北 京国家博物馆新馆开馆,游客参观一届全国人大一次会议使用的投票箱 A visitor looks at a ballot box used in the First Session of the First National Peoples’ Congress in the National Museum of China
国家博物馆北广场中央高9米的崭新青铜孔子雕像双目似睁非睁,将长安街上的人来车往尽收眼底。不少游客被它所吸引,驻足留影,不过人们不能靠近 这尊雕像,入口处到出口有一条警戒线将大家隔离在广场之外。3月1日至16日,是历经四年闭馆改扩建的国家博物馆正式开门、重新迎客前的“适应期”,只有 提前2天电话预约并携带单位介绍信的团体观众才能领票入内参观。这些徘徊于广场门外的游客并非都知道,从3月17日也 就是今日起,国博开始接待散客,只要你拿个人有效证件到现场换票即可入内。据北门口工作人员了解,因馆内的许多设施还在逐步完善中,目前游客进馆后 只能参观国博的基本陈列《复兴之路》。
在经过两轮严格的安检后,被获准进馆参观。《复兴之路》基本陈列的展览面积有1万多平方米,占据了国博北区的8个展厅,按时间顺序分为5部 分。作为新国博推出的首个展览,它是目前唯一一个全面展示中华民族近代以来复兴之路宏大主题的陈列展览。珍贵文物、多媒体半景画文物组合、多媒体互动场 景……陈列通过1280多件套珍贵文物和870多张历史照片,回顾了1840年鸦片战争以来的100多年间中华民族走过的不平凡复兴之路。漫步其中,如置 身于历史的长河,观后最大感受是它能让人得到一种爱国主义情怀的释放。在展览结束部分,博物馆专门开设了两台电子留言处,现场两个女孩正用电子笔留言, “感慨、感动”“我爱祖国”等言语出现在墙面电子屏幕上,自豪的情绪洋溢其间。由于国博对每日参观人数的限制,在馆内参观,你不会觉着拥挤、嘈 杂,整个过程很舒适。倘若需要导游讲解,可随团队走,一般情况,团体观众能预约导游,浏览时间1个小时左右。导游讲解有重点,不至于使你毫无头绪。不过个 人以为这样浏览走马观花,你感兴趣的地方没法驻足详看。本次浏览并不是很详细,却也花了2个半小时。
People line alongside a 9-metre-tall bronze Confucius statue to enter the renovated National Museum of China at Tiananmen Square in Beijing.
‘World’s largest museum’ National Museum of China reopens in Beijing
An extensively renovated and expanded National Museum of China will be officially reopened to the public on April 1 as the largest museum in the world, according to Chinese officials.The museum has reopened following a CNY 2.5 billion (£235 million) four-year renovation project that has created 28 new exhibition halls and tripled the amount of exhibition space from 65,000 to almost 200,000 square metres.
Measuring in at 2.07 million square feet, the museum seemingly surpasses the previous record holder – the 2.05 million square feet Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. It dwarves the 1.4 million square feet State Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg, Russia, and the 650,000 square feet Louvre.
The National Museum of China is located on the east side of the famous Tiananmen Square in Beijing and was formed in 2003 as the result of a merger between the Museum of Chinese History and the Museum of Chinese Revolution. It closed for renovations in March 2007, ahead of the Beijing Olympics, and has cost around two-thirds what it cost to build the Bird’s Nest stadium.
China’s People’s Daily has reported that the museum now possesses more than one million cultural and historic relics held in 49 exhibition rooms, each of which measures 1,000 square meters wide and 40 meters tall. It is expected that the rejuvenated attraction will pull in around ten million visitors a year.
The museum opened to the public with the appropriately-titled exhibition “Road to Rejuvenation“.
Among the most eye-catching relics is one of the six surviving copies of the first Chinese-language edition of the Manifesto of the Communist Party, translated by veteran linguist and translator Chen Wangdao (1891-1977); the first national flag raised on Oct 1, 1949, during New China’s founding ceremony; and an exquisite throne that served as a symbol of the feudal power wielded by the Qing Dynasty emperors.
Other highlights include an old printing machine used to produce brochures promulgating new ideas from the West during the 1919 May Fourth movement; a wooden raft that People’s Liberation Army soldiers used to cross the Yangtze River and liberate such cities as Jiangsu’s provincial capital Nanjing and Shanghai from Kuomintang rule in the late 1940s; the Shenzhou V spacecraft; and props used at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games’ Opening Ceremony.