


温哥华(沉船滩) Wreck Beach, Vancouver, Canada

加拿大最有名的天体海滩是温哥华的 “wreck beach”(沉船滩)

加拿大最有名的天体海滩是温哥华的 “wreck beach”(沉船滩), 位于ubc(卑诗省大学)校区西南不远处。wreck beach 有树林做屏障, 相当隐秘, 初去的人不太容易找到。即使找到入口, 还得通过一条漫长的石阶, 有种与世隔绝的感觉。
wreck beach与北美其他类似海滩不同,这里热闹、沸腾而且人山人海。棕的、黑的、白的皮肤一块儿一块儿扎着堆儿。老年人苍白松懈的皮肤、中年人发福臃肿的啤酒肚、骨架嶙峋的“瘦身男女”们一律“坦诚相待”。
Wreck Beach, Vancouver, Canada
This six-kilometre long, secluded beach is Canada’s first and largest, legal, clothing-optional beach. It’s located at the western tip of Vancouver, adjacent to the University of British Columbia campus, down a long flight of steep stairs. On a summer weekend, as many as 14,000 visitors flock to the beach which stretches from the Musqueam Reserve to Spanish Banks West. Vendors Row, located down the middle of the beach below Trail 6, offers snacks and refreshments. Note: Wreck Beach enthusiasts are a loyal and protective bunch who take their right to “bare” arms, legs and everything else pretty seriously.

希腊“天堂海滩” Paradise Beach, Mykonos, Greece

希腊“天堂海滩” Paradise Beach, Mykonos, Greece

Mykons岛有处大名鼎鼎的天体海滩——Paradise Beach(天堂海滩)。那天,爱琴海的风吹得有些暧昧,我穿着泳裤居心叵测又心怀忐忑地来到Paradise Beach。果然,大部分人都是一丝不挂的天体泳客,面对别人的目光,每个人都坦然而放松,像是回到了原始状态的伊甸园。只有我目光游离、心怀鬼胎,总觉 得自己身上的这点披挂泄露了最初的那点阴暗心理,让我变的狼狈而可笑。我像那个法国小伙子一样一遍一遍地对自己说:“你就不能把那玩意儿脱了吗!”
Paradise Beach, Mykonos, Greece
World-renowned, this nude beach is jammed day and night in summer but is still a beautiful stretch of sand. Nudity takes second place to the continuous party atmosphere, though toplessness is common. In past years, full nudity was also common but its very popularity has tended to keep more suits on in recent years.
A campground behind the beach provides a cheap place to stay, making this beach particularly popular with the young and poor (or just cheap).
If you’re not staying on Paradise Beach itself, it can be reached by boat from Platy Yialos and by taxi and the handy and cheap Mykonos public bus – but clothes are required on the bus.


lady bay beach(澳洲小姐湾海滩)

lady bay beach(小姐湾海滩)是70年代由总理宣布合法的天体海滩之一,它躲藏在热闹的旅游景点watsons bay(屈臣湾)的隐秘处,背靠岩石,崖上开满黄色的野花,白色的沙滩细小修长。若想去探访并不困难,从悉尼歌剧院前环形码头有巴士直达屈臣湾,下车经过 屈臣湾酒店,沿海边一条羊肠小道由北往南走不远,看见路边有个木指示牌,沿指示下石阶,只需踏倒十来朵小野花的路程,便可到达,那里一年四季都能见到天体 泳客。
澳洲各地每年都有许多裸体活动,最热闹莫过于1月1号举办的裸体奥运会和每年11月的嘉年华会。昆士兰东南部 “alexandria bay”的裸体奥运会,比赛项目包括青蛙跳、掷铁饼、拔河等,最后还要评出最美丽臀部的男女运动员。参与裸体奥运会的人要有足够把自己暴露给公众的勇气, 因为在裸体奥运会期间,经常会有电视台采访,赤身裸体地面对镜头侃侃而谈,不必介意广大电视观众在电视机前对你品头论足,这种“修炼”也真是到家了。
Lady Bay Beach, Sydney, Australia
Lady Bay is perhaps Australia’s oldest and most publicised nude beach, well used by naturists long before being granted legal status in 1976. But this too was rescinded with the introduction of the new Local Government Act of 1993. Since then however the Woollahra City Council has voted to erect signs and give it legal status under the new laws.
Lady Bay is about 12 km north east of the city, at Watsons Bay. From the city head out along New South Head Road (Route 76) which runs into Hopetoun Avenue and on to Watsons Bay. Turn left into Military Road and then drive as far as you can go along the one way streets of Pacific and Victoria. Park near Cliff Street then access to the beach can be gained via a steep pathway at the northern end of Camp Cove behind the Military Reserve.
