尽管尺寸超小,但这款包绝不是一个离合器-带有一根可调节的绳带!那是什么?Fendi 的长棍手袋!这很可能是最可爱最俏皮的一款标志性手袋。然而,用这只包的时候你必须摒弃那些不必要的累赘,因为,长棍手袋只适合于那些必备的日用品:唇 膏,耳机,钱。这款包是Fendi’s 97年手袋系列最新的版本。在HBO电视台播出的欲望都市 女主角Sarah Jessica Parker用了这只包,并使之迅速流行开来,自那以后便成为一款热门手袋。Fendi从不会让喜欢它的粉丝失望,在原版的基础上推出了更多的款式。今 天,你可以得到任意颜色的Fendi长棍手袋,或者当你难以抉择的时候,彩虹色的蟒纹长棍就是最好的选择!
Birkin包的尺寸有30CM、35CM、40CM、45CM等4个不同的选择,皮质却有90种不同的素材与颜色可以 选择(牛皮,羊皮,猪皮,以及比较珍贵的鳄鱼皮,鸵鸟皮以及蜥蜴皮)。价格从最基本的款式开始,5万人民币左右,到豪华的珍贵皮质为30万左右,不等。据 悉,一般顾客想买到马仕 (Hermès) 柏金包要等上6年,曾有传贝嫂维多利亚收集了超过100款Hermès包-包括一打各种型号颜色的铂金包!其中最著名的一款是柏金·喜马拉雅,鳄鱼皮,山 羊纹,以及镶有3克拉钻石的Hermès签名锁。如此奢华的表现,也就难怪至今为止仅有3只限量版的柏金·喜马拉雅包。
凯莉包命名自1950年代摩纳哥公主Grace Kelly,并因此声名鹊起。这位公主曾用这只包躲过媒体的灯光,隐瞒了自己未公开的怀孕信息。这张图迅速在世界范围内传开,一款新的Hermes包诞生 了。凯莉包虽然不是一款运动式的休闲手袋,但无论从款式还是细腻的制作工艺都和她的铂金姐妹包如出一辙。凯莉包是完美的商务宴会用包;正式,结构严谨,优 雅,经典。生产一只这样的包需耗时数周,从头至尾都由一名爱马仕工匠制作,因此想得到它绝非易事。但它的客户清单星光熠熠,如Grace Kelly公主和现今最著名时尚家。凯莉包也是肯尼迪夫人的最爱,你也常能看到Victoria Beckham带着它出镜。
Chanel 2.55手袋
这个故事源自可可·香奈儿厌倦了整天带包的习惯,想彻底解放双手,因此她在Chanel手袋上加了一根长长的细绳。 1955年,原版由可可亲自设计,经过修改的这款包被命名为“香奈儿2.55手袋”。这款包最传统的特征是配有线状条纹链节带的皮革,外部的棉絮革,勃艮 第风格的内衬,双C图案的锁或包前侧的“原创方扣”。但是,这款标志性手袋衍生出多种款式,备受如Milla Jovovich 和Claudia Schiffer等名流的厚爱。
Louis Vuitton路易威登Speedy包
Louis Vuitton的Speedy包是对他们糟糕的印有交织字母旅行袋的重新演绎。这款签名LV Speedy包表面布满交织字母,皮革手柄和帆布衬,内侧有一个拉链袋和 一个大大的拉链口。现在这款包有种不同的型号,从Speedy 25-40,还有更多颜色组合和不同的制作材质!LV Speedy包最著名的一款莫过于村上隆限量版字母系列。而最新的一款则是超模Agyness Deyn所热衷的涂鸦系列。
戴妃包最初90年代中期设计师Gianfranco Ferre设计,但是直到戴安娜王妃用了这只手袋才让它获得大众的青睐并树立标志性手袋的地位。这款包的设计简单得像一只四方形盒子,外部由棉花般柔软的 皮革制作而成,有结实的皮手柄和镶有D.I.O.R四个字母的金属悬挂件。简约的设计让这只包变得精致,优雅,任凭时间流逝也永不过时。过去这些年以来, 这只包在外观上变化甚微,但仍有多种颜色和皮革可供选择。现在这款包已经不是皇室成员的专属品,还在很多社会名流和影星间盛行。Mischa Barton 和 Michelle Yeoh就是戴妃包的簇拥者之一!
肩带包在上世纪50年代蹿红,肯尼迪夫人背着这只Gucci’s手袋出席各种场合并留影;自那以后这只包被命名为肩带 包。自重新命名以来这款包便名声大噪,成为最受欢迎的Gucci’s手袋之一。这款行囊包不仅款式经典;细节处理也让这只包变得极其实用,成为繁忙女性的 首选。原版肩带包有皮绳和金属索栓,一根皮质肩带,间距宽大,包身印有Gucci交纹字母和一横垂下的签名红绿条纹。然而,这款原版包现今以更大的尺寸和 “新肩带包”的名义亮相,在皮革流苏上添加了竹纹细节,边缘处有手工缝线,更为宽大的间隔,以及全新的色彩。这款带珊瑚革的新肩带包是号称“手袋女王”, 女演员Salma Hayek的最爱。
作为标志性手袋的新贵,机车包在Balenciaga’s 2001春季系列中展出。虽然推出时间不长,这款包却在名流间迅速走红!意大利牛皮工艺让这款包变得难以置信地柔软,灵活。手柄的尺寸完美贴合腕关节,可 拆卸肩带能方便地让你把包搭在肩上。前排和侧面拉链上的皮质蕾丝是非常俏皮的修饰,宽大的空间足以放置所有的日常物品。你还需要日用包做更多的吗?难怪你 几乎找不到不用这款标志性手袋的名人!
作为1846年在西班牙马德里起家的皮革设计品牌,Loewe在时尚界有着悠久的历史。然而,除了漫长的历史,这个品牌 正试图更贴近潮流,引进新的理念,并不断制作出经典时髦的高档皮革制品。Loewe’s第一款手袋便是Amazona,一款简练传统的手袋的,100%奢 华的感觉。Amazona手袋一边有4个L组成的梦幻签名,手柄底端带有锁扣。当然上等皮革及制作工艺是最大的卖点!现在Amazona在型号,选皮,装 饰品和颜色等方面都多种选择,但经典的形象仍然使其成为无可争议的标志性手袋。卓越的品质也让Loewe’s皮革制品和Amazona手袋为欧洲皇室的成 员们所钟爱。
An "It-Bag" is a designer handbag that is deemed the "must-have" item of the moment as a result of a combination of celebrity usage, clever marketing techniques, superior quality and their ability to represent the mood of the season. They are generally produced in limited edition quantities.
A lady’s bag tells the story of her fabulous self. It is only proper to say that the previous statement stands for why and how a bag is chosen and what is that particular reason, making a certain lady pick a certain bag from a world full of bag choices. These are the 10 most famous "It" bags of seasons past and present, that we feel every handbag enthusiast should own, or at least know about.
10. YSL Muse- The Straight Liner
Well…when a bag has fans like Jessica Alba and Katie Holmes, one can only be sure that that bag is here to stay. Stars like Naomi Watts, J. Lo and Linsay Lohan are posing with this bag on their arm while toting the streets on star business.It happens that this bag was created for a glamorous woman, simple but smart, organized and into details. The Muse can be found in a variation of colors from white ,to blue and grey, the latest release –Anthracite giving a sassy note to any outfit it is wore with.
It is the ideal bag for a business meeting or for a Sunday brunch with the girlfriends.
9. Prada Gauffre – The Elegant
My, oh, my…we love Prada! The Gauffre creation made of Nappa leather was born in the Prada autumn collection 2006-2007 and turned out to be a keeper. Since then appeared on the arm of stars like Madonna, Beyonce and Posh Spice –Victoria Beckham.The most wearable version comes in brown and has populated the Hollywood streets assorted to all kinds of outfits.
Jessica Simpson wore it with jeans and T-shirt and Halle Berry with a cute white dress. The Prada Gauffre fits a sport stylish look for a casual afternoon walk.
Like all Prada bags is designed to fit a practical but elegant women ready to go hunting for the latest Prada shoes or simply take her child for a walk in the park and looking fabulous while doing it.
Living for the power of example this Prada is the example how an ordinary “liver bag” can be glue-able to a fashion icon statement.
8. Louis Vuitton Monogram Speedy 30 – The Urban
The everyday bag of stars is large, smartly designed to fit the need of a cosmopolite lady on her travels through the city. Born in 1993 out of the idea of creating the perfect luxurious city bag was brought back in black in 2003 with the famous multicolor monogram.Louis Vuitton Monogram Speedy 30 is the ultimate shopping bag designed to fit everything from a make-up kit to a brake-up kit with a small Chihuahua in between if the wearer should feel compiled to take her pet for a walk in the city.
This comfortable but stylish hand bag is the favorite of stars like Jessica Simpson, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Britney Spears and of course Paris Hilton.
7. Fendi Spy – The Sexy
How about a gorgeous but nevertheless sexy bag of every woman’s dream? So popular because it’s mentioning in the “Sex and the City” TV show, this fabulous Fendi is seen on the arm of fresh beauties like Ashley Simpson and Kim Kardashian.This queen of purses released in 2006 comes in banana shape, with short handles, in the every hip color from black to red and even crocodile, fitting both the hot slender dress and the skinny jeans. In short the Fendi is the “IT” item for a hot presence that spices up the city.
6. Fendi Bag de Jour – The Sassy
Another fabulous Fendi , this time carrying a logo moves on to the top. Cool lining and bold color is the definition of this bag. Relatively new on the top of the most craved “IT” bags has brought hysteria after being seen the “Sex and the City –The movie “- on the arm of Samantha.Every girl was astonished reading after in “What’s Haute” magazine that this particular Fendi is considered to be the sassiest on the market.
It was seen wore by Kim Kardashian, Beyonce and Lady Gaga. The bag comes in many colors but red is always the most spectacular in combination with red shoes of course.
5. Alexander McQueen Novak- The Classy
Originally released in the fall of 2005, the Novak by Alexander McQueen brought into the “IT” handbag world the bitter-sweet memory of Alfred Hitchcock’s thrillers and the classic elegance of his leading lady Kim Novak.The low number of releases made this classic handbag to be a treasure hunt for all the feminine collectors. It was seen wore by Christina Aguilera and Pink but also many more other stars.
The twister of weaved leather details is its distinctive marker and turns this handbag in a logical choice for a business meeting of an afternoon cocktail. It goes with trench-coats but also with a Jackie O style outfit.
4. Hermes Birkin- The Fabulous
So very popular in “Sex and the City” (remember Samantha going crazy to buy one) the handbag of the ladies that adore being bold and on top of fashion trends, this Hermes is the voice of every fashionista into a sassy/elegant look.It is the star handbag among starts, the Rolls Royce of purses, soliciting the pocket, the nerves and the patience of anyone who craves it. On the market are over 8000 models in colors like green, orange, purple, black or white, made of regular leather or crocodile skin with gold or diamonds locket.
The Birkin is on the list of the 50 things you have to buy before you die; it is the ultimate “IT” and promises to stay on top for a very long time.
3. Balenciaga ‘City’ Motorcycle –the Universal
You can say this bag goes with everything and saying this you should mean it. Black, or auburn, grey or pretty pink the bag is spotted on the streets accompanying trainers, ballet shoes, flip flops, louboutins, sandals and boots.This “IT” bag goes perfectly with colorful dresses, skinny jeans, shirts and tunics and the list can go on. It seems to be preferred by Sarah Jessica Parker, Olsen twins, Mandy Moore and many more as design stands out through paralleled studs, bottom buckles and ultra long straps.
It is the perfect bag for your favorite presentation but also for hunting your favorite pair of boots.
2. Louis Vuitton Satin Plisse Matelasse
Strong new entry in the top of most wanted “IT” purses part of the fall collection 2009, this elegant purse is on the “lips” of all the fashion forums.All of us know that Fergie was given one after presenting it and that Paris Hilton called the Vuitton house trying to buy one before it became available.
These are valuable proofs that this bag is going to stay with the “IT” wave for a very long time.
1. Chloe Paddington –The Boho-Chic
With the handles fixed by teardrop pieces, a cinched key and side buckles this 2005 smart handbag stands out by it’s multitude of choice assortments. It is a bag with personality named by Vogue as the leader of the top five, elegant yet freedom style, practical yet chic. Halle Barry prefers it and so does Mischa Barton.Chloe Paddington is the “IT” bag for a romantic lady but also the perfect handbag for a stylish star like look. The colors are many but the most lovable is the whiskey.
The number one wearer, Sienna Miller wears it on the street, while shopping and dining and even while eating ice cream. The bag fits perfectly a bohemian romantic style.