
Beijing Olympics Closing Ceremony on August 24, 2008

Highlights of the closing ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games

* World-famous Spanish tenor Placido Domingo will grace the stage in a duet with
Chinese soprano star Song Zuying on August 24, 2008, the last day of the over two-
week long Olympics.

* The program would feature elements of culture from Yunnan province, in south-
western China.

* A kung fu display featuring 350 practitioners from a Bejiing martial arts school

* An ensemble of 60 players of the erhu, a Chinese string instrument.

* Renowned Chinese director Zhang Yimou, chief director for both the opening and
closing ceremonies, said that the show's climax would be the extinguishing of the
Olympic flame.

* The Beijing olympic closing ceremony will be at the National Stadium, aka Bird's Nest,
as was the opening ceremony.

* London, host of the 2012 Olympics, will perform an eight-minute dance show during
the ceremony

* David Beckham will be driven into Beijing national stadium, the Bird's Nest, onboard
London's iconic red double-decker Routemaster bus, before dismounting to kick
footballs with children representing every country in the world.

* British popstar Leona Lewis, X Factor 2006 winner, will perform a duet with Led
Zeppelin guitarist Jimmy Page

* Dancers from urban group ZooNation will be joined by performers from the Royal
Ballet and CandoCo, a disabled dance company.

* London Mayor Boris Johnson will be handed the Olympic host flag from Jacques
Rogge, chairman of the International Olympic Committee.


奥运会主办方已经做好应急预案,防止意外事件的发生,闭幕式上最大的威胁就是下 雨。雨水会使闭幕式表演中的一部分被迫取消或者进行调整。据悉,闭幕式也会在国家体育场“鸟巢”举行,并且在交接仪式上,本次奥运会主办方会为2012年 的主办城市伦敦空出8分钟的舞蹈表演时间。
英国《每日镜报》已经揭秘,在这段表演时间内,英国足球明星贝克汉姆将闪亮登 场。他会在登上伦敦标志性的红色双层巴士顶层的时候,向看台上的观众踢出一个代表“来自伦敦的邀请”的足球。当大家倒数2012年伦敦奥运会倒计时开始的 时候,众多英国舞者会表演芭蕾舞以及霹雳舞。
