Buckingham Palace
The tour starts in the Guard Room; allows a peek inside the State Dining Room (all red damask and Regency furnishings); then moves on to the Blue Drawing Room, with a gorgeous fluted ceiling by John Nash; to the White Drawing Room, where foreign ambassadors are received; and to the Ballroom, where official receptions and state banquets are held. The Throne Room is pretty hilarious with kitschy his-and-hers pink chairs initialled ‘ER’ and ‘P’, sitting smugly under what looks like a theatre arch. The most interesting part of the tour (for all but royal sycophants) is the 76.5m-long Picture Gallery, featuring splendid works by artists such as Van Dyck, Rembrandt, Canaletto, Poussin, Canova and Vermeer, although the likes of these and much more are yours for free at the National Gallery. Wandering the gardens is another highlight here – it’s bound to give you a real royal feeling. Book in advance for disabled access.
Buckingham Palace
Address: Buckingham Palace Rd SW1
Transport: Metro at St James’s Park, Victoria or Green Park
Website: www.royalcollection.org.uk
Email: buckinghampalace@royalcollection.org.uk
Phone: behindertengerechter Zugang : 7766 7324
7766 7300
Price: adult/child/concession/family £15.50/8.75/14/39.75
Hours: 9.30am-4.30pm 28 Jul-25 Sep, timed ticket with admission every 15min
前往白金汉宫游美术馆 观“御花园”
白 金汉宫(Buckingham Palace)是一座位于伦敦的英王寝宫。建造在威斯敏斯特城内,是一座四层楼的正方形围院建筑,宫内有典礼厅、音乐厅、宴会厅、画廊等六百余个房间。在 宫前广场有胜利 女神像站在高高的大理石台上,金光闪闪。正面的大门富丽堂皇,外栅栏的金色装饰威严庄重,厚重铁门的浮雕营造出与宫殿十分和谐的氛围。围墙里面,可以看到 那些著名的近卫军士兵纹丝不动地伫立着。周围占地广阔的御花园,为典型的英式风格园林。 白金汉宫建于1703年,最早称白金汉屋,意思是“他人的家”。1762年,王室将其买下,又不断加以改装、增建,最终形成了这座色调不尽一致,式样五花 八门的“补丁宫殿”。当女王住在宫中时,王室旗帜会在宫殿中央高高飘扬。交 通
地铁St James’s Park站或Victoria站下,位于购物广场的西南角。
门 票/开 放 时 间