2、Maui(茂宜岛)有沙滩、雨林、火山公园,活动丰富,水上运动的圣地,这里有世界上最好的浮潜及潜水地点,这里的风浪运动场所也是世界上数一 数二。岛内的Mount Haleakala上的Mammoth火山口、美丽的Hana Valley及Wailua Cove瀑布也提供了陆上的观光点。
4、The Big Island(夏威夷大岛)是夏威夷州最大的岛屿,以活火山著名。岛上有夏威夷州立大学Hilo分校,大岛上最吸引人的不外是Paniolo夏威夷牛仔文化及美丽的大自然,如岛上的夏威夷国家公园。
草裙舞是最让观光者念念不忘的。草裙舞又名“呼拉舞”,是一种注重手脚和腰部动作的舞曲。月光如水之夜,凉风习习的椰林中,穿夏威夷衫的青年, 抱着吉他,弹着优美的乐曲,用低沉的歌声,倾诉心中的恋情。跳舞的女郎,挂着花环,穿着金色的草裙,配合音乐旋律和节奏、表现出优美的姿态。纯洁的感情, 如待的气氛,如画的情调,令人陶醉,叫人流连忘返。赞颂“火山女神”的舞蹈,也是游客所喜欢观赏的。火山爆发给夏威夷土著人带来震惊,他们是心有余悸的。 于是冥冥之中,认为他们的世界,乃火山女神所掌管。于是他们编了一个舞蹈,来赞颂“火山女神”的伟大,在疯狂的原始呼号中,一群脸上涂着色彩的土著人,围 着熊熊的篝火狂舞着。
夏威夷人文和自然的多层面使人总能找到自己喜欢的那部分。波利尼西亚人的文化给夏威夷罩上了一层原始部落的神秘,不论是那些从悬崖上飞身而下的 跳水者还是载歌载舞的土著妇女都带给人一种远古的幽思。同时岛上先进的设施又使人享受到现代文明的方便。白天有如法国南部戛纳和尼斯一样的海边休闲场所, 夜晚又有拉斯维加斯不夜城的气氛。夜里1点总能在海滩、在酒吧、在街上找到永不疲倦的人群。夏威夷有和墨西哥或古巴一样的蔚蓝的海岸、洁净的沙滩、丰富的 水上活动,又多了群山所提供的火焰盆地,热带雨林和一条条登山野径。如果面对静静的大海已发不出什么哲学幽思,就去琳琅满目的商店找找凡人的乐趣。就连商 店的促销方式都是别出心裁的。店主联合员工扮成19世纪夏威夷王朝卡美哈美国王仪仗队做一番表演,引来大批观众,然后吹着军号把人群引到各商店。冲浪、风 帆、滑翔、登山、滑水、潜水……这些都是你不想离开夏威夷的理由。夏威夷是你永远想回的一个家。
对于许多游客来说,卡拉纳帕利沙滩(Kaanapali Beach, Maui)就是茂宜岛的代名词。在这段3英里长的银色沙滩上,就有六座大饭店,这一旅游景点是由阿马法克公司创意设计的,是 夏威夷第一个人工景区,也是最大的一个。这里的黑岩具有特殊的意义,传说会有死者的灵魂从这里跳上陆地,只有具有超凡精神力量的人才能免遭伤害。黑岩现在 是谢拉顿莫毛伊饭店每晚举行表演的舞台。
Kaanapali Beach (Maui)
Kaanapali Beach is one of Hawaii’s most energetic, charismatic, and active beaches. The beach’s vibe is defined by the surrounding Kaanapali Resort and the many hotels that sit along its shores. But unlike the similarly positioned Waikiki Beach, the 1.5 mile long Kaanapali Beach is able to shoulder the masses with little strain except during the busiest of times such as Christmas. Many activities including seasonal parasailing, surf lessons, volleyball, and sailing keep vacationers busy. At the north end of the beach lies Black Rock offering great snorkeling.
对于许多游客来说,卡拉纳帕利沙滩(Kaanapali Beach, Maui)就是茂宜岛的代名词。在这段3英里长的银色沙滩上,就有六座大饭店,这一旅游景点是由阿马法克公司创意设计的,是 夏威夷第一个人工景区,也是最大的一个。这里的黑岩具有特殊的意义,传说会有死者的灵魂从这里跳上陆地,只有具有超凡精神力量的人才能免遭伤害。黑岩现在 是谢拉顿莫毛伊饭店每晚举行表演的舞台。
Kaanapali Beach (Maui)
Kaanapali Beach is one of Hawaii’s most energetic, charismatic, and active beaches. The beach’s vibe is defined by the surrounding Kaanapali Resort and the many hotels that sit along its shores. But unlike the similarly positioned Waikiki Beach, the 1.5 mile long Kaanapali Beach is able to shoulder the masses with little strain except during the busiest of times such as Christmas. Many activities including seasonal parasailing, surf lessons, volleyball, and sailing keep vacationers busy. At the north end of the beach lies Black Rock offering great snorkeling.
Waimea Arboretum and Botanical Garden, Oahu
Also known as the Waimea Valley Audubon Center, the Waimea Arboretum and Botannical Garden introduce you to 36 major botanical collections. Over 150,000 guests per year follow the sunlit paths, explore the gardens, and visit the crystal clear pool below Waihi Falls. Most of the plant collections are native Hawaiian plants, focusing on island ecosystems and is home to a variety of Hawaiian birds. Located in the gorgeous Waimea Valley, The Waimea Arboretum and Botannical Garden is a great experience for the whole family. Must-do’s are: have a picnic, and visit the Waimea Valley Audubon Center.
Waimea Arboretum and Botanical Garden, Oahu
Also known as the Waimea Valley Audubon Center, the Waimea Arboretum and Botannical Garden introduce you to 36 major botanical collections. Over 150,000 guests per year follow the sunlit paths, explore the gardens, and visit the crystal clear pool below Waihi Falls. Most of the plant collections are native Hawaiian plants, focusing on island ecosystems and is home to a variety of Hawaiian birds. Located in the gorgeous Waimea Valley, The Waimea Arboretum and Botannical Garden is a great experience for the whole family. Must-do’s are: have a picnic, and visit the Waimea Valley Audubon Center.
威基基海滩(waikiki beach)大概是世界上最出名的海滩,也是多数游人心目中最典型的夏威夷海滩。海滩区东起钻石山下的卡皮欧尼拉公园,西至阿拉威游艇码头,长达一英里,每日到这里的游客多达25000人。
海滩区的精华部分是从丽晶饭店到亚斯顿威基基海滨饭店之间的一段,这里有细致洁白的沙滩、摇曳多姿的椰子树以及林立的高楼大厦,总长度约三四百米。 这一段海水宁静开阔,是一家老小假日休闲的理想地点。喜欢热闹的,可以到位于喜来登阿那冲浪者饭店和威基基饭店之间的沙滩区,这里可以划船、冲浪,夕阳西 下之时,还可以沿着沙滩散步,慢慢欣赏落日的壮观景象。从海边往内陆沿伸,你可以看到更广义的“威基基”,这里有无数的商店、饭店、购物中心。在卡拉卡瓦 大道(又称海滨大道)上有威基基海滩最豪华的酒店和商店,街道两旁是疏密有致的椰子树,景致十分迷人。
Waikiki Beach (Oahu)
Waikiki is the hub for those vacationing in Hawaii. Waikiki beach is about 1.5 miles long and divided into several sections – connected by boardwalk. The beach offers good swimming and surfing year round as well as several other fun tourist activites. Waikiki loses a lot of points for being very busy, although Kapiolani beach park (pictured below), the final segment of Waikiki, is much less crowded than the other sections.
威基基海滩(waikiki beach)大概是世界上最出名的海滩,也是多数游人心目中最典型的夏威夷海滩。海滩区东起钻石山下的卡皮欧尼拉公园,西至阿拉威游艇码头,长达一英里,每日到这里的游客多达25000人。
海滩区的精华部分是从丽晶饭店到亚斯顿威基基海滨饭店之间的一段,这里有细致洁白的沙滩、摇曳多姿的椰子树以及林立的高楼大厦,总长度约三四百米。 这一段海水宁静开阔,是一家老小假日休闲的理想地点。喜欢热闹的,可以到位于喜来登阿那冲浪者饭店和威基基饭店之间的沙滩区,这里可以划船、冲浪,夕阳西 下之时,还可以沿着沙滩散步,慢慢欣赏落日的壮观景象。从海边往内陆沿伸,你可以看到更广义的“威基基”,这里有无数的商店、饭店、购物中心。在卡拉卡瓦 大道(又称海滨大道)上有威基基海滩最豪华的酒店和商店,街道两旁是疏密有致的椰子树,景致十分迷人。
Waikiki Beach (Oahu)
Waikiki is the hub for those vacationing in Hawaii. Waikiki beach is about 1.5 miles long and divided into several sections – connected by boardwalk. The beach offers good swimming and surfing year round as well as several other fun tourist activites. Waikiki loses a lot of points for being very busy, although Kapiolani beach park (pictured below), the final segment of Waikiki, is much less crowded than the other sections.
亚利桑那号纪念馆(USS Arizona Memorial, Oahu)是为了纪念在珍珠港事件中殉难的美国官兵而建造的。纪念馆就设在亚利桑那号战斗舰之上,由雪花石膏板构成,形状修长优美。亚利桑那号战舰至今仍 在海底,从水中可以清晰地看到舰体。小艇将游客从游客中心送到纪念馆,全部游程需要75分钟。
USS Arizona Memorial, Oahu
Visiting the remains of the USS Arizona will encourage you to contemplate the sense of sacrifice US military personnel endured during the Pearl Harbor attack. The USS Arizona Memorial is the mid-section of the sunken battleship and offers visitors the opportunity to learn more about that fateful day. The guided tour of the USS Arizona Memorial includes a 23-minute documentary film, a short boat trip and a self-guided exploration of the Memorial. Must-do’s are: visit the Remembrance Circle, rent the audio headset for the tour, and explore the visitor center.
亚利桑那号纪念馆(USS Arizona Memorial, Oahu)是为了纪念在珍珠港事件中殉难的美国官兵而建造的。纪念馆就设在亚利桑那号战斗舰之上,由雪花石膏板构成,形状修长优美。亚利桑那号战舰至今仍 在海底,从水中可以清晰地看到舰体。小艇将游客从游客中心送到纪念馆,全部游程需要75分钟。
USS Arizona Memorial, Oahu
Visiting the remains of the USS Arizona will encourage you to contemplate the sense of sacrifice US military personnel endured during the Pearl Harbor attack. The USS Arizona Memorial is the mid-section of the sunken battleship and offers visitors the opportunity to learn more about that fateful day. The guided tour of the USS Arizona Memorial includes a 23-minute documentary film, a short boat trip and a self-guided exploration of the Memorial. Must-do’s are: visit the Remembrance Circle, rent the audio headset for the tour, and explore the visitor center.
在夏威夷的众多景点中,火山国家公园(Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, Big Island)恐怕是最令人生畏的了。在这里,游客可以直面活火山,感受陆地的巨大力量。公园建于1916年,占地377平方 公里,包括从4169米的冒纳罗亚火山到大海之间的广大地区。园内道路纵横,游览的中心是一座不停爆发的火山。游客可以在公园管理处获得地图和导游指南, 以及最新的火山爆发信息。值得一去的地方有硫磺海岸、火山喷气眼和灾难路等。
Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, Big Island
The most-visited attraction in the Sate of Hawaii is the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park with around 3 million visitors per year. This must-see park encompasses the summit of the world’s most active volcano, Kilauea, and the world’s most massive volcano, Mauna Loa. The park offers unique hiking and camping opportunities. Start at the Kilauea Visitor Center to receive the latest information on trails, range-led activities, road conditions, and safety precautions.
If you are only visiting for the day explore views of dramatic volcanic landscapes via Crater Rim Drive, an 11-mile road that surround the summit caldera with many scenic stops and short walks. You can also drive down the Chain of Craters Road to explore the East Rift and coastal area where the lava flowed into the ocean in 2003, and, depending on the always-changing volcanic activity, you may be able to view active lava flow. Must-do’s are: all the scenic stops on Crater Rim Drive, Kilauea Visitor Center, and eat at the Volcano House.
在夏威夷的众多景点中,火山国家公园(Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, Big Island)恐怕是最令人生畏的了。在这里,游客可以直面活火山,感受陆地的巨大力量。公园建于1916年,占地377平方 公里,包括从4169米的冒纳罗亚火山到大海之间的广大地区。园内道路纵横,游览的中心是一座不停爆发的火山。游客可以在公园管理处获得地图和导游指南, 以及最新的火山爆发信息。值得一去的地方有硫磺海岸、火山喷气眼和灾难路等。
Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, Big Island
The most-visited attraction in the Sate of Hawaii is the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park with around 3 million visitors per year. This must-see park encompasses the summit of the world’s most active volcano, Kilauea, and the world’s most massive volcano, Mauna Loa. The park offers unique hiking and camping opportunities. Start at the Kilauea Visitor Center to receive the latest information on trails, range-led activities, road conditions, and safety precautions.
If you are only visiting for the day explore views of dramatic volcanic landscapes via Crater Rim Drive, an 11-mile road that surround the summit caldera with many scenic stops and short walks. You can also drive down the Chain of Craters Road to explore the East Rift and coastal area where the lava flowed into the ocean in 2003, and, depending on the always-changing volcanic activity, you may be able to view active lava flow. Must-do’s are: all the scenic stops on Crater Rim Drive, Kilauea Visitor Center, and eat at the Volcano House.
波伊普度假村位于可爱岛西部的阳光海岸,那里遍布度假村和旅馆。与北海岸相比,这里的海滩比较小,但是气候宜人。最近几年,从前贫瘠狭小的海滩扩大 了,而且出现了前所未有的金色海滩。波伊普的著名景点是喷泉角,它象间歇泉一样有规律的喷射,其实,那是海浪拍打海岸,然后从熔岩孔道中钻出来而形成的。
与你的爱人共同冲浪板和夏威夷四弦吉他,芳香精油肥皂和蜡烛,享受蜜月游的浪漫。奢华的巧克力、热带水果干和饼干,知名的葡萄酒和当地栽种的咖啡 豆,漂亮极了的订制服装和珠宝以及只有在夏威夷生产的美味昆士兰果(macadamia nut)。从令人屏息的手工玻璃和一流的绘画和雕刻,到花色数不清的夏威夷衫,到夏威夷本土艺术家创作的精致编织物、绣花棉被、洋槐木雕和羽冠——你带回 家的购物探险回忆,在就夏威夷打开你们的爱情火花吧。
波伊普度假村位于可爱岛西部的阳光海岸,那里遍布度假村和旅馆。与北海岸相比,这里的海滩比较小,但是气候宜人。最近几年,从前贫瘠狭小的海滩扩大 了,而且出现了前所未有的金色海滩。波伊普的著名景点是喷泉角,它象间歇泉一样有规律的喷射,其实,那是海浪拍打海岸,然后从熔岩孔道中钻出来而形成的。
与你的爱人共同冲浪板和夏威夷四弦吉他,芳香精油肥皂和蜡烛,享受蜜月游的浪漫。奢华的巧克力、热带水果干和饼干,知名的葡萄酒和当地栽种的咖啡 豆,漂亮极了的订制服装和珠宝以及只有在夏威夷生产的美味昆士兰果(macadamia nut)。从令人屏息的手工玻璃和一流的绘画和雕刻,到花色数不清的夏威夷衫,到夏威夷本土艺术家创作的精致编织物、绣花棉被、洋槐木雕和羽冠——你带回 家的购物探险回忆,在就夏威夷打开你们的爱情火花吧。
据美国当地的朋友推荐,ASTON、OUTRIGGER都是不错的酒店,价位基本都在6000-7000/6晚。如果再添2000块,可以住上HILTON VILLAGE了。HILTON VILLAG的风景非常美丽。泳池外面就是海边,住这里别的海滩都不用去了。
夏威夷的食物一向可口,你听过夏威夷料理吗?这是由一群夏威夷大厨所创始,他们成立了一个协会,旨在创造世界顶级的料理,结果他们赢得高度的赞美, 以及数不清的国际料理奖项。融合了欧洲、亚洲和美洲最佳烹饪手法,强调当地自己耕种的蔬菜、新鲜带露水的水果,以及令人垂涎三尺的热带鱼类如Ono鱼、月 鱼(Opah)和Opakapaka——都是你食用当天早上抓的——还有运用到每一盘佳肴的每一吋的惊人创意,夏威夷地方料理是最顶级的味蕾经验。
少了一场真正的烤猪大餐(Luau),你的夏威夷假期就不算完满。参加夏威夷式盛宴可不是只为了美味的盛宴食物——香气四溢的kalua猪和 kiawe灌木烟熏牛排、lomi鲑鱼和烤鲯鳅鱼(Mahi Mahi)——也是为了令人兴奋的娱乐体验,其中包括反映古代到现代夏威夷历史的音乐和舞蹈。很久以前,一场夏威夷式盛宴会持续很多周,人们大肆吃东西和 跳舞,直到不支倒地为止。如今,所有的狂欢全集中在一个美妙的夜晚。这种盛宴通常在海边举行,当太阳西下,火把点燃,魔法就此开始。
据美国当地的朋友推荐,ASTON、OUTRIGGER都是不错的酒店,价位基本都在6000-7000/6晚。如果再添2000块,可以住上HILTON VILLAGE了。HILTON VILLAG的风景非常美丽。泳池外面就是海边,住这里别的海滩都不用去了。
夏威夷的食物一向可口,你听过夏威夷料理吗?这是由一群夏威夷大厨所创始,他们成立了一个协会,旨在创造世界顶级的料理,结果他们赢得高度的赞美, 以及数不清的国际料理奖项。融合了欧洲、亚洲和美洲最佳烹饪手法,强调当地自己耕种的蔬菜、新鲜带露水的水果,以及令人垂涎三尺的热带鱼类如Ono鱼、月 鱼(Opah)和Opakapaka——都是你食用当天早上抓的——还有运用到每一盘佳肴的每一吋的惊人创意,夏威夷地方料理是最顶级的味蕾经验。
少了一场真正的烤猪大餐(Luau),你的夏威夷假期就不算完满。参加夏威夷式盛宴可不是只为了美味的盛宴食物——香气四溢的kalua猪和 kiawe灌木烟熏牛排、lomi鲑鱼和烤鲯鳅鱼(Mahi Mahi)——也是为了令人兴奋的娱乐体验,其中包括反映古代到现代夏威夷历史的音乐和舞蹈。很久以前,一场夏威夷式盛宴会持续很多周,人们大肆吃东西和 跳舞,直到不支倒地为止。如今,所有的狂欢全集中在一个美妙的夜晚。这种盛宴通常在海边举行,当太阳西下,火把点燃,魔法就此开始。
10 Best Attractions In Hawaii
Hawaii offers an array of activities and attractions, but it
is the unique culture, climate and/or geography that make these 10 attractions
a must-see. This list is composed of the most-visited attractions in Hawaii.
Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, Big Island
The most-visited attraction in the Sate of Hawaii is the
Hawaii Volcanoes National Park with around 3 million visitors per year. This
must-see park encompasses the summit of the world's most active volcano,
Kilauea, and the world's most massive volcano, Mauna Loa. The park offers
unique hiking and camping opportunities. Start at the Kilauea Visitor Center to
receive the latest information on trails, range-led activities, road
conditions, and safety precautions.
If you are only visiting for the day explore views of
dramatic volcanic landscapes via Crater Rim Drive, an 11-mile road that
surround the summit caldera with many scenic stops and short walks. You can
also drive down the Chain of Craters Road to explore the East Rift and coastal
area where the lava flowed into the ocean in 2003, and, depending on the
always-changing volcanic activity, you may be able to view active lava flow.
Must-do's are: all the scenic stops on Crater Rim Drive, Kilauea Visitor
Center, and eat at the Volcano House.
USS Arizona Memorial, Oahu
Visiting the remains of the USS Arizona will encourage you
to contemplate the sense of sacrifice US military personnel endured during the
Pearl Harbor attack. The USS Arizona Memorial is the mid-section of the sunken
battleship and offers visitors the opportunity to learn more about that fateful
day. The guided tour of the USS Arizona Memorial includes a 23-minute
documentary film, a short boat trip and a self-guided exploration of the
Memorial. Must-do's are: visit the Remembrance Circle, rent the audio headset
for the tour, and explore the visitor center.
Haleakala National Park, Maui
The Haleakala National Park preserves the Haleakala volcanic
area on the island of Maui. Explore the summit area and/or the Kipahulu area
down on the coast, but be aware that these park areas are not connected by road
and it will take two separate trips to visit both. Both Haleakala National Park
areas are unique; the summit offers spectacular views and scenery, while the valley
of Kipahulu is lush and lined with beautiful freshwater pools and waterfalls
including the pools of Oheo. Must-do's are: hike the two-mile trail leading
through the Oheo Gulch and swim in the lower pools, and visit the visitor
Hanauma Bay Nature Preserve, Oahu
This beautiful, sheltered bay was once damaged by years of
excessive use and neglect. In 1990, the City and County of Honolulu began great
plans to restore Hanauma Bay. After more than a decade of efforts, Hanauma Bay
was restored into a pristine marine ecosystem by reducing the number of
visitors, establishing an education program, and instituting supportive
restrictions. These improvements have created some amazing snorkeling and
swimming opportunities. Must-do's are: visit the education center, pick up a
fish I.D. card before snorkeling, and talk with the volunteers at the beach
Diamond Head State Monument, Oahu
Diamond Head is Hawaii's most famous landmark. Known in
Hawaiian as Le'ahi, so named by Hi'laka, the sister of the fire god Pele,
because the summit supposedly resembles the forehead (lae) of the yellowfin
tuna fish ('ahi). It wasn't until the late 1700's, when western traders thought
they had found diamonds on the slope of the crater, that they began to call it
Diamond Head. But before you head to the Diamond Head State Monument to dig for
diamonds, you should know that (to the disappointment of the western explorers
and traders) the so-called diamonds were merely calcite crystals, worthless to
The must-do at the Diamond Head State Monument is the short
hike through old military bunkers. (Bring water and a flashlight.) The
historical trail to the summit is an easy 1.4 mile hike that climbs an
elevation of 560 feet and ends with sweeping views of the Honolulu area. There
are handrails, plenty of places to rest, and places of interest, so allow 1.5
to 2 hours for a leisurely round-trip hike. Also, bring a flashlight because
portions of this trail go through long, dark tunnels. Amazingly, some locals
and visitors jog up and down Diamond Head for exercise.
To get to the access road to the trail, follow Kalakaua
Avenue to Kapiolani Park. Go north on Diamond Head Avenue to 18th Avenue.
Puuhonua o Honaunau National Historical Park, Big Island
Located on the Big Island, the Pu`uhonua o Honaunau National
Historical Park is a 182-acre park full of archeological sites and
reconstructions of an ancient Hawaiian "Place of Refuge". This sacred
site was once home to Hawaiian royalty and a place of refuge for those who
broke a kapu (ancient Hawaiian law) or defeated military. This Hawaii
historical park offers a self-guided tour and learning opportunities. Must-do's
are: the self guided tour, photographing the many green sea turtles sunbathing
on the beach, and playing a game of kônane.
Kilauea National Wildlife Refuge, Kauai
KauaiKilauea Point National Wildlife Refuge is located on
Kauai's north shore, and is 203 acres of protected land. Discover Hawaii's
wildlife as you explore the refuge, such as the Pacific golden plover, Laysan
albatross, and Hawaii's State Bird (the nene). Just off shore you might glimpse
humpback whales (in winter months), Hawaiian monk seals, and spinner dolphins.
The Kilauea Lighthouse is a short walk from the parking lot
and has spectacular views of the Pacific Ocean. The Kilauea Lighthouse, the
northernmost point of the inhabited Hawaiian Islands, was first illuminated on
May 1, 1913, producing a double flash every ten seconds. The original tower
with its clamshell lens (the largest of its kind in the world) is still intact,
but now turned off, replaced by a low-maintenance, more efficient light beacon.
This landmark lighthouse was listed on the National Register of Historic Places
on October 18, 1979 and now houses its own museum about itself. Must-do's are:
take a tour with a volunteer, shop at the small store in the visitor center,
and get a picture of you with the lighthouse in the background.
Panaewa Rainforest Zoo, Big Island
The Panaewa Rainforest Zoo is the only tropical zoo in the
United States and shouldn't be missed during your Big Island vacation. You will
encounter a variety of rainforest animals and endangered Hawaiian animals, such
as a white Bengal tiger, spider monkeys, lemurs, nene geese (the Hawaiian State
bird), and over 80 other animal species. The Panaewa Rainforest Zoo is also
considered a botanical garden covered with orchids, bamboos, 100 varieties of
palms, and a water garden. The Panaewa Zoo, about 4 miles from Hilo, is open
daily, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
and from 1:30 p.m.-2:30 p.m. on Saturday. Admission is free. Must-do's are: the
petting zoo (only on Saturday), the white Bengal tiger (Namaste) feeding at
3:30 daily, and the gift shop.
Waimea Arboretum and Botanical Garden, Oahu
Also known as the Waimea Valley Audubon Center, the Waimea
Arboretum and Botannical Garden introduce you to 36 major botanical
collections. Over 150,000 guests per year follow the sunlit paths, explore the
gardens, and visit the crystal clear pool below Waihi Falls. Most of the plant
collections are native Hawaiian plants, focusing on island ecosystems and is
home to a variety of Hawaiian birds. Located in the gorgeous Waimea Valley, The
Waimea Arboretum and Botannical Garden is a great experience for the whole
family. Must-do's are: have a picnic, and visit the Waimea Valley Audubon
Waimea Canyon, Kauai - "Grand Canyon of the
Waimea Canyon is the awe-inspiring, breath-taking
"Grand Canyon of the Pacific," as Mark Twain dubbed it. The canyon is
one mile wide, 10 miles long, and over 3,600 feet in depth. The deep canyon
gashes in the landscape look like the claw marks of some immense prehistoric
creature. The play of light and shadow throughout the day on the colorful
striated layers of rock is extraordinary. A fun pastime is to stand at one of the
Waimea Canyon overlooks and watch the reaction of visitor after visitor, as
their jaws drop, and they become first speechless and then breathless as they
witness this spectacle of nature for the first time, realizing that words fail
them and that there must be a God.
Several hiking paths lead to some of the most dramatic
waterfalls in Hawaii.
Visit the Kokee Museum at the top of the canyon for
details, maps, history, etc. Also, be sure to go to the top of the canyon and
peek over the Kalalau Valley Lookout for a divinely-inspired view of the Na
Pali coastline, majestic waterfalls, and the Blue Pacific, all from well above
the perch of sea birds and tour helicopters.