
深蓝诱惑:世界十大潜水胜地 World's Top Ten Dive Sites


1.伯利兹 大蓝洞  Great Blue Hole, Belize

从上空俯视,大蓝洞看起来如瞳孔般明亮。这个被联合国教科文组织列入世界遗产的海洋洞穴给潜水爱好者们带来了无限的视觉享受。大蓝洞直径约400 米,四周被岸礁环绕。从海面向下潜40米便可领略大蓝洞的神奇魅力,即高达15米的海底钟乳石景观。当你穿游在巨大的钟乳石之间时,你会看到各种海洋生物 就在你左右。怎么样,计划一个大蓝洞一日游吧,早上六点出发,下午五点半结束,或许你还可以在船上过夜,观赏海蛇。

When seen from above, the Great Blue Hole looks like the pupil of an eye. Seen from within, this Unesco World Heritage–listed ocean sinkhole is a visual treat for divers. Ringed by fringing reef, and approximately 400m in diameter, the Great Blue Hole drops away to around 145m. About 40m down are the formations that lure divers from around the world: marine stalactites up to 15m in length. Marine life is noticeable only by its absence – you might not see a single fish – but when you’re swimming among stalactites, who gives a Nemo?

2.密克罗尼西亚 丘克泻湖 Chuuk Lagoon, Micronesia
密克罗尼西亚的丘克泻湖以其丰富多彩的珊瑚和热带鱼而闻名,但对于真正的潜水爱好者而言,这些都不是重点。吸引成千上万潜水爱好者来丘 克泻湖的主要原因在于,丘克泻湖里保存了全世界最完整的军舰遗骸。1944年,第二次世界大战中日本海军数十艘军舰在这里被美国海军击沉。但是只有拥有潜 泳资格证的游客才可以在这里潜水,你可以在岛上的“蓝色泻湖商店”进行预约。详询www.bluelagoondiveresort.com。

Micronesia’s Chuuk Lagoon is rich in colourful coral and tropical fish, but for divers these are almost peripheral to the main attraction. What draws divers to this 70km-wide lagoon are the wrecks – Chuuk may hold the greatest proliferation of shipwrecks in the world. A Japanese naval base in WWII, here dozens of ships were sunk and many planes downed during US attacks in 1944. Dives include the Fujikawa Maru, complete with intact fighter planes in its holds, and the Shinkoku Maru, decorated by nature with soft corals and sponges.
Only permit holders can dive.

3.夏威夷科纳海岸鳐村 Manta Ray Village, Hawaii
沿夏威夷科纳海岸潜水的最大乐趣在于,在这里,潜水是可以在夜间进行的。运营商在晚上会打着大灯以吸引浮游生物和蝠鲼,潜水爱好者们 也就为之而来。但是仅仅以蝠鲼景观来招揽游客是靠不住的,有时你会同时看到十几只巨型蝠鲼在你身旁,有时却一只也看不到。朔月时是蝠鲼的最佳观赏期。你可 以选择三小时的往返潜泳,或是一次确保看到蝠鲼的夜间潜泳。如果你想提前预订,请登录网站www.hawaiiactivities.com。

No prizes for guessing the star attraction at this dive site off the Kona coast of Hawaii (the Big Island), though half the fun is that dives here are conducted at night. Dive operators shine powerful lights into the water to attract plankton, which in turn attract manta rays (which then attract divers). Manta-ray sightings are unreliable – you might see up to 10 rays and their magnificent ‘wings’, or you might see none. Dives during the new moon seem to be the best bet for manta encounters.

4.巴布亚新几内亚 Samarai岛 Samarai Island, Papua New Guinea
在Samarai岛的粉质水域,你可以感受到潜泳不一样的魅力。在这片位于巴布亚新几内亚东南边的水域中,你不会遇到鲸鲨或是蝠鲼,只会看到像海兔 一样的小型生物。即使是新手也可以在浅水域尽享潜泳的乐趣,这里有生长旺盛的珊瑚,多姿多彩的热带鱼,和岛上动荡历史的遗迹。在 www.telitadive.com预订是个不错的选择,豪华卧铺车厢每晚只需300-340美元。

Get down and dirty in the world’s muck-diving capital as you swim through Samarai’s silty waters to appreciate the finer things of the sea. You won’t encounter whale sharks, manta rays or moray eels on this island off Papua New Guinea’s southeastern tip; Samarai is about the little creatures, such as nudibranches. Shallow waters make Samarai’s tiny ocean goodies accessible even to novices, and you’ll find exuberant corals and tropical fish, as well as remnants of the island’s turbulent history.

5.西巴丹岛 Pulau Sipadan, Malaysia
西巴丹岛稳居所有潜泳胜地排行榜前列,当你在马来西亚海滨漫步时,请放慢脚步,静静感受它的魅力。在这里,绿海龟和玳瑁比比皆是,甚至还有所谓的龟 墓,就在水面22米以下,有许多海龟的遗骸。如果你迫切的想要潜入海底,不妨去梭鱼聚集的梭鱼坪,那里常常可以看到梭鱼如龙卷风般旋转洄游,令人叹为观 止。然而,如果没到著名的落日点欣赏夕阳美景,那就太不划算了,只需沿海岸走600米就可到达。提前120天就可以预订啰。
 Slow things down to turtle pace as you take to the seas off the Malaysian island that invariably figures in all lists of the world’s top dive sites, Pulau Sipadan. Green and hawksbill turtles abound; there’s even a so-called turtle tomb, 22m underwater, containing the skeletal remains of vast numbers of turtles. For a marine adrenalin rush, try Barracuda Point, where the eponymous barracuda often gather in swirling, tornado-like formations. No diver will want to leave without witnessing the famous Drop Off, where, just a stroll from the shore, the ocean floor drops away 600m.


6.科科斯岛 Cocos Island, Costa Rica
在距离哥斯达黎加太平洋岸600公里的科科斯岛,你将会度过美好的时光。电影《侏罗纪公园》中一些惊心动魄的场面就是在这个岛上拍摄的,然而,海面 以下的景色才更加动人。双髻鲨成群结队地在潜泳者身边,最大的鲨群在Alcyone附近发现,在那里,你还可能看到暗礁鲨鱼和鲸鲨。潜水员需要在船上过 夜,因为晚上任何人不得在岛上逗留。11月至次年5月(旱季)海面较为平静,可以看到镰形真鲨和蝠鲼,6月至11月(雨季)可以看到许多双髻鲨,但是这一 时期海上风浪较大。

On Cocos Island, 600km off Costa Rica’s Pacific coast, it’s hammer time. Some of Jurassic Park’s most evocative scenes were filmed on this island, but it’s under the sea that things are truly wild. Here, hammerhead sharks shoal in enormous numbers, offering divers a jittery look at their fantastic features. The largest shoals are found around the submerged mountain at Alcyone, where you will also see white-tip reef sharks and possibly whale sharks. Divers will need to visit on liveaboard boats as nobody is allowed to stay on the island.

7.南非 干斯拜 Gansbaai, South Africa
在南非干斯拜潜泳的特殊之处在于潜水员会被一个铁笼罩住,因为在这里,海洋里最可怕的肉食动物应有尽有,如双髻鲨和大白鲨。当六米长 的大白鲨就近在咫尺时,再胆大的游客也难免会心生畏惧,甚至会开始怀疑铁笼的坚固程度。西开普敦的潜水运营商用诱饵吸引鲨鱼靠近笼子,保证游客可以看到真 实的大白鲨。尽管游船从干斯拜起航,但运营商将公司设在了距离干斯拜35公里的赫曼努斯。铁笼潜泳的费用是每人1100兰特,通常运营商会负责把游客从开 普敦送到干斯拜,并提供个人视频录制服务。
Move up the food chain, from hammerheads to great white sharks, as you climb inside a metal cage and come nose to snout with the ocean’s most fearsome predator. Watch in awe, even as you wonder about the cage’s strength, while the 6m-long great whites circle. Dive operators off this Western Cape town use bait to attract the sharks to the cage, virtually guaranteeing sightings (and controversy). You’ll find operators based in Hermanus, though the boats leave from Gansbaai, 35km away.

8.穆罕默德国家公园 Ras Mohammed National Park, Egypt
穆罕默德国家公园位于西奈半岛最南端,紧邻红海。公园里有20个潜水点,大多都是红海最佳的潜水点。还有两座已被淹没的山峰,分别是约兰达礁和鲨鱼 礁,里面都蕴含着丰富的海洋生物,是潜泳观赏的重头戏。你可以在约兰达礁的残骸间穿梭,在鲨鱼礁观赏许多珍贵的鱼类。需要注意的是,潜水员站在珊瑚上会对 珊瑚造成破坏,所以请务必小心潜游。另外,旅客必须在日落前离开公园。
Covering the southern tip of the Sinai Peninsula, this national park is the final landfall before the underwater wonders of the Red Sea. The park itself contains 20 dive sites, many of them among the Red Sea’s finest. Two submerged peaks, Yolanda Reef and Shark Reef, are the park’s diving centrepieces, and both are rich in marine life. At Yolanda you can look forward to diving among the wreckage of the Yolanda, including its cargo of hundreds of toilet bowls (and a BMW). The vertical wall at Shark Reef is prized for its concentration of fish and, unsurprisingly, sharks.

9.澳大利亚 考科比蒂洞 Cocklebiddy Cave, Australia
澳大利亚的纳拉伯平原看上去水资源匮乏,但是在这块巨型石灰岩之下蕴藏着许多洞穴,其中就有考科比蒂洞。这条6.7公里长的直线型隧道几乎完全被水 淹没,使得这里成为世界上最佳的洞穴潜水基地之一。早在1983年,法国洞穴探索家就发现了考科比蒂洞的尽头。它位于偏远的考科比蒂客栈以北10公里处, 游客必须持有西澳大利亚土地保护和管理部门的许可证才可以在此处潜泳。并且,只有潜泳经验丰富的人才可以,普通观光客潜水是被明令禁止的。若晚上要在这里 留宿,你只能住在考科比蒂的楔尾酒店,房间价位由50到150澳币不等。
Australia’s Nullarbor Plain may appear waterless, but beneath this enormous limestone block there’s a series of caves, including Cocklebiddy Cave. This four mile-long, arrow-straight tunnel is almost entirely flooded, making for one of the world’s premier cave dives. It was here in 1983 that French cavers made the world’s longest cave dive by exploring to Cocklebiddy’s end. The cave is situated 10km north of remote Cocklebiddy Roadhouse; divers must obtain permits from Western Australia’s Conservation and Land Management (CALM) department.
Experienced cave divers only; no tours are offered.

10.新西兰 彩虹勇士号 Rainbow Warrior, New Zealand
1985年七月,彩虹勇士号在奥克兰港被法国破坏分子炸毁,不久后,这艘象征绿色和平的舰船在新西兰北岛美丽的马陶里湾被打捞起来。目 前,彩虹勇士号位于水下25米处,嵌入海床中,船身被彩色的珊瑚晕染,绯鲵鲣、海鳗等各种鱼类穿梭其中,海葵、海绵生物和各种颜色的海藻依附在残骸上。现 在,恐怕彩虹勇士号的意义已远非“勇士”了,“彩虹”才更加贴切。如果你想预订去彩虹勇士号的一日游,请登录网站 www.divehqboi.co.nz,如果你想在那里度过一个7到15天的小长假,请登录www.divetours.co.nz预订。

Bombed by French government saboteurs in Auckland harbour in July 1985, the Greenpeace boat Rainbow Warrior was later refloated and scuttled off beautiful Matauri Bay in New Zealand’s Northland. Coated in colourful corals and populated by goatfish, moray eels and other fish, the Rainbow Warrior sits upright in 25m of water, wedged into the sandy ocean floor. Anemones, sponges and algae of all colours cling to the wreck; in its grave the Rainbow Warrior is far more rainbow than warrior.
