全球购物天堂,有着华丽的百货,顶级的奢侈品,已经相当完善的旅游设施供购物狂们海量Shopping, 今天就为大家盘点全球10个最奢华的购物圣地,奢华无极限。
女孩心中的明星梦——美国纽约第五大道 (The 5th Avenue, New York)
2006年全球租金最昂贵商业街排名第一;第五大道是美国最著名的高档商业街,Dior、Herms、Cartier、Gucci、 Versace、Chanel、Escada、零售品牌A&F等大牌旗舰店,汇聚诺基亚旗舰店和苹果电脑商店等世界最著名的珠宝、皮件、服装、化 妆品名牌的旗舰店和专卖店。此处也是好莱坞巨星、各国的达官富豪、社交名媛们最喜爱的购物场所。用奢华来形容第五大道,最恰当不过。初次慕名来此街,往往来不及欣赏那些名店里精心粉饰的橱窗风景,就早已经被商店的名字所震撼了。LV全球最大的 旗舰店、专卖上世纪20年代服饰的HenriBendel、颇受名媛淑女钟爱的Fendi、高雅的Chanel、一流设计师作品的 BergdorfGoodman商场……BergdorfGoodman是这里最高档的商场,集合了200多家女性品牌和100多家男装店,近10万元人 民币一件的裘皮大衣,上万元的裙子举目皆 是。据说,在这家百货商场里穿着牛仔裤和 T恤购物是不太适合的。此外,以名贵珠宝首饰著名Saks百货公司、被称为“香水化妆品博物馆”的Sephora都是第五街赫赫有名的名店。哪个品牌若能 在这里开店就是进入了世界一流品牌领域的最好明证。
纽约第五大道(the 5th avenue)景点:
帝国大厦、纽约公共图书馆、第61街附近的PIERRE酒店,第59街上的PLAZA酒店都位于中央公园周边。面向南方,有TIFFANY,GUCCI这 样的名店。这些经典名店之间还有PULITZER喷泉,ROCKEFELLER中心和圣PATRCK′S大教堂。
Fifth Avenue, New York City
If you’re a fashion-focused NYC tourist, shopping at the New York stores on Fifth Avenue is a definite must during your stay in the Big Apple. NY shopping is an entirely different experience than shopping in another city, especially along this historical road. Located in the center of Manhattan, the best Fifth Avenue shopping takes place between 39th and 60th Street at NYC flagship stores. Whether you are searching for the latest fashions, NY souvenirs, or useful housewares, New York outlets on Fifth Ave cater to every taste and budget.
The heart of Manhattan retail spans Fifth Avenue from the upper 40s to 57th Street and across. Tiffany & Co., which has long reigned supreme, sits a stone’s throw from NIKETOWN and the huge Louis Vuitton flagship at the corner of 57th Street and Fifth Avenue. In addition, a good number of mainstream retailers, such as Banana Republic, have flagships along Fifth, shifting the breadth of higher-end shopping to Madison Avenue north of 59th Street. You will find a number of big-name, big-ticket designers radiating from the crossroads, including Versace, Chanel, Dior, and Cartier. You’ll also find big-name jewelers here, as well as grand old department stores such as Bergdorf Goodman, Henri Bendel, and Saks Fifth Avenue—all Fifth Avenue mainstays that must at least be browsed, even if your budget won’t allow for more than longing glances.
How to Get to Fifth Ave New York Shops
There are more than a few ways you can easily get to Fifth Ave shopping in NY, either by car, bus, or subway. Because parking is hard to find and expensive, the easiest way to get to shopping in NYC is by bus or subway.
By Bus: Using M1, M2, M3, M4 or M5 buses will all lead to stops along Fifth Avenue.
By Subway: Use train F and exit at Lexington Ave/63rd Street, use trains E or M and exit at Fifth Ave/53rd Street, use trains N, Q, or R and exit at Fifth Ave/59th Street, use trains 4, 5, or 6 and exit at Lexington Ave/59th Street, or use trains 4 or 6 and exit at 68th Street/Hunter College or Lexington Ave/77th Street.
By Car: From the East/Lincoln Tunnel, head Southeast (toll road) and exit at West 40th Street (partial toll road), turn right at West 40th Street, left onto 8th Ave, once approaching the traffic circle, take the third exit onto Central Park West, turn right onto Fifth Avenue. From the West/Long Island Expressway (toll road), travel Northwest toward East 37th Street, then turn right at Tunnel Exit Street, turn left at the second cross street onto East 39th Street, turn right onto Madison Ave, and left onto East 61st Street, left onto Fifth Ave.
Parking: If you would like to use valet services while you’re shopping at the outlets in New York, valet parking is located at 870 Fifth Avenue. Various parking garages near 5th Ave NYC are located at 575 Madison Ave, 35-39 East 61st Street, and 860 Fifth Avenue.
浪漫不需要理由——法国巴黎香榭丽舍大道(Avenue des Champs-Élysées)
繁华的香榭丽舍大街一直是巴黎时尚的象征,宽阔的林阴大道,林立两侧数不清的大商店和穿梭其中来自世界各地的俊男倩女都是香街的亮点。法语中Elysees有着极乐世界的意思,到了香榭丽舍大道才真正体会到了名字的意境,因为没有一条商业街可以像香榭丽舍这样,在如此昂贵的商业地 带设立700米长的林荫大道,也找不到如同卢浮宫和凯旋门这样的历史文化胜地给香榭丽舍带来的韵味和价值。它高雅、浪漫、华丽,是闻名的繁华商业街,决不 流于物质欲望的俗气。
Avenue des Champs-Élysées is one of the most famous streets and one of the most expensive strip of real estate in the world
Ave des Champs-Élysées (pronounced chahnz-eleezay, with an “n” sound instead of “m” and no “p”) links place de la Concorde with the Arc de Triomphe. The avenue has symbolised the style and joie de vivre of Paris since the mid-19th century and today despite unrelenting traffic and the intrusion of chain stores and fast-food restaurants, the avenue still sparkles. There’s always something happening here: the stores are open late—and many are open on Sunday (a rarity in Paris), the nightclubs remain top destinations, and the cafés offer prime people-watching—though you’ll pay for the privilege: after all, this is Europe’s most expensive stretch of real estate. Along the 2-km (1¼-mi) stretch, you can find the marquee names in French luxury, including Cartier, the perfumier Guerlain, and Louis Vuitton. Newer arrivals, like the cavernous Sephora are fun to check out because, in the bigger-is-better spirit of the Champs, there are often events and giveaways. Car manufacturers try to out-bling each other with space-age showrooms. Old stalwarts are still going strong, if a bit faded, like the Lido cabaret and Fouquet’s, whose celebrity clientele extends from James Joyce to President Nicolas Sarkozy, who celebrated his election night victory at this restaurant in May 2007. The avenue is also the setting for the last leg of the Tour de France bicycle race (the third or fourth Sunday in July), and ceremonies on Bastille Day (July 14) and Armistice Day (November 11). The Champs-Élysées, which translates as “Elysian Fields” (the resting place of the blessed in Greek mythology), began life as a cow pasture and in 1666 was transformed into a park by the royal landscape architect André Le Nôtre. Traces of its green origins are visible near Concorde, where elegant 19th-century park pavilions house the historic restaurants Ledoyen, Laurent, and Le Pavillon Élysées Lenôtre.
巴黎奢侈品的地标——法国巴黎蒙田大道 (Avenue Montaigne, Paris)
皮具世家LOEWE位于蒙田大道46号,这也是LOEWE在巴黎唯一的专卖店。通到底的落地式橱窗将它们的商品展露无疑,透明的水晶架上悬挂着一款 款精美的设计,体现了世界一流皮具世家的风范。大道10号是PRADA旗舰店,它更像是个欧式小庭院,白色栅栏将整个店面包围起来,门脸虽不大,设计上却 非常优雅别致,让人在繁华的商业街区体会到一种不同的悠然和平静。
名牌旗舰店在巴黎有好几家,每家分售的货品不同,所以分清楚哪里有你要的东西很重要。比如Chanel在巴黎总共有4家,分别位于 31rueCambon, 42avenueMontaigne, 21rueduFaubourgStHonor和22ruedeSvres。
Avenue Montaigne, Paris
Avenue Montaigne is one of the most exclusive shopping streets in the world – it just doesn’t get much more haute than this, darling. They’re all here, all those incredibly expensive, luxurious boutiques that strike fear in the heart of even the most well-padded wallet: Chanel, Dior, Nina Ricci, Celine, Valentino, Max Mara, Genny, Krizia, Escada, Loewe, Marni, Emanuel Ungaro, Prada,Pucci, Calvin Klein, Louis Vuittom, and Dolce & Gabbana. Many of the boutiques are housed in exquisite mansions with wrought-iron gates in front. On the sidewalks, princess-cum-model-cum-trust-fund types canter along in tiny heeled boots with lacquered packages dangling off their bir-thin wrists.
Getting there: Metro Alma Marceau (Line 9), Franklin D. Roosevelt (Lines 1 and 9), George V (Line 1), RER A (Charles de Gaulle-Etoile)
最让男人纠结的地方——瑞士苏黎士班霍夫大街 (Bahnhofstrasse, Zürich)
苏黎士是瑞士最大的城市,其著称于世的豪华商品常引无数购物狂人竞相来此朝圣。苏黎士的霍夫大街,是一条南北向的大道,从火车总站一直到苏黎士湖 畔,总长不过一公里多一点,但是,这条街道商品的档次可以和纽约曼哈顿第五大街媲美。街道两旁陈列着各种极为华贵的商品,是追求世界顶级名牌的富商们购物 的圣地。据说有富人不惜飞越半个地球来此疯狂购物。这条大道上,囊括了格罗布斯和耶尔莫利两座耀眼的消费天堂,及有“苏黎士精灵”之誉的五大银行总部。两旁的商店都陈列着华贵的商品,古董珍宝、名贵皮草、珠宝首饰、令人迷醉的法国香水,这是追求世界名牌的圣地。
但这些都不是吸引男人的因素,要知道瑞士可是名表的发源地,腕表是男人品味的一种象征,那种金属的质感和机械的构造,就像生命的激情,震荡着每个男 人的内心。但如同对车的执着追求一样,一块好的腕表并不是唾手可得的,当看着梦想的顶级机械腕表就在眼前却标价高昂时,恐怕纠结的心情丝毫不比女人逊色。
瑞士大多数商店接受欧元,但找零往往是瑞士法郎。最好在瑞士购物时将瑞士法郎全部花掉,因为欧洲其他国家不接受瑞士法郎。在瑞士选择用信用卡消费也 很方便。持有EC卡或美国银行卡的游客,一般都能从瑞士的ATM机上取款。除瑞士法郎外,还可以从ATM机上提取美元和欧元。不过,班霍夫大街上的商铺一 般下午5点就打烊,休息日是坚决不开门的。
Bahnhofstrasse, Zürich, Switzerland
The world-famous shopping precinct was created following the construction of Zürich Main Station on the very site where 150 years ago the city’s fortified moat was located. 1.4 kilometers in length, it connects Zürich Main Station to Lake Zürich on the left bank of the River Limmat. From Cartier to Chanel, Bvlgari to Burberry, Ferragamo to Fendi, Department stores, boutiques and jewelry shops are strung together like pearls on a chain.
The further along Bahnhofstrasse you go in the direction of Lake Zürich, the more exclusive the shops become.The two biggest Swiss banks, the UBS and the Credit Suisse Group, have their headquarters here.The world famous chocolate shop and cafe, Sprungli is located on Banhoffstrasse.
From Bahnhofstrasse, Rennweg and Augustinergasse lead to the picturesque old town.
购物刚刚开始——阿联酋购物中心(Mall of the Emirates, Dubai)
如果想在购物过程中享用美食,阿联酋购物中心可以提供丰富的选择。可以试试Apres—一处滑雪旅馆式的场所,适合在那里简单地喝上一 杯,或吃点干酪之类的食品。迪拜滑雪村附近有一家Sezzam餐厅,拥有种类繁多的全球各色美食。Butcher’sShop是一家从南非引入的优秀餐厅 ——店内提供的新鲜干肉片和口感绝佳的牛排绝对不容错过。
Mall of the Emirates, Dubai
Mall of the Emirates, currently Dubai’s largest shopping center at 2,399,480 square feet, has more than 450 shops and department stores, with a comprehensive combination of designer and main street brands, fashion, housewares, and a souk for souvenirs. Department stores Harvey Nichols and Debenhams have their largest stores in the Middle East here, and more than 60 stores have made their Middle Eastern debut in this mall. A large Carrefour supermarket sells food, inexpensive clothing, and other domestic essentials. The complex was designed to be more than just a retail heaven, with sporting events, arts, and entertainment in addition to shopping. Ski Dubai (is the first indoor slope in the Gulf area. There’s also a multiscreen cinema complex, Magic Planet (a children’s adventure and play area, and a community theater company.
家门口的诱惑——中国香港太古广场 (Pacific Place, Hong Kong)
Pacific Place, Hong Kong
One of Hong Kong’s swankiest malls, Pacific Place is palatial, and more reminiscent of a hotel than a shopping mall. Set over three levels, the top floors feature swank boutiques and designer shops, including a branch of local department store Lane Crawford, while the lower levels feature more ordinary shops. The mall is connected to the relaxing Hong Kong Park, and boasts three of Hong Kong’s most upmarket hotels, as well as a cinema and a number of restaurants. 88 Queensway, Admiralty.
国际名家设计师的聚集地——德国法兰克福歌德大街 (Zeil, Frankfurt)
位于德国的中部,是德国商业及制造业的中心,也是重要的国际金融城市。自中世纪开始,一直为模范都市,现在多个国家的城市规划都以此为借镜。法兰克 福给人的第一印象就是摩天大楼。其可爱之处只有在走进时才会发现:漫步在修葺一新的罗马堡(Romerberg)上;或路旁有各式博物馆的美茵河边;在保 罗教堂(Paulskirche)发现传统和历史,或者在萨克森豪森区(Sachsenhausen)遍访舒适的苹果酒餐馆。街道全长大约不到1000米,马路不宽,汽车可以单行但是两侧都可以停车,通过绿化在建筑物和马路之间隔出大约宽2米的步行林荫道,两侧基本上是 5-6层高的建筑,大约有10多栋,从外立面颜色看,估计年代不会很近,事实上这些建筑基本上二战后建设的,而那些声名显赫的世界顶级品牌专卖店一个挨一 个开在这些建筑的底层。
法兰克福的“第五大道”汇聚了国际名家设计师当季的名牌时装,其中包括著名设计师阿玛尼和范思哲的作品。在顶级珠宝店如卡地亚、蒂芙尼 里,一定可以找到与服装相配的珠宝首饰。在这条街上还有世界著名设计大师们的作品以及这些大师的工作室,专为那些所谓的成功人士量体裁衣。整个商业街上大 约有60多家这样的专卖店,形成目前状况大约也就七八年的时间。
购买时请看清商品上的标识,没有写明“made in germany”的很可能不是德国原产。在德国购物收银条满25欧就可以退税了,但是并不是每个 商店买的东西都可以退税,所以在购买前需要询问好。退税还可以分两种,一种是在海关退税,也就是退10%左右,直接在机场海关盖章拿钱。另外一种有些商店 提供在店内的退税服务,是需要把退税单给机场海关敲章后再把退税单子拿回德国店里退税,这种方法操作比较困难,但是退税是退增值税19%。
Frankfurt’s Shopping Street: Zeil
The premier place to shop in Frankfurt is the shopping street Zeil, especially the area between Konstablerwache and Hauptwache. Also called “The Fifth Avenue” of Germany, this shopping street offers everything from chic boutiques, to international department chains for the discerning shopper.
Don’t miss the Zeil Galerie, a 10 floor shopping center, which is famous for its spiral shaped interior and a viewing platform that offers the best views of Frankfurt. On the adjacent Goethestraße, you can drop some serious cash (or do some wishful window shopping) at world class jewelers (Cartier, Tiffany), international designers (Armani, Versace), or gourmet restaurants.
The western part of the Zeil is a pedestrian zone between two large plazas, Hauptwache in the west and Konstablerwache in the east. These two plazas serve as major intersections for underground trains, trams and buses. The eastern part of the Zeil, called “New Zeil”, connects Konstablerwache with the Friedberger Anlage.
疯狂购物大聚集地——意大利米兰黄金四角区 (Quadrilatero d’Oro, Milan, Italy)
在米兰,蒙特阿波利街(via Montenapoleone)、圣安德烈街(via S.Andrea)、史皮卡大道(via dellaSpiga)和鲍格斯皮索(Borgospesso)是鼎鼎大名的黄金四角区。它们就像围城一样形成了四四方方的一圈,在夏季打折期间经常可以 看到打扮光鲜亮丽的男女在门口排队,然后涌进商店内疯抢的胜景。这里的阿玛尼全球旗舰店不光有服装服饰,还有其设计的家具产品。逛完如果有点累了的话,可以在店里的咖啡座里休息片刻,休息完继续向前。其他各大顶 级奢侈品牌专卖店都能在这里找到。差不多是午餐时间了,找家餐厅填饱肚子再继续败金吧。接下来还可以去一些潮流的品牌转一转,而且价格比国内要便宜很多, 有时国内的价格往往是这里的两到三倍。
虽然米兰的名牌货便宜,但如果在圣诞节后或七八月间到米兰就会碰上常年大减价,货品的款式和选择自然就比较少,也得和别人一起抢。米兰商店通常由早 上10点开门至下午1点,午休3个小时,下午4点再营业,星期天多关门。著名品牌如Prada、Gucci等,在米兰有不同分店,售卖不同货品,比如男女 装、皮革用品都在不同的店面售卖。
Quadrilatero d’Oro, Milan, Italy
Milan is a haute couture powerhouse, where fashions jump from catwalk to clothes rail in weeks. Milan is home to the flagship stores of a litany of designers: Armani, Krizia, Versace, Ermenegildo Zegna, Missoni, Moschino, Mila Schön, and Trussardi.
But unlike the sprawling fashion district in Paris, Milan’s boutiques fit into a square along four adjoining streets north of the Duomo known collectively as the “Quadrilatero della moda” (Quadrilatero d’Oro , Golden Quadrilateral): Via Montenapoleone, Della Spiga, Via Borgospesso, and Via Sant’Andrea, lined with Milan’s most expensive high-fashion emporia and posh cafés inside romantic landmark Victorian buildings. In addition to the internationally known fine fashion names, the area has inside favorites, such as La Rinascente, Milan’s most famous department store, 9 Peck, a renowned food store, and Provera, a favorite for its vintage wine selection. In the streets, there’s always a parade of well-heeled Italians casually modeling the latest fashions. From Piazza della Scala, follow Via Manzoni a few blocks north or take the Metro to Via Montenapoleone. The main artery of this shopping heartland is Via Montenapoleone, lined with the most chichi boutiques and most elegant fashion outlets, with parallel Via della Spiga running a close second.
Via della Spiga
D&G accessories, no.2; Fendi, no.9; Prada accessories, no.18; Armani accessories, no.19; D&G woman, no.26; Just Cavalli, no.30; Byblos, no.33; Roberto Cavalli, no.42; Marni, no.50.
Via Manzoni
Armani Superstore, no.31; Paul Smith, no.32; Armani Casa, no.37.
Via Sant’Andrea
Missoni, no.2; Trussardi, no.5; Kenzo, no.9; Giorgio Armani, no.9; Chanel, no.10; Moschino, no.12; Gianni Versace, no.14; Gianfranco Ferré, no.15; Barbara Bui, no.17; Miu Miu, no.21; Hermès, no.21; Prada sport, no.21.
Via Montenapoleone
La Perla, no.1; Louis Vuitton, no.2; Ralph Lauren, no.4; Bottega Venezia, no.5; Sergio Rossi, no.6; Gucci, no.7; Prada women, no.8; Armani Junior, no.10; Gianni Versace, no.11; Valentino, no.20; Alberta Ferretti, no.21; Christian Dior, no.21.
Even if the price tags are larger than your budget, you can spend many a happy hour admiring the window displays. And if you can only just afford $700 on a pair of Miu Miu boots, rest assured: the shopkeepers will happily accept plastic.
And when you’ve shopped your heart out, Caffè Baglioni, with its private entrance at via della Spiga 6, is a chic spot to stop. The area is best reached from metro Montenapoleone or San Babila, by bus 61 or 94, or tram 1, 2 or 20.
Getting There:
The Quadrilatero d’Oro is located at a short distance from the Duomo. Being more of a district, there is more than one way to reach this place, however, the metro and tram are the easiest modes of transport.
Via della Spiga is a short walk from the MM1 San Babila metro stop.
Via Montenapoleone can be reached via Montenapoleone or San Babila metro stations.
Via Manzoni is easily accessible via tram as well as the Montenapoleone metro.
像小贝爱维多利亚一样爱她——英国伦敦牛津街 (Oxford Street, London).
牛津街是伦敦西区购物的中心,是英国最繁忙的街道。这条不到两公里的街道上,云集了超过300家的大型商场,其中老牌百货店Selfridges集合了众多的顶级名牌,这里周到的英式服务能让你体验超五星级的待遇。牛津街是到英国伦敦首选的购物街道,街上名牌店的最大特色并不在于品牌的种类有多少,而在于款式非常齐全,某些意大利顶级品牌的货品在伦敦竟然比来 源地的更全。古典英伦味极浓的Burberry是最受欢迎的名牌之一。这个以格子著称的品牌,在它的发源地拥有最多的款式和最齐全的货品,当然也最典雅别 致。
在牛津街你的选购重点是衣服、鞋子、饰品,花一整天时间把这条街扫完,基本上想买的都不会错过了。这个区域的喜人优点是:所有的店铺都是肩并肩挨靠 在一起,而且街道宽敞明亮,堪称天堂。伦敦的物价水平绝对非常地“国际化”,价格当然不便宜。另外,一个不能颠灭的购物真理是“在当地购买当地产品”,在 伦敦同样适用。
Oxford Street, London
Oxford Street is one and a half miles from end to end. Most shops open 10am until 6 or 7pm. Many also open on Sunday from 12 to 6pm with late nights on Thursday. Oxford Street is best known for Selfridges and the other big department stores which are all found in the section from Marble Arch to Oxford Circus, along with most of the big-name multinationals. It’s more of the same towards Tottenham Court Road, but generally on a smaller scale. Oxford Street is said to be the busiest shopping street in Europe.
Selfridges' flagship store on Oxford Street is the second biggest department store in the United Kingdom after Harrods
中国女性的新宠——阿联酋迪拜购物中心( The Dubai Mall, Dubai, UAE)
全世界最大的购物中心 – 迪拜购物中心是世界最大的购物娱乐场所之一,是迪拜众多购物及休闲场所的一朵奇葩。位于全球最高塔“哈利法塔”地下的迪拜购物中心计划成为迪拜的零售业、 酒店业及休闲中心。事实上,迪拜购物中心规模惊人:1200家零售店、150多家餐饮设施、一座五星级酒店和数不胜数的休闲店铺。迪拜购物中心声称将成为 “世界上最大的零售商场”。迪拜购物中心倾力打造时尚品牌的最大聚集地,其44万平方英尺的时装大道堪称一大亮点。该景点设有一座游弋着鲨鱼的水族馆、一座室内主题公园、一个溜冰场和一座可同时放映22部电影的影院。此外,千万不要错过全球最大的室内黄金市场。
随着债务重组失败而导致阿联酋酒店价格降低,各种旅行活动更具吸引力。更有利的是,中国政府去年9月15日批准阿联酋为中国公民组团出境旅游的目的 地。与目前的西方购物圣地相比,迪拜的另一个优势是,从北京飞往迪拜的航班仅需7.5小时,相比之下,飞往巴黎需9.5小时,纽约为13小时。
The Dubai Mall, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
The Dubai Mall is the world’s largest shopping mall based on total area and sixth largest by gross leasable area. Located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, it is part of the 20-billion-dollar Burj Khalifa complex, and includes 1,200 shops.
Twice delayed, Dubai Mall opened on November 4, 2008, with about 600 retailers, marking the world’s largest-ever mall opening in retail history. However it is not the largest in gross leasable space, and is surpassed in that category by several malls including the South China Mall, which is the world’s largest, Golden Resources Mall, SM City North Edsa, and SM Mall of Asia.
Number of stores: 1,200
Luxury designers: Gucci, Hermes, Louis Vuitton, Emilio Pucci, Prada, Herve Leger, Missoni, Oscar de la Renta, Tom Ford, Burberry and many, many more
High street stores: Banana Republic, Zara, Topshop, H&M, BCBG Max Azria, Shanghai Tang, Fred Perry and more
Department stores: Bloomingdales, Debanhams, Galeries Lafayette, Marks & Spencer and Paris Gallery
Watches: Cartier, Chopard, Jacob & Co., Tiffany & Co., Rolex, Tumi and more
Footwear: Bally, Cesare Paciotti, Giuseppe Zanotti, Jimmy Choo, Manolo Blanik and more
Electronics: Bose, Canon, iStyle Apple Computers, Sony and more
Entertainment options: The Dubai fountain light and music show, Sega Republic indoor theme park, the Dubai Aquarium and the Dubai Ice Rink
Feast on: Magnolia cupcakes, Laduree macaroons and an Arabic lunch at Wafi Gourmet
Traveller’s tip: Stay at The Address Dubai Mall (www.theaddress.com) and avail of the fashion advisor (Rs 12,000 for two hours) for a personal shopping session at the mall
P.O. Box 113444, Dubai (+971 4 362 7500; www.thedubaimall.com)
Getting There
By Metro: The Dubai Mall is easily accessable via the Dubai Metro. The nearest station is the Burj Khalifa Station where feeder buses direct to The Dubai Mall are frequently available.
The metro service to Burj Khalifa station starts at 6:30am daily with the last train from The Dubai Mall to Jebel Ali Station departing at 10:30pm and to Rashidiya at 10:20pm.
By Bus: 6 shuttle buses operating routes to The Dubai Mall from a number of hotels in and around Dubai.
By Car: Even if you are a first timer driving down Sheikh Zayed Road, the towering Burj Khalifa near the 1st interchange will not escape your eyes and The Dubai Mall is in close vicinity of the world’s tallest building.
If you are driving in from Dubai, take the 1st interchange and proceed through Financial Centre Road (formerly Doha Street). You will see the approach road to The Dubai Mall on the right hand side. Coming from Abu Dhabi, take the exit to Financial Centre Road (Doha) from 1st interchange.