
Usain Bolt 9.69sec 100m world record dash at Beijing Olympics

World's Fastest Man - Jamaica's `Lightning' Usain Bolt won the Beijing Olympic 100 meters gold medal in a world record 9.69 seconds at Beijing National Stadium - Bird's Nest on August 16, 2008

The 21-year-old - who held the old record of 9.72secs - beat Richard Thompson of Trinidad and Tobago (9.89secs) while Walter Dix of the United States was third in a time of 9.91secs.

Watch Video of Usain Bolt 100m world record 9.69 sec dash at the 2008 Beijing Olympics

816晚,在国家体育场鸟巢9万多名观众的助威声中,北京奥运会田径比赛结束了最引人关注的男子百米飞人大战。最终,状态极佳的世界纪录保持者--牙买加名将尤塞恩·博尔特以969的惊人成绩夺得金牌, 并打破了这个项目的奥运会纪录和世界纪录,这也是牙买加人首次摘得奥运会百米飞人大战的桂冠。特立尼达和多巴哥选手理查德·汤普森以989获得银牌,美国的沃尔特 ·迪克斯以991排在第三位,他们两人都跑出了个人的最好成绩。
