitors during the Olympics, making it difficult for many people to get visas.

"The visas were a debacle. It was a real slap in the face to the hotels," said Ian Billard, a business advisory services manager at the U.S.-China Business Council. "You're now talking about 10 to 30% occupancy in hotels that were counting on 70 to 80%."

Perhaps the only relief for Beijing's beleaguered hotel industry is the fact that the most feared competitor, the
Mandarin Oriental Hotel, will not open any time soon. The hotel, in the China Central Television compound co-designed by architect Rem Koolhaas, was gutted in a spectacular fire this month.

"Nobody wants to say it, but that's one less hotel," Little said.



北京艳遇指数最高的十大地点 Top Ten Romantic Places in Beijing

北京的爷们和姑娘们绝对属于喜欢一见钟情的主,面对感情都毫无保留地付出,引用王朔一句经典名句我是流氓我怕谁。那些生活在北京,或者想要来北 京生活的红男绿女们可要注意了,还是先来熟悉一下北京艳遇指数最高的十大地点,说不定,你也会有一次美梦般的奇遇,谈一场轰轰烈烈的恋爱。

  10、地坛西门 West gate of Temple of Earth


  上榜理由:因为地理位置的与众不同,地坛西门成为了小生族活动的地带之一,他们有着悠闲般的生活,快乐的心态,当然也会在空闲的时候常常读书。 这里的书市影响甚广,这里是北上的必经之路,在这一带活动的人都充满内涵,骨子里又散发出恰当的时尚味,这里的艳遇指数因为染有过多的书气味而显的平淡无 奇,而这样的艳遇一生有一次就足矣。

  9、大望路 Da Wang Lu


  上榜理由:一波又一波的外地来京工作的工薪阶层,因为机遇的恰到好处,大多数都会选择在通州买房,而大望路成为了去往通州的必经之路,在这里, 你可以看到小有成就的年青人继续为理想而努力着,精神的外型下掩饰不住房奴的恐惧心理,这里的艳遇指数很高,但想要成功却非常困难,因为在这里的年青 人都会考虑的比较长远。

  8、苹果园 Ping Guo Yuan


  上榜理由:如果不是房价涨了到了万元,也许太多人会注意到苹果园,一号地铁线的最西端,门头沟和石景山的交通要道之一,在这里,聚集了大批的普 通民众,在他们的眼里,苹果园就是自己心中的王府井,因为在这里可以买到自己想买到的,心态端正,离家门口比较近,成为了这里人气聚增的重要原因,在这里 的艳遇,可以让爱变的非常轻松,不会有太大压力。  

  7、磁器口 Ci Qi Kou


  上榜理由:离新世界商场不远处的磁器口,已经成为了高薪一族的理想场所,他们在这里买房,在这里生活,在这里渴望着自己的艳遇,在这里等待着爱 情生活的开始。虽然道路非常的宽广,但走在这里,请一定要小心,因为在你一不小心回头的那一刹那,也许你的一次艳遇也就开始了,在这里最大的特点,就是人车遇

  6、雍和宫 Lama Temple


  上榜理由:不知道何时,雍和宫已成为了青年人约会的地点,当然也是共同祈祷平安幸福的聚集地,来这里的年青人,大多是小资一派,喜欢做梦,大多 都是心比天高,命比纸薄的主。因为来这里都是报着一定的期望来的,所以这里的艳遇指数不确定因素太多,不会太长久,即使运气特别好,也只能算人生中的一道 甜点,只在适合吃的时候出现。

  5、学院路 Xuan Yuan Lu


  上榜理由:随便在学院路走一程,你就会有预想不到的结果,而这一切,都源之学院路上学校太多,多西直门一直到清河城,青一色的时尚先锋,这边的 人群普通素质较高,大多受高等教育的熏陶,喜欢暗恋的艳遇,开放的外型下掩饰着特别传统的心,所以在这里有艳遇,一定不要着急,需要小火慢慢煨,一直到两 个人再也分不开为止。

  4、动物园 Beijing Zoo Wholesale Market


  上榜理由:动物园绝对是草根帅哥美女的聚集地,当然不是指动物园里面,而是在动物园的周边,尤其是服装批发市场一带,更是帅哥美女云集之地。他 们大多数都特别能吃苦,大多数不是北京本地人,喜欢坚定自己的信念,为理想而努力奋斗着。而这种类型的人的艳遇可遇而不可求,因为一旦遇上,也许就成为了 一生的伴侣。  

  3、西单 Xi Dan


  上榜理由:大多数青年人爱购物的场所,西单的商场很多,而且价格适中,又走在时尚的前沿,所以受到许多年青人的青睐。周末的时候,来西单瞧瞧, 你会发现,每次都会给你带来不一样的惊喜。对于在这里的艳遇,那更是没说的,随便一回头,也许就会遇到千年等一回的艳遇,这绝对不是闹着玩的。  

  2、中关村 Zhong Guan Cun


  上榜理由:好多人以为,中关村的工作环境不适合谈情说爱,因为太过枯燥和乏味,那就是大错特错了。其实在中关村的艳遇指数绝对在排行榜前列。中 关村的俊男靓女除了有优秀的口才、超能的营销才能外,还特会打扮自己,并且用特有气质的形象征服来村里买电子产品的年青人。一次巧遇也许会成为一生中最美 的回忆,能达到这种效果的,也只有在中关村。

  1、后海 Hou Hai (Back Lake)


  上榜理由:秋天的后海,平静的湖南,夜晚的天上有一些暗淡的月光,周围酒吧在这样的夜生活时间充分显示着妖娆和浮燥,蓝的红的灯光在寒冷的空气 里看起来格外地清亮。相对于日益没落的三里屯来讲,这里艳遇的概率越来越高,成为了目前北京艳遇指数的状元,不妨你也来试一试,看能不能遇到一个红颜知 已。


Top Ten Romantic Restaurants in Beijing 北京十大浪漫情调餐厅

Valentine's Day Is almost here! Here’s a list of ten most romantic restaurants in Beijing to put your special someone in the mood for romance.

One of Beijing’s most elegant and upscale restaurants, the Courtyard’s wonderfully romantic setting on
the Forbidden City moat and jaw-dropping views would probably be enough to recommend it, but the fusion food and extensive wine list complete the perfect dining experience. After your meal, head to the gallery - the views are yet better.

Cuision: Western Fusion
Address: 95 Donghuamen Dajie. Dongcheng District (East gate of Forbidden City), Beijing
Phone: 010-6526-8883

Carved out of a hutong near the
Lama Temple, this boho-chic bistro distinguishes itself with a selection of well-made homestyle European staples like pizzas, quiche, baked potatoes, moussaka and salads. Patrons relax with glasses of wine off their carefully-prepared wine list and enjoy a renowned brunch in the sunny inner courtyard on the weekends.

Cuisine: European
Address: 31 Wudaoying Hutong, Yonghegong, south of Yonghegong Bridge, Beijing
Phone: 010-6402-7961

Located in a picturesque courtyard house in a quiet hutong near the
Drum Tower, this family-owned Yunnan restaurant is one of Beijing's most romantic places to eat. Old jazz tunes play in a traditional Chinese courtyard decorated with coal furnaces and Art Deco furniture. There’s no menu here, the chef serves up a set meal in courses - so it’s perfect for couples who want to try a range of southwestern Chinese dishes.

Cuisine: Yunnan
Address: 67 Xiaojingchang Hutong, Gulou Dong Dajie, Dongcheng District, Beijing
Phone: 010-8404-1430

You wouldn't expect that Beijing's hottest gourmand would be at the center of a Sofitel Hotel. Lenotre, by the owners of Paris 3-star Michelin
Le Pre Catelan, is located within an aristocratic dining room of extravagant black chandeliers, upholstered ghost chairs and white-glove service that even outshines the Paris original. The kitchen is presided over by Frederic Meynard, a culinary disciple of the legendary Frederic Anton.

Cuisine: French
Sofitel Wanda Beijing, Tower C, Wanda Plaza, 93 Jianguo Lu, Chaoyang district, Beijing
Phone: 010-8599-6666 ext 6340

This truly lovely European restaurant of minimalist décor, done up in purple, white and black, features high- end cuisine without the high-end price tag. If you're planning for a special occasion, book the private Purple Room for that perfect dine and wine experience. Check out their new cocotte menus, little iron pots serving up meat, egg and vegetable stews.

Cuisine: European
Address: 22-1 Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Dongzhimen, opposite Canadian Embassy, Dongcheng District, Beijing
Phone: 010-6416-9838

  • Mare 古老海餐厅

Excellent Spanish food, reasonable prices, friendly staff and enticing nooks make this restaurant the perfect spot for a romantic night on the town. If the authentic flavors of Spain and impressive wine list are not enough to get the fires of passion burning, try the rich Belgian chocolate lava cake guaranteed to melt away inhibitions.

Cuisine: Spanish
Address: 14 Xindong Lu, Sanlitun, 300m north of City Hotel, Chaoyang District, Beijing
Phone: 010-6416-5431; 010-6417-1459

The setting is a two-story wooden mansion on the banks of Qian Hai, overlooking the lake. The Vietnamesse food is variable but as a romantic night-time dining spot this takes some beating.

Cuisine: Vietnamese
Address: 22 Qianhai Dongyan, Xicheng District, Beijing
Phone: 10-6401-9581

Located close to the city but far from its chaos, and set amidst a working orchard and herb farm, this classy European-inspired venue is an expat institution. The Orchard Cafe features a largely organic menu featuring homegrown herbs and vegetables. The China - meets - Tuscany - meets -Mexico - styled interior is magnificently tranquil. With a pond, botanical garden and sun porch, it is an ideal place for couples. Don’t overlook the creative menu. The food, wine and especially the desserts are reasonably priced and rich in flavor. Perfect for escaping Beijing in style.

Cuisine: European
Address: Hegezhuang Village, Cuigezhuang Township, Shunyi, Chaoyang District, Beijing
Phone: 139-1121-1965, 010-6433-6270

Le Cafe Igosso
- Beijing's finest Italian restaurant - Classy, elegant Italian cuisine with a Japanese twist. Service is unobtrusive, the wine list is simple but adventurous. Cozy, intimate setting makes this a romantic spot for a date.

Address: Dongsanhuan Nanlu (800m south of Guomao bridge on east side of street), Chaoyang District, Beijing
Phone: 10-8771 7013

Sambal embraces and surpasses all the cliches of a chic Beijing eatery -- a cozy courtyard house decorated with antique and modern furnishings, a sophisticated boss, relaxed service, and a well-balanced wine list. And then there're exquisite dishes, prepared by a charming chef from Kuala Lumpur.

Cuisine: Southeast Asian
Address: 43 Doufuchi Hutong, off Jiu Gulou Dajie, Chaoyang District, Beijing
Phone: 010-6400-4875



China's top ten hottest contemporary artists

  • Zhang Xiaogang (张晓刚), born in 1958 in China's Yunnan province. Type of art: Surrealism works, portraiture. Zhang is known for his surrealist paintings, with Picasso and Dali among his influences. His Bloodline series of paintings, including 'Big Family', feature stylized and monochrome portraits of Chinese people in stiff, formal poses, which recall portraits done in the 1950s and 1960s.

  • Zeng Fanzhi (曾梵志), born in 1964 in Wuhan, holds the auction record for a contemporary Asian artist. Type of art: Figure painting, portraits. Zeng is among the most sought-after Chinese contemporary artists. He combines expressionist and realist styles in his work, which often deals with relationships between people. His series of Great Man paintings – featuring Karl Marx, Lenin, Stalin and Mao among others – appear at first glance to be official portraits, but subvert the traditional representations with use of monochrome and expressive brush strokes.

  • Yue Minjun (岳敏君), born 1962 in Heilongjiang. Type of art: Expressionist figurative paintings. Yue is a member of the Chinese 'cynical realist' movement. He is noted for depicting 'cloned doppelgängers', grotesquely contorted with maniacal grins, such as 2005's 'Backyard Garden'. The forced jollity of his anti-heroes echoes modern anxieties.
  • Wang Guangyi (王广义), born 1957, in Heilongjiang. Type of art: Mixed-media, painting. Wang Guangyi is seen as an exponent of 'political pop'. His work, including 2005'2 'Porsche', combines the styles of propaganda posters with consumer logos. 'Stylistically merging the government enforced aesthetic of agitprop with the kitsch sensibility of American pop,

  • Liu Xiaodong (刘小东), born 1963, Liaoning. Painter and photographer documented the controversial Three Gorges Dam project.

  • Cai Guo-Qiang (蔡国强), born 1957. Performance artist who uses gunpowder to produce 'explosive events'.

  • Yan Pei-Ming (严培明), born 1960, Shanghai. Best known for epic portraits of Mao Zedong and Bruce Lee.

  • Chen Yifei (陈逸飞), born 1946 in Zhejing. Among the first to break into Western art market. Died in 2005.

  • Fang Lijun (方力均), born 1963, Hebei. Painter of the 'cynical realism' school.

  • Liu Ye (刘野), born 1964, veteran of the post-1989 avant-garde movement.



Top Ten Galleries in Beijing 北京十大画廊推荐

Beijing is the best place in China to be whether you're an artist, a diehard collector or just like to walk around and enjoy the shows.

Chinese contemporary art was officially born with an unofficial exhibition just outside the China Art Galley (now the National Art Museum of China) by the Stars Group in 1979; it gained momentum with a group of artists frequently referred to as the 1985 New Art Movement and continued to flourish throughout the 1980s when many of today's auction house favorites burst on the scene, including sculptor Wang Guangyi, painter Fang Lijun and video artist Zhang Peili.

Serious collectors and art students may wish to plan their itinerary by areas. The rule-of-thumb is: head north-east. As the
798 Art District aka Dashazi - which opened to visitors in 2002 - is the most important area, both as a centre for new art and for the cafe-bar culture that clusters around creative folk. The Chaoyang Brewery, known as Jiuchang in Chinese, is a newly established commercial art district that lies just to the north of 798. Caochangdi, a village that lies a few minutes from 798 to the north-east, is far less commercial in presentation. The National Art Museum of China, though mainly a place to see older,mainstream work, has started to exhibit an ambitious programme of international contemporary and modern art. Peak times for viewing art in Beijing occur in April and May, with several art festivals around the capital, notably the 798 Art Festival. Around October time, galleries also put up their best work as artists, gallerists and collectors flock to the capital for the China International Gallery Exposition (www.cige-bj.com) and the Beijing Biennale (www.bjbiennale. com.cn).

  • 798 Space (798 Shitai Kongjian, 798 时态空间)

Address: Dashanzi 798 Art District , 4 Jiuxianqiao Road,Chaoyang District,Beijing
Phone: 010-6437-6248,010-6438-4862
Hours: 10:30am-7:30pm
Transportation: Subway Line 2 or 13 or L1 at Dongzhimen, then City Bus 401 or 955
at Dashanzi Station; City Bus 401 or 402 or 405 or 973 or 813 at Dashanzi Station

The first gallery to open in Dashanzi, 798 Space is an avant-garde and trendy space that hosts high-level cultural, artistic and commercial activities. It can hold more than 1000 guests with ease:1000 square meters and up to 9 meters high structural exhibition space + 300 square meters relaxing and eating space + contemporary art book shop + film and video showing area。 It is worth visiting for the spectacle of the cavernous main hall with its curious multiple-arched roof.

  • Beijing Art Now Gallery (BANG) 北京现在画廊

New Address: Building E, Red Yard No.1, Caochangdi, Cui Ge Zhuang, Chaoyang District, Beijing
Chinese Address: 北京市朝阳区崔各庄乡草场地红一号院E座
Original address: Beijing Workers Stadium Opposite Gate 12, Chaoyang District, Beijing
Phone: 010-5127-3292
Hours: Tue-Sat 11am-6pm, Sun-Mon 12-6pm
www.artnow.cn or www.beijingartnow.com

Founded by cultural critic, Huang Liaoyuan, Beijing Art Now Gallery maintains a diverse programme of contemporary art from around the country. Large expansive rooms with wall sized paintings can be found here amongst other things. It is also situated near a lake where you can take a stroll if you need a breath of fresh air.

  • China Art Seasons 北京季节画廊

Address: Dashanzi 798 Art District, 2 Jiuxianqiao Lu, Chaoyang District
Phone: 010-6431-1900
Open Hours: 10:30am-6pm Tue-Sun.
Admission: Free

Singapore-owned China Art Seasons is a collector’s favorite, and most of the shows feature the kind of work perfect for the living room. Many of the artists showing in this elegant gallery space end up in the major galleries and auction houses in the West.

  • Chinese Contemporary 中国当代画廊

Address: Dashanzi 798 Art District, 4 Jiuxianqiao Lu, Chaoyang District
Phone: 010-8456-2421
Open Hours: 11am-7pm daily
Admission: Free

With locations in London and New York, Chinese Contemporary deals with some of China’s best-established contemporary artist. One of its more recent claims to fame happened when artist Huang Rui (黄锐 ), a famous artistic figure in China, was forced to remove one of the more controversial works from his solo exhibition. Entitled Chairman Mao Ten Thousand Yuan (毛主席万圆), the work featured one hundred RMB 100 notes that formed the words ‘Long Live Chairman Mao’.

  • Courtyard Gallery 四合苑画廊

Address: 53 Donghuanmen Ave, Dongsishitiao, Dongcheng District, Beijing
Chinese Address: 北京市东城区东华门大街95号
Phone: 010-6526-8882
Hours: Tue-Sun 11am-6pm

Although the space here is minuscule – it's in the basement of the Courtyard Restaurant – this gallery still manages to attract some of the most sought-after names in contemporary Chinese art, such as Wang Qingsong, Zhang Dali, Cao Fei and the Gao Brothers.

The Courtyard Annex
Location: caochangdi area
Address: 319 Cao chang di, Chaoyang District,Beijing,China 100015(Art East End)
Chinese Address: 中国北京市朝阳区草场地319号(艺术东区)
Phone: 010-6526-8882, 010-6434-9144

The Annex space of 400 plus square meters can accommodate larger, experimental projects and multimedia events.

  • National Art Museum of China (NAMOC) 中国美术馆

Address: 1 Wusi Dajie, Dongcheng District
Chinese Address: 北京市东城区五四大街一号
Hours: Daily 9am-4pm
Phone: 010-6401-2252/7076
Admission: RMB 20

NAMOC shows a combination of traditional Chinese art exhibitions and contemporary art shows, although any edgier art work that might offend mainstream visitors is still more likely to be found in the 798 Art District. The museum’s director, Fan Di’an, has done a great job of balancing the exhibition programming at NAMOC of late – before his arrival, the museum was known for stale shows that left modern art completely out in the cold. More recently it has begun to exhibit foreign classical and contemporary art works too.

Upcoming exhibition at NAMOC
The U.K. will loan China 80 J.M.W. Turner paintings for China's first major exhibition of work by the famed English Romantic landscape artist, Announced by U.K. Prime Minister Gordon Brown. The loan comprises key works from Tate Britain's collection, such as The Decline of the Carthaginian Empire and Norham Castle, Sunrise.
J. M. W. Turner: Oils and Watercolours from Tate Britain will be exhibiting from 13 April 2009 and will run until 3 July 2009 at the National Art Museum of China in Beijing.

  • Pace Beijing 佩斯北京画廊

Address: Dashanzi 798 Art District ,2 Jiuxianqiao Lu, Chaoyang District
Chinese Address: 酒仙桥路2号
Open Hours: 11am-7pm Tue-Sun

Pace Beijing was established in 2008 by PaceWildenstein, a leading New York art gallery and is located in Beijing’s 798 Art District. The gallery is dedicated to the promotion of contemporary art in Asia, presenting exhibitions by an international roster of artists including names like
Zhang Xiaogang, Zhang Huan, Chuck Close, Jeff Koons, Alex Katz, Takashi Murakami, and Jean Michel Basquiat. Housed in a 1950s former factory, the gallery is 22,000 square feet and designed by Richard Gluckman, a New York architect whose work includes the Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh and the recent expansion of the Museum of Contemporary Art in San Diego. Pace Beijing’s inaugural exhibition Encounters made its debut in 798 Art District on August 2, 2008.

  • Red Gate Gallery 红门画廊

Address: Dashanzi 798 Art District ,2 Jiuxianqiao Lu, (opposite White Space), Chaoyang District
Phone: 010-6438-7107; 010-6432-2624
Open Hours: 11am-6pm Tue-Sun.
Admission: Free

Red Gate was the first art gallery in Beijing. Its 798 location is reserved for riskier and potentially more controversial shows.

Red Gate Sister location in Chongwen District
Address: Dongbianmen Watchtower, Chongwenmen, Chongwen District
Phone: 010-525-1005
Open Hours: 10am-5pm daily
Admission: Free

Founded in 1991 by Australian Brain Wallace, Red Gate is arguably the best established gallery to be found in China. Located in a 16th-century watchtower and offering a wide range of contemporary art idioms, it is a must visit for any art lover coming to the city.

  • White Space Beijing 空白空间

Address: Dashanzi 798 Art District, 2 Jiuxianqiao Lu, Chaoyang District
Open Hours: 12:00pm-6pm Tue-Sun
Admission: Free

Founded by German gallerist Alexander Ochs, White Space Beijing is a respected gallery in the city and has become an enviable venue for both established and up-and-coming artists, who are often exhibited in Alexander Och’s gallery space in Berlin.

  • Ullens Center for Contemporary Art (UCCA). 尤伦斯当代艺术中心

Address: Dashanzi 798 Art District, 4 Jiuxianqiao Lu,Chaoyang District
Phone: 010-8459-9269
Open Hours: 10am-7pm Tue-Sun.
Admission: RMB30(adult),RMB20(group of over 10),RMB10(student and senior aged 65 above and special needs), free for childern under 1.3 m, free on Thursday

Add another must-see site to the list in rapidly modernizing Beijing. The Ullens Center for Contemporary Art, founded by Belgian art collectors Guy and Myriam Ullens in November 2007, aims to be China’s most comprehensive institute for contemporary arts. Their collection of around 1500 works by contemporary Chinese artists is considered to be the world's largest and best. The museum’s spare galleries, exposed support beams, and 31-foot-high ceilings recall the Bauhaus-style building’s original function as an electronics factory. It’s a natural fit for the 798 art district in Beijing’s Dashanzi neighborhood.



Architecture’s Ten Best of 2008: Beijing has the Top Three

Three of the greatest buildings of the year 2008, Herzog and de Meuron’s extraordinary Olympic Stadium, the stunning steel latticework structure widely known as the Bird’s Nest; and Norman Foster’s Beijing Airport, a project that was not only bigger than any other airport in the world, but more beautiful, more logically laid out, and more quickly built. And the headquarters of CCTV, the Chinese television network, by Rem Koolhaas and Ole Scheeren, of the Office for Metropolitan Architecture—a building which I had thought was going to be a pretentious piece of structural exhibitionism—turned out to be a compelling and exciting piece of structural exhibitionism.

Source: The New Yorker


北京十大特色庙会 Top Ten Beijing Temple Fairs

庙会原是寺庙的一种宗教活动,人们在庙内烧香礼佛,庙外还有各种饮食摊、货摊,还有一些助兴的杂耍曲艺表演,从而形成以民俗文化表演为 主的活动。近年来,随着时代变化,古老的庙会亦增添了不少新内容,如借庙会之时洽谈生意等,但展示民俗一直是庙会最主要的特色。下面为您介绍几个老北京的 特色庙会。
  • 莲花池庙会

  此次庙会将地道的民俗展示、传统的民间特色、琳琅满目的商品、特色迥异的各色小吃、丰富多彩的文化活动等市井元素展现给广大市民,使广大市民在 品味古老文化的同时,感受现代文明的发展,体会改革开放三十年人民生活的变化以及民俗风情的变迁,让庙会活动成为体现社会和谐的缩影,呈现一幅现代民俗画 卷。






  四、南广场表演舞台:极限攀爬,小轮车造型表演,芭蕾表演,时尚舞蹈、网络歌曲演唱。演出时间:每日三场1000-1130 1230-1400 1500-1630






  十、各类商贸活动东广场:庙会传统游艺、图书音像展销东环湖路:各色风味小吃西广场:特色百货、游艺北广场:民俗手工艺展卖北环湖路: 特色工艺百货南广场:土特产、干鲜果品丰富多彩的民俗文化演出,令人惊叹的杂技绝活,多种多样的游戏活动,品尝不够的风味小吃,让您开眼、开心、开胃流连 忘返,让您渡过一个轻松愉快的春节。

  •   龙潭庙会










  商业小吃特色突出,设置各具风格的特色街区:1.北区经典一条街,统一设计喷绘,突出龙潭特色,烘托出春节吉祥喜庆的欢乐气氛。2. 城小吃一条街,有茶汤、炒肝、灌肠等著名京味小吃。3.百货精品一条街,各种新奇玩具、手工艺品、年画、时尚饰品及干鲜食品等琳琅满目、应有尽有。4. 踪林落户中心岛,让游客在龙潭庙会上不仅能品尝到传统小吃,还能享受到干净新鲜的台湾小吃。


  1.北门内设主题花坛拜年2.西北门外以一个字造型为主景,院内布置许愿树及铜质金钱,与游客进行互动祈福3.西门 内一个立体字矗立在花丛中,配以炮竹、灯笼等喜庆装饰物,象征着人们辞旧迎新、喜迎新春的喜庆心情。4.东门福临门:用不同大小、字体的字作装饰,利用花柱、成串的大红灯笼,与喜庆气氛融合,形成了欢乐喜庆的整体氛围。5.中心岛剧场内外结合开幕式及演出活动进行装饰,营造喜庆气氛。

  • 厂甸庙会


  一个体验即邀请在京外国友人和留学生逛厂甸,到普通百姓家中饱饺子,亲身体验北京春节的喜庆氛围和中国节日民俗文化内涵;两个演出即继 续邀请中国木偶剧团、北京皮影剧团为少年儿童献上精彩的表演;同时举办观众体验活动,邀请观众与演员同台演出,增加趣味性;三条风景线即历年厂甸庙会深受 欢迎的花会表演,包括五行八作叫卖吆喝、奥运主题生肖花会、人体艺术造型表演等;四个舞台即四个主要的演出场地——湖广会馆、厂甸大楼、一得阁门前及 西河沿街东口。

  活动时间:2009 126(初一) 129(初四)每日开市830 闭市1700


  • 中华世纪坛春节文化庙会









  仿清祭地表演是地坛庙会独有的传统节目,其场面宏大,再现了清代皇帝祭地,祈求地神保佑、国泰民安、风调雨顺、五谷丰登的景象,表演从 年三十到初七,每天上午10时都将准时上演。今年地坛庙会推陈出新,首次向社会征集了草根皇帝参与仿清祭地表演。正月初一和初五两天,从近百名普通市 民中遴选出来的两名草根皇帝将首次登上方泽坛的表演台,带领200余名文武百官表演祭地礼仪。


  另外,庙会期间,火爆热烈的民间花会也将在欢歌劲舞和喧锣闹鼓中登场。被列为国家级非物质文化遗产的优秀节目沧州舞狮表演;参加奥 运会闭幕式演出的山西汾西鼓乐艺术团将表演原汁原味的威风锣鼓;还有来自陕北安塞的腰鼓、白族的八角鼓,都将给游客带来全新的民俗体验。

  在地坛庙会非物质文化遗产广场,今年参展的18家列入非物质文化遗产名录的民间老手艺与往年相比也有了新变化。除去津门贡掸、北京 木雕门楼、河北剪纸等熟面孔,今年又特别邀请了天津泥人张、藏族热贡、陕西凤翔泥塑等民间工艺的大师现场献艺。游客可以近距离地接触这些原本神秘的、甚至 有些将濒临失传的传统手工艺,亲手触摸中国传统文化的厚重。


  在京城诸家庙会中吃在地坛的说法由来已久,每年地坛庙会都汇集南北各地众多的风味小吃,尤以北京特色风味小吃最为有名。今年,地坛 庙会请来了正宗中华老字号小吃的代表:东来顺饭庄、白魁老号、护国寺小吃店、馄饨侯和茶汤李。除此之外,庙会还为游客准备了一二百种各色小吃。

  • 玉渊潭公园庙会




  • 大观园庙会

  活动时间:2009126 (正月初一)130(正月初五)

  活动地点:大观园公园内 (北京市宣武区南菜园街12)

  庙会门票: 成人20 老年、学生10













  • 石景山游乐园第九届北京洋庙会






















  7.“超值100 绝对精彩贺岁有奖活动





  • 颐和园苏州街第十八届春节宫市




  苏州街宫市沿袭了宫廷买卖街,街内的会仙居酒馆、揽涛楼茶馆以及旧时的当铺、笔墨店、脂粉店等64家店铺勾勒出清朝的市井百态,街内的 所有工作人员全部扮作清末市井百姓,或是店铺掌柜或是帐先生,就连街内保洁员与维持秩序的工作人员也要分别扮作农妇与巡街的官兵。游客还可在街内的钱庄 兑换苏州街特制的元宝与铜钱进行消费。

  异彩纷呈的文艺演出更是令人目不暇接。气势磅礴的河南盘鼓,惟妙惟肖的舞狮表演,精妙绝伦的民间高跷,为宫市营造热烈、喜庆的节日 气氛。中心岛上的吴桥杂技、大鼓、独角戏,揽涛楼上的京剧,嘉荫轩内的古筝、琵琶等异彩纷呈的表演项目把宫市的"清味、京味、南味"演绎、展现得活灵活 现。还有中心岛上的小吃摊以及老北京卖布头、剃头、磨刀等行业的叫卖声将把游人带回到老北京喧闹的街市之中。


  • 2009春节庙会第三届中关村科技庙会


