
Beijing Impression: 2nd to 6th Ring Road 【北京印象】二三四五六环路 (组图)














北京二环路 2nd Ring Road (Beijing)

  二环路是第一条环城快速公路,二环路于1992年9月建成通车,它是我国第一条全封闭、全立交、没有红绿灯的城市快速环路。二环路处于北京道路路网的 核心位置,围绕旧城而建,全长32.7公里。沿线共建桥、桥、东便门桥、广渠门桥、光明桥、左安门桥、玉蜓桥、永定门桥、陶然桥、右安门桥、菜户营桥、广 安门桥、天宁寺桥、复兴门桥、阜成门桥、官园桥、桥、积水潭桥、安定门桥、桥、东直门桥、东四十条桥等。
  2002年9月,二环路完成全线铺设沥青路面和桥区、辅路路口“渠化”的改造工程。同时,新增有关交通规章的宣传标志,并在出入口增加了大量的合流标 志。改造后的二环路路面光滑平稳,主路出入口都进行了调整,立交桥桥区200米之内不再设有出入口,以避免主辅路车流交叉,同时,增加路口的车道数量,从 而使主路通行能力提高。据统计,01年二环路机动车辆行驶速度保持在48公里/时,经过改造后车速每小时可提高10公里。

Located in the central of Beijing, the 2nd Ring Road (二环路, èr huán lù) is just a few kilometres away from the city center and is a convenient alternative road to avoid congestion there. One can divide the road into two parts: the original ring road (the southern part of the original ring road is now excluded from the current ring road), and the newly extended ring road.

Gates and the 2nd Ring Road

The 2nd Ring Road passed through a number of the old city gates around Beijing before they were demolished in the 1950s and 1960s. Some particular ones are:

* Xizhimen
* Deshengmen
* Andingmen
* Dongzhimen
* Chaoyangmen
* Dongbianmen
* Yongdingmen
* Xibianmen
* Fuxingmen
* Fuchengmen



北京三环路 3rd Ring Road (Beijing)

北京三环路全长48公里,共建有41座立交桥,是北京市城区的一条的环形城市快速路。 北三环路于1994年全线按快速路标准建成通车,设计时速80公里。


北京三环路上可乘地铁的地点有和平西桥(5号线),大钟寺(13号线),刘家窑(5号线),三元桥(10号线和机场快轨),10 号地跌从三元桥开始沿着东三环到劲松,还有1号线与三环的两个交点处公主坟和国贸。

The 3rd Ring Road (Simplified Chinese:三环路; Hanyu Pinyin:Sān Huán Lù) is a 48-kilometer city ring road that encircles the centre of the city of Beijing.

When Beijing first became the capital of the People's Republic of China, the road existed only in segments encircling the northern, eastern and southern part of the city. At the time, it was known as Beihuan (North Ring), Donghuan (East Ring) and Nanhuan (South Ring). The 3rd Ring Road was finally finished in 1994 with the completion of the western segment. There are 52 bridges, including Sanyuanqiao, which links it to the Airport Expressway. The speed limit is a uniform 80 km/h.

The 3rd Ring Road is notorious for its traffic jams. The eastern segment, which runs through Beijing's central business district (CBD), is regularly gridlocked during rush hour.

The ring road runs through the busy CBD section in the east through Panjiayuan and Fenzhongsi, linking up with the Jingjintang Expressway. It continues south toward Muxiyuan and Yuquanying, linking up with the Jingkai Expressway. It next proceeds west, linking up with the Jingshi Expressway before running into the western segment, which is linked with the Wukesong residential area, TV broadcasting centres, and, in the northwest, Zhongguancun IT zone. The northern segment is equally busy, running through Beitaipingzhuang, with links to the Badaling Expressway and the new Jingcheng Expressway (with the link to Jingcheng Expressway nearing completion).

An underground line of the Beijing Subway (Line 10) is being constructed under the eastern segment of the 3rd Ring Road and is slated for completion by 2008.


北京四环路 4th Ring Road (Beijing)

  在1990年北京举行第十一届亚运会之前,四环路的部分路段,主要是北四环学院路到四元桥路段,就已经建成并通车。但整个四环路的建设持续了十余年。 1999年中华人民共和国成立五十周年之际,东四环路建成并通车。一年以后,北四环的其余路段,西四环,建成通车。到2001年6月,整个四环路全部连成 一体。
  全线贯通后的四环路贯穿海淀、朝阳、丰台三区,途经亚运村、中关村、丰台高科技园区、北京经济技术开发区、东郊电子城等,与北京首都国际机场、京通、 京沈、京津塘、京开、京石、八达岭等高速公路和数十条城市干道相连,庞大的城市系统交通网络把周边的黄金区域串连起来,提升了各地的优势,从而极大地提高 了整个城市的品质。
  四环路是按照高速公路的标准设计的,这一点在车道宽度、道路标志、紧急停车带、中途加油站和出入口的设计上均得到体现。建成之初的设计时速为 100km/h。后来由于城市的发展与扩张,四环路承载的交通流量日益增大,北京市遂将四环路的最高行车时速限制为80km/h。这样一来,四环路从一条 高速公路降级为城市快速路。但截至2005年5月,这条路仍然是国内标准最高、规模最大的城市快速环路。
  * 八达岭高速公路
  * 京承高速公路
  * 北京机场高速公路
  * 京通快速路
  * 京沈高速公路
  * 京津塘高速公路
  * 京开高速公路
  * 京石高速公路

The 4th Ring Road (Hanyu Pinyin: Si Huan Lu) is an express route ring road inBeijing, China which runs around the city approximately 8 kilometres from the centre of the city.

Although it is the city's third ring road, it is named the 4th Ring Road.

Basic Route: Siyuan Bridge - Chaoyang Park Area - Sihui - Sifang Bridge - Shibalidian - Dahongmen - Majialou - Yuegezhuang Bridge - Fengtai Area - Sijiqing Area - Zhongguancun Area - Jianxiang - Asian Games Village Area - Wanghe Bridge - Siyuan Bridge




北京五环路 5th Ring Road (Beijing)

  全长99公里的五环路上共架设大小立交桥70余座,几乎汇集了北京已有的各种桥梁式样,其中占地数百亩、投资超亿元的大型互通式立交桥就多达13座。 这是北京市第一条环城高速公路。于2003年11月1日全线建成并通车,全程九十八公里,可以在一个小时内按照限速行驶一整圈。
  五环路上最具特色的立交桥当属石景山南站高架桥,它是北京第一座转体斜拉桥,高高耸立的倒Y字形主塔与6组斜拉钢索构成的简洁造型将为北京立交桥增添 一道靓丽风景。除斜拉桥外,苜蓿叶加定向匝道式、标准苜蓿叶式、菱形立交、环形立交、顶进箱体桥等北京已有的桥梁样式在五环路上也一应俱全。
  同时跨越机场高速和京顺路的五元桥是五环路上规模最大的立交桥,占地800多亩,整体造型轻盈优雅,十几条定向匝道如飘带般在主桥周围延展,过往车辆 转到各个方向都极为顺畅。像这样的特大互通式立交桥在五环路上还有7座。跨越京沈高速的五方桥线条流畅,匝道呈同心环状分布,四个巨大的足球型绿化造景点 缀其间,充分体现五环奥运大道的特色;紧邻圆明园跨越清河的肖家河桥为了不影响周围景观,将匝道全部移到了北侧,并尽可能压低路基拉长桥身,确保立交桥不 对圆明园景区形成视觉干扰。

Beijing's 5th Ring Road (Simplified Chinese: 五环路, Traditional Chinese: 五環路, Hanyu Pinyin: Wǔ Huán Lù, China Road Numbering: S001 (Beijing)) is a ring road encircling the city about 10 kilometers away from the city centre. It takes the form of an expressway (although it is being modified in part as a city express road) and is 98 kilometres in length. Being a ring road, it has no natural start or end point, although the "0 km" mark is found near the northeastern stretch at Laiguangying, at the intersection with the Jingcheng Expressway. The expressway ring road is a provincial-level road in Beijing municipality.

All of Beijing's expressways, except for the Jingha Expressway, are interlinked with the 5th Ring Road.

Portions of the expressway have a maximum speed limit of 90 km/h, with the remainder imposing a speed limit of 100 km/h. There is a universal minimum speed limit of 50 km/h.

Six lanes (three up, three down) form the expressway ring road.

北京西六环建成通车 六环路实现全线贯通

北京市六环路 6th Ring Road (Beijing)

北京市六环路是中国国内最长环状高速路,六环路始建于一九九八年,全线于2009年9月建成通车。总长一百八十七点六公里,全线封闭、全立交、双向四至六 车道,路基宽二十六至二十八点五米,设计行车速度为每小时八十至一百公里。六环路占目前北京市高速公路里程的百分之二十以上,直接连接昌平、顺义等七个新 城,是北京市域里程最长、连接新城和市域人口最多的一条高速公路。





The 6th Ring Road (Simplified Chinese: 六环路, Hanyu Pinyin: Liu Huan Lu) is an expressway ring road in Beijing,China which runs around the city approximately 15-20 kilometres from the centre of the city.

Although it is the city's fifth ring road, it is named the 6th Ring Road.

Basic Route: Liuyuan Bridge - Liqiaozhen - Sanhui Bridge - Zhangjiawan - Majuqiao - Huangcun - Liangxiang - Mentougou - Zhaikou/Wenquan - Xishatun - Gaoliying - Huosiying - Liuyuan Bridge
