
蓝色海岸 度假天堂:法国尼斯旅游攻略 Nice, a sublime vacation spot on the French Riviera

大自然的恩赐:法国尼斯蓝色海岸 Nice, a sublime vacation spot on the French Riviera
蓝色海岸 度假天堂:法国尼斯 Nice Côte d'Azur, a sublime vacation spot on the French Riviera
1887年,法国作家斯丹芬·利埃杰尔惊叹这里的风光之美,海水之蓝,情不自禁地称它为“蓝色海岸”(Côte d’Azur, Blue Coast)。 从此,这诗一般的名字成为这段海岸的统称。尼斯 是蓝色海岸最大的城市,北靠阿尔卑斯山脉,来自北方的寒风在此停步;南临地中海,蓝色海水一望无际。从海岸到山坡,大小别墅星罗棋布。18世纪末,潮湿的 气候和空气的污染使很多英国人罹患肺结核,一位苏格兰医生发明了“气候疗法”,鼓励结核病人到阳光充沛的地方去疗养。
于是尼斯成了英国贵族疗养的首选之地。英国维多利亚女王多次光临芒东、格拉斯等地,丘吉尔也喜欢到蓝色海岸度假。英国人在尼斯海边建造了宽度约为2 米 的散步小道,后来不断加宽、延长,铺上了柏油,并命名为“英人散步大道”(Promenade des Anglais),它旁边的棕榈树成为其特色,颇有些热带风光。沿着“英人散步大道”建设了许多酒 店、咖啡馆、画廊,由树木、花坛、小广场与马路隔开。其中最有名的是纳格雷斯科大酒店,那是1913年的建筑,大厅的水晶灯是俄国最后一个沙皇尼古拉二世 定制的。路易十四大饭店是一个“博物馆”,你可以看到从王宫里搬来的壁炉和一扇门,以及一些著名绘画,在这里进餐真是一种享受。在“英人散步大道”上散 步,或坐在咖啡馆前,面对大海品味香浓的咖啡,或干脆坐在海滩上晒太阳,忘却一切烦恼,接受大自然的恩赐,享受天人合一的乐趣。影城戛纳戛纳也是必选之旅 游胜地。
1946年,法国人为同美国人争高低,在戛纳开始举办一年一度的电影节。每年5月,世界各地明星云集,大红地毯从节庆宫一直铺到大街上。节庆宫旁边 的 广场地面上,留下了得奖导演和演员的手印,你可以同他们“握手”。夜晚色彩缤纷的焰火把城市照得如同白昼,把电影节推向高潮。戛纳电影节戛纳电影节是国际 上最有影响力的电影节之一,与德国的柏林电影节、意大利的威尼斯电影节、加拿大的蒙特利尔电影节以及捷克的卡罗维发利电影节是国际电影联合会确定的国际五 大电影节。电影节设立多个奖项,其中最高奖项“金棕榈奖”是每年国际电影界相当重要的奖项;另外评委会特别奖也是电影节比较重要的奖项。


尼斯像是大自然给予人类的恩赐,无论哪个角度,哪段时间,它都那么美,美得有些不真实。 这里是一座历史和文化的古城,既有古罗马风格的建筑,又有巴洛克风格的教堂,洛可可香舍,各类博物馆、美术馆众多……
作为蔚蓝海岸的中心点,尼斯过去是北欧王公贵族的避寒胜地,至今仍能嗅出昔日的繁荣与优雅的豪门情调。漫步在保有历史古貌的旧市区,立刻能感受异于 其它著名度假胜地的特殊风格。而在这个璀璨的阳光城市里,总是可以遇见亲切和乐的居民们。COURSSALEYA广场周二至周五是花市和蔬果市场,周一则 成了卖玻璃瓶或小饰品等的古董市集。由高岗向羊肠小道走去,就可以看见一栋栋民舍相连。建筑物外面披挂着刚洗好的衣服随风摇曳,散发着朴实的气氛。当然, 尼斯市内不乏备有室外游泳池的高级豪宅,这里可是法国南部最昂贵的退休养老地区之一。
马蒂斯曾在尼斯生活了38年,这个城市对他产生了深刻的影响,尼斯透明细致的光线深深吸引了他。馆内收藏了马蒂斯不同时期的236幅画作、218幅 版画及由他设计插图的全套书册,一幅名为《尼斯的暴风雨》(Tempête àNice)的油画作品,似乎也佐证了画家与这个城市紧密的联系。
地址:法国尼斯164, av. des Arènes de Cimiez 06000
俄国东正教大教堂建于1912年,是由沙皇尼古拉二世(Tsar Nicholas II)所建,为17世纪早期的建筑风格。教堂由红砖、浅灰色大理石及色彩斑斓的陶砖铺砌而成,6个洋葱型圆顶是其建筑的一大特色。教堂收藏了大量珍品,包 括各类雕像、木制品及壁画。同时应该注意的是,进入教堂时不要穿着短袖或无袖的服装。
地址:法国尼斯17 Boulevard du Tzarevitch


当地人始终坚持着传统的饮食习惯,CONFISERIE和Pan-bagnat都是当地的美食。CONFISERIE是一种以糖腌渍去皮的柳橙或柠 檬、桃子等点心;而Pan-bagnat则是法国包加洋葱、熟鸡蛋、吞拿鱼、橄榄等夹成的三文治。这些传统美食都可以在街上的小吃店里品尝到。
到尼斯游玩一定记得尝尝尼斯的沙拉。尼斯的沙拉是采用时令蔬菜如番茄、洋葱、黄瓜、蚕豆等,再加上黑橄榄、白煮蛋、大蒜,鱼类精制而成,最后撒上橄 榄油和切碎的罗勒等香菜,鲜脆爽口。尼斯特有的焖菜是一道传统名菜,是用橄榄油焖烧茄子、番茄、洋葱、朝鲜蓟等,味道十分可口。
Brasserie Flo位于尼斯市中心拉法叶百货公司附近,僻靜的巷內的一个特色餐厅。“Brasserie Flo”最大的噱头是巨大的厨房位于猩紅色的帷幕后,并用落地玻璃与客人的坐席隔开。这里的海鲜相当著名,鱼汤、生蠔与螃蟹都是相当著名的料理,还有法国 人非常喜欢的甜点,如果不喜欢甜腻的东西,一盘新鲜的草莓也是不错的选择。
地址:2-4,rue Sacha Guitry,06000,Nice
推荐菜单:前菜Entrees:les Huitresg生蠔;主菜Plats:Croustillant de Daurade et Saumon et sonTartare de Fines Herbes精细的香料及芥末蛋黄酱绸鱼;甜点Desserts:Ganache aux Pruneaux Sauce au Cafe淋上巧克力鲜奶油的李子干。
还可以在街上的小吃店里品尝当地颇受欢迎的CONFISERIE(是一种以糖腌渍去皮的柳橙或柠檬、桃子等点心),还有“Pan- bagnat”,是法国包加洋葱、熟鸡蛋、吞拿鱼、橄榄等夹成的三文治;或者就喝杯依古法酿制的饮料,这样也就不难理解为什么当地人始终坚持传统的饮食习 惯了。


Jean Médecin大街
Jean Médecin大街及其附近集中了尼斯主要的专卖店、主街道商店和购物中心。Jean Médecin大街从Place Massena延伸到市中心,是尼斯许多百货公司及商店的聚集地。像Rue de France这样的大型购物场所;面向中低收入顾客的Vieille Ville;尼斯最大的百货公司Nouvelles Galleries基本上都在这一带。


尼斯的气候温和,每年有阳光的时间大约在2500小时左右。平均的气温在15°C 左右,7、8月份最高温度可达到40°C,在冬季(11月-2月)也不太冷,少有低于5°C的时候。夏季的水温在20-25°C左右。
1. 从2002年1月1日起,法国使用的官方流通货币为欧元。1欧元为100分或100生丁。硬币分为1, 2, 5, 10, 20和50 生丁,也有1 欧元和2 欧元的硬币。纸币为5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 和 500 欧元。如果用500欧元来消费通常很难找开。欧元可以在所有欧盟国家使用。
2.通过自动取款机(ATM)来取钱是最方便和划算的兑换方 式。在法国,从你的账户中取钱所获得的汇率一般比从银行或货币兑换商那里换要好一 些。你也可以用信用卡来取现金(但这种方式所需支付的手续费比较高,不划算)。在巴黎的城市中遍及国际性的带有联网功能的自动取款机。
银行标准上班时间 从9 am 到 4:30pm。周六、周日和公共假日休息。很多的银行只是在上午提供外币兑换的服务。
3.法国的医疗体系非常健全,世界卫生组织最近还肯定法国的卫生医疗体系为世界最好的体系之一。低成本和高品质是该体系的特点。在公立医院任何人,包括外国人在患病时都会得到及时的治疗(急诊室或外伤病房) 。
Hopital St Roch (设有急救设施的医院)
5 rue Pierre Devoluy
电话: +33 (0)4 92 03 33 33
Hopital Lenval Paediatric Hospital
57 ave de la Californie
电话: +33 (0)4 92 03 03 92
药房在正常营业时间以外也会提供服务。对于急诊病例,持医生开的药方可到有夜间值班的药房买药。该药房位于7 Rue Masséna. 电话: 04 9387 7894。
尼 斯机场是仅次于巴黎的法国第二大机场,巴黎飞尼斯每天有30个以上航班,航程1小时20分。若搭TGV则需2小时左右。尼斯国际机场 (Aéroport International Nice)是该地区的航空枢纽,距离尼斯市中心仅有7公里;从戛纳(Cannes)到该机场的路程也仅为27公里;而从摩纳哥(Monaco)到该机场则 只有33公里的路程。
尼斯机场与火车站之间有一趟直接往来的班车,单程票价为:3.50 欧元 ,往返票价为6.40欧元。
从 机场到蓝色海岸地区各主要城市的机场快线票价:戛纳(Cannes)单程票价:12.70 欧元,往返票价21 欧元;蒙特卡洛(Monte-Carlo)单程票价14.10 欧元,往返票价:23欧元;芒通(Menton)单程票价16.10 欧元,往返票价26欧元;格拉斯(Grasse)单程票价10.60 欧元。
尼斯有一种很方便的旅游通行卡:“阳光通行卡”( Sunpass),有了这张通行卡,就可以在尼斯城中自由利用“阳光巴士”(Sunbus)的各条公交线路进行游览活动。其中,也包括往来尼斯市中心与机场的巴士线路。
共有三种形式的通行卡: 1日通行卡,面值4欧元(只由巴士司机负责售卖); 5日通行卡,面值 12.96欧元;7日通行卡,面值16.77欧元。此外还有Sun maxi 卡,是多名旅客可一起使用的通行卡,并可在14个交通路线使用,面值16.00 欧元。
在尼斯的两个阳光巴士(Sunbus)销售处有售,地址: 菲利克斯·弗尔大街10号(10 avenue Félix Faure);马洛瑟娜大街29号(29 Avenue Mallausséna)。
尼 斯有数以千计的各种档次旅店,可选择的范围很广,同等档次的酒店比起其他著名旅游城市也不算高。我住的Comfort Hotel Nice Vieux Port就很值得推荐。这是一家二星级酒店,座落在港口附近,步行到港口2分钟,到城堡山丘或是海滩或是会议中心(Acropolis)都只要5分钟,到 长途汽车站10分钟,也有车直达火车总站。前台服务生态度都很好,房间内设施除了卫生间稍微小点,可以比拟大多数三星级的酒店。网上预定价格每晚40欧 元。
Top Ten Things to do in Nice, France: A sublime vacation spot on the French Riviera

Top Ten Things to do in Nice, France: A sublime vacation spot  on the French Riviera

In 1887, the French author Stéphen Liégeard published a book called La Côte d’Azur and the name stuck.
Nice, capital of the French Riviera, is a picture-perfect realization of a summer holiday paradise.With over 300 days of sunshine a year, its own, distinct gastronomy, a stunning beach promenade facing a vast choice of hotels, Nice itself is an attraction: the rich blue-green sea, diverse shopping, splendid dining and lovely art-deco façades. But there are several spots that a tourist simply must see, such as the Cours Saleya Flower Market, the Matisse Museum, ancient Roman ruins, the Russian Cathedral and more. When it comes to culture in France, only Paris boasts more museums and galleries; and, in Nice, all but one of the 20 are free.

Nice, France: Top Attractions Overview Video

1. Promenade des Anglais
The Promenade des Anglais, the little coastal road that was then used by about 100 English families and their carriages has today become one of the most clogged through fares in France. It is an eight-lane highway, 8 km (5 miles) long, on which only aggressive survive, and you need to be alert. Watch your window, too, if you stop at the lights in summer: resplendent with marching palms and flowerbeds, the Prom (even the french calling that way) has an automatic watering system and the sprinklers are liable to turn your car into a jacuzzi if your reflexes aren’t sharp enough.
Today’s scene on the Promenade des Anglais is very different from its 19th-century counterpart. When Henri Negresco’s palace first opened it’s door in 1913 they pointed north:150 years after Tobias Smollet introduced sea-bathing here, it still had not dawned on anyone that the future of tourism lay in hotels with resplendent fronts, not their backs, to the sea.
2. Vieux Nice, or Old Nice or Vieille Ville
Vieux Nice is Nice’s most colorful neighborhood – tiny serpentine alleys where countless shops, galleries and restaurants nestle among the stacked medieva; buildings with laundry hanging outside the windows like pastel banners. Once shunned as crime-plagued and poverty-stricken, it is fast becoming the city’s trendiest district. The main, place Rossetti, is home to two places of pilgrimage: the Cathédrale de Ste-Réparate, Nice’s patron saint, and the Fennicchio ice-cream palour.
Another favourite with the locals is the nearby Baroque Chapelle de l’Annonciation. A few blocks north-east, thorugh bustling streets of litlle shops, the Palais Lascaris is fascinating museum in a lavishly decorates 17th century home, a reminder that this was once the aristocratic quarter. Further up, rue Droite goes into rue St-François , busy with local food shops along with tourists trinkets and some curious ecological clothing. Place St-François is the city’s 17th century former town hall and the campanile from a former Franciscan monastery (entrance rue de la Tour).
But the heart of the vieille ville lies to the south, along Cours Saleya, where cut flowers perfume the air and the stalls plied high with lush fruit and vegetables, olives and candied fruit operate from dawn to lunch, Tuesday to Sunday; Niçois institution Chez Thérèse cheerfully touts her chickpea socca – the cheap but fulfilling snack that is Nice what the hotdog is to New York – from a stand every morning.
On Monday there are antiques, junk and second-hand clothes. All around, shoppers and onlookers crowd bars and eateries. There’s another fancy Baroque edifice on the cours itself, the Chapelle de la Miséricorde, but it is only open in visits organised by the Palais Lascaris. On neighbouring place du Palais de Justice there’s a book and print market on Saturdays. Towards the seafront, the Opera de Nice is grandly belle époque.
Rising up the eastern side of Vieux Nice is the Colline du Château, a grassy park with an impressive waterfall but not château: this was destroyed in the 18th century.If you don’t fancy the long slog up (steps climb from rue du Château or rue Ste Claire in the old town) to the magnificent view from the top, there is a lift (open 8am-6ampm daily) by the Tour Bellanda, home of the Musee Nval, on quai des Etats-Unis.
Continuing round the quai, or reached from place Garibaldi, you arrive to the attractive Vieux Port, which is lined with tall, colourful-washed houses, neo-classical chuch known as Notre-Dame-du-Port and plenty of simple cafe where you can snack on a pan-bagnat and watch the coming and going ferries to Corsica.
East of the Colline Château, the Parc Forestier le Mond Boron is an idyllic spot for a picnic, with winding paths through acres of aleppo pines and breathtaking views of the coast. Between the two hills, in an area still dotted with fanciful late 19th-century villas and documents the area’s earliest settlement.
3. Cours Saleya Flower Market
Nice’s famous Flower Market is one of the best attractions in the whole city. The edges are lined with cafés and souvenir shops, and the stands themselves are packed with amazing produce and myriad flowers. It operates six days a week, replaced on Mondays by a flea and antiques market.
4. Matisse Museum
The lovely and innovative art of Henri Matisse was inspired by the fresh colors and lines of Nice. Just take a look at any of his art peering out of balcony windows, and you will surely see the Riviera shoreline. This vast museum shows Matisse’s works from his more traditional early days to the end of his career. There are also some of his personal effects here. The museum gift shop features prints of the artist’s works.
5. Musée National Message Biblique Marc-Chagall
Housing the largest public collection of works by the Russian painter Marc Chagall (1887-1985), the museum was built in 1972 to hold the Biblical Message Cycle, a collection of 17 enormous canvases inspired by the Old Testament. Chagall’s style is nothing short of magical; brightly coloured goats, violins and floating humans.
The Chagall gallery is a third of the way up the long and steep boulevard de Cimiez, which terminates in the area much loved by Queen Victoria, Cimiez, crowned by extensive Roman remains, an olive grove, and the Musee Matise . Its a bit of a hike, but you can take a bus from Nice centre direct to Cimiez, take in the Matisse, take a leisurely stroll down hill to the Chagall, have a coffee in its outdoor cafe before finally returning to Nice centre.
6. Castle Hill – Colline du Chateau
The best reason to visit the chateau is for the spectacular panoramic view of the city and sea. The shaded hill and park, at the eastern end of quai des États-Unis, are named after a 12th-century château that was razed by Louis XIV in a fit of pique in 1706 and never rebuilt. You won’t actually see much of a castle (only a few sections of it remain).  To reach the park you can walk up montée Lesage, climb the steps at the eastern end of rue Rossetti or take the ascenseur (lift; per person €1.10; 9am-7pm) under Tour Bellanda.
7. Rue de France Pedestrian Zone
The Nice pedestrian zone, or “zone pietonne,” is a hub of activity. This is the place if you need to load up on souvenirs. Street entertainers frequent this area. There are gourmet shops, clothing shops, news stands, bookstores and more. (Check out the Ducs de Gascogne store for some real finds). Grab a café au lait and watch the world go by, nibble on a crepe, or visit in the evening for a robust meal with an Italian accent. This is just a lively spot!
8. Russian Orthodox Cathedral – Cathedrale Orthodoxe Russe St-Nicolas a Nice
What a juxtaposition: the traditional Russian onion towers in the background, and the tropical palm trees in the foreground. As odd a pairing as the two seem, the Russian Cathedral is just one of many Russian attractions in the city. The Russian aristocracy used Nice as a balmy getaway, and left their indelable mark on the Riviera city. The cathedral is the finest example, and provides a rare opportunity to experience the former U.S.S.R. on the Cote d’Azur.
9. Neptune Beach
Without a great deal of argument, Nepture is one of the finest private beaches in the city of Nice. Situated on the beautiful walkway of the Promenade des Anglais, the beach offers a range of luxurious facilities to guests looking to pamper themselves in first class surroundings. Visitors can choose to relax on the beach’s sun loungers, take a trip out on a pedalo, or watch the children enjoy themselves in the beach’s adventure playground. There’s plenty to keep the whole family entertained in between sightseeing trips around Nice.
10. Nice Archaeology Museum and Roman Ruins
The Russians weren’t the first to succumb to the allure of Nice. The ancient Romans also called the area home, and to this day visitors can see the ruins of a Roman arena and bathhouses at (or next to) this museum in the Nice Cimiez neighborhood (right next to the Matisse Museum). Inside, the archaeology museum houses an interesting mix of historic and archeological exhibits on the area.
