寇兹 Coach The Signature Fragrance (2010)
当经典与时尚碰撞,独特的个性就被演绎的淋漓尽致。美国经典包包品牌寇兹 (Coach) 首款香水系列The Signature Fragrance!经典菱形图案设计,打造出了独一无二的香水瓶,为女士们带来更完美的享受!为贯彻永远保持经典地位的品牌坚持,Coach Signature香氛系列从香调组合到瓶身设计都很「经典」!
Coach Signature香水拥有乐观俏皮、活力充沛的香氛特质,前调有酸甜青蜜柑、番石榴、紫罗兰花瓣与稀有的大王莲,中调为蜂蜜、橙花、含羞草、茉莉、晚香玉的馥郁花香,转入檀香、琥珀木的温暖气息结尾,完美揉合出优雅时尚的女性魅力。
寇兹 (Coach) 香氛系列独一无二的香水瓶,为寇兹 (Coach) 经典菱形图案设计。香气喷雾、润肤露及唇彩延续香氛的奢华, 完美的混合花香充分展现了时尚美丽、高贵及魅力。
Coach outlet has almost 70 years, the first series of The Signature Fragrance perfume was launched only last year!
Coach Signature Perfume for Women
Inspired by the Coach Signature Collection, this is Coach’s first collaboration with Estee Lauder’s Designer Fragrances division to launch this new fragrance, named Coach Signature.Pretty, chic and playful. Coach Signature Perfume for Women is classically inspired with a unique blend of soft florals. The topnote sparkles with tart green mandarin, guava, lush violet petals and giant waterlily. Its complex scent melds honey, orange flower, mimosa and a touch of jasmine. To further enhance the floral signature, the drydown adds a luxurious finish with smooth and supple sandalwood and amber-wood.
普拉达鸢尾花女士香水 Prada Infusion d’Iris EDT
以鸢尾花、橙花油、茉莉花、天芥叶、雪松木等作成分,香味有别于传统浓浓的花香,展现清新及柔和的女性美。Infusion d’Iris是一瓶抗拒被套上女性刻板特质的香氛,她无法用女性的年龄或性别态度来定义,相反的,她在一个充满奢华和无限可能的世界–一个Prada的经 典世界中,激发起一种超越女性特质的经验。这瓶香氛游走在介于清新和持久的音调绳索上,她的心情沉溺在孩提时代的乐观纯真中,在此刻,和Prada前瞻未 来的世界远景中。
在Muccia Prada女士创意的方向和启发之下,Infusion D’Iris是由调香师Daniela Andrier所调製,「这瓶香氛就如同一个梦境,一个义大利的旅行,一种氛围,一种清爽亚麻床单的乾淨味道,也像赤裸的皮肤。这瓶香氛是由熟悉的香味, 天然精油和顶极萃取精华所组成,这瓶香氛没有模仿任何现在调香最新潮流的影子,她完全没有遵照任何嗅觉或描述女人应改闻起来是什么味道的刻板印象,只是透 过一种无比的清新明亮,和一种温柔性感而强烈味道–一种擦了这瓶香水的女人,她的身体和衣服就被这个味道包裹住般的强烈味道–如此的对比来呈现。」
Daniela Andrier玻璃瓶身呼应了古老时代香水的瓶身设计,低调之中,其非凡的精细,却又显露一种雅致的现代感,瓶身并装饰有极具意义的Prada徽章标志, 最早为 Muccia Prada女士的祖父于1913年所设计,Prada的徽章标志,也以浮雕的方式呈现在经典俐落的外盒,在Prada的代表性颜色–浅绿色上,标志坐落于 偏离中心的位置,这个标志象徵了推动不断进步的顶极工匠技术和经典传统,也反映出Prada品牌对创新的热情。
Infusion D’Iris 结合了来自义大利的经典顶极成分,包括佛罗伦斯的Pallida鸢尾花,和明亮了温暖前味的西西里柑橘。
Prada Infusion D'Iris is a contemporary eau de parfum that reinforces Prada's connection with the artisan traditions of classic perfumery.
Prada Parfums – Infusion d’Iris
Tradition and innovation fuse into a dreamlike ideal in Prada’s Infusion D’Iris, the new fragrance for the modern woman. Prada’s exceptional quality ingredients evoke the classic ambiance of a luxurious Italian voyage, from the clean freshness of Florentine Iris Padilla to the warm, subtle glow of Sicilian Mandarin. Savor the floral citrus reverie of this scent’s unique, elusive essence.The name Infusion D’Iris is inspired by the ancient and revered six-month-long infusion process used to draw soft, fresh notes from the root of the iris plant.
卡罗琳娜-海莱拉(Carolina Herrera) 212 VIP EDP
朗姆酒的甜美醉人,配上浓郁的百香果,于麝香中透出栀子花的清香。基调是香草与女性化零陵香豆的融合,性感而独特。212的灵感来自纽约,212是纽约地区的电话区域号码。Carolina Herrera之女Adriana用来自欧洲血统的优雅,加上成长于大都会的自信历练,设计出212系列香水。一瓶带着曼哈顿式开放、新潮、性感的香水, 装在金属与磨砂玻璃制的科幻感瓶子里,看起来简直像一粒胶囊!
Carolina Herrera 212 VIP Women EDP 80ml
Herrera 212 VIP was created by the noted perfumer Alberto Morillas in 2010 and is another Carolina Herrera perfume. Carolina Herrera 212 VIP, launched in September 2010, is surrounded by slogans such as “Are you on the list”" and “This is a private party”, 212 VIP embodies the lifestyle of those in centre of attention. First of all, the inspiration is sought amongst New York youth; those young, stylish, modern and creative people, always ready for fun. Fresh aromas of seductive rum and passion fruit from the beginning of the compositions will take you to the musk and gardenia heart, and then to the soft base of vanilla and tonka bean.唐美-希绯 LOUD
包装设计概念来自经典的黑胶唱片,以荔枝、玫瑰、广藿香组合成充满爆炸力的香气,激情澎湃。当一群音乐同好因为相同行事作风和世界观聚集在一起,就会产生不可思议的火花,这就是Tommy Hilfiger Toiletries设计Tommy Hilfiger LOUD男女对香的精神,让香氛直奔年轻一代的灵魂深处。LOUD女香的主打客群为强势、性感、沉醉于节奏感强烈音乐中的女性。LOUD男香则与略带深 沉、危险性、令人难以忽视、以重拍音乐为生活中心的男性产生共鸣。这样的男女族群,拥有共同信念、相信彼此以及自己触动文化的能力。他们齐聚一堂、互相交 流而释放群体能量,完全不退缩。空气中充满希望,任何气息与感受均体现LOUD香氛的概念。
由来自各创意领域的五位精英通力合作─包括The Hours Agency的共同创办人、两名年轻的抢手调香师、引领时尚潮流的包装设计师,以及拥有远大抱负的帅气平面暨影片摄影师─共同加入Tommy Hilfiger设计LOUD香氛的行列。经过一年的努力,他们的理念于各企划阶段一拍即合,包括电视广告的震撼音乐、以典藏黑胶唱片为灵感的特殊瓶身设 计,甚至是拥有性感气息的香氛等创作过程,而推出能让人感受各种感官体验的LOUD香氛。引人注目、大胆、耀眼、原创且具有启发,就是LOUD香氛的最佳 写照。
Loud Perfume For her and For Him by Tommy Hilfiger
Tommy Hilfiger Loud For Her and Loud For Him was launched in October 2010 but will not appear in the US until Spring 2011. Both perfumes of the duo are supposed to be real rock ’n’ roll fragrances inspired by music for the same public that buys Hilfiger denim.Aurelien Guichard and Yann Vasnier are the perfumers responsible for the new fragrance “Loud” and, while the feminine version is mainly based on notes of rose and litchi, with a spritz of patchouli in its base; the masculine version highlights patchouli, with a discreet touch of rose.
The bottles resembling records – pink for her, black for him – have yet another delicious detail: the cap also resembles the silver knobs found on vintage stereos.
A cool and casual perfume, to be used in unison, preferably loud and clear…
悦木之源Ginger Essence
佛手柑、香橙、西柚、柠檬和青柠的清新香气,平衡辛辣的姜香,制造出冷与热、平和与活跃的强烈对比,令人无法抗拒。悦木之源是雅诗兰黛集团属下二线品牌。采用世界各地的天然材料——极具疗效的香熏精华油,芳香的植物,含丰富矿物的土壤,舒缓身心的海盐和强效的草 药,再配合现代科学技术,研制了一系列兼具清洁、防护、滋养及修护的肌肤护理产品。 相较于其他的化妆品品牌,悦木之源产品线清晰单纯,就是利用大自然.
Ginger Essence Perfume by Origins
Ancient Chinese tradition holds that where there’s yin, there must be yang. And so the fragrant fire of spicy Ginger is balanced by the refreshing zeal of Bergamot, Lemon and Lime to create a sensuous synergy between warm and cool, energy and calm, tempest and tranquility. Skin is surrounded in an enticing aroma that’s impossible to resist. Spray on all-over, or where desired. Pay particular attention to pulse points (the neck and wrists and inside elbows) to enhance the warming and sensual characteristics of the fragrance.罗伯特-卡沃利 40th Anniversary EDP
前调是草莓、青苹果及粉色胡椒混合而成的清新果香,主调是柑橘花加上茉莉花及向日葵的味道,基调是温暖的广藿香及香草气息。2010年9月至10月份,意大利设计师Roberto Cavalli罗伯特·卡沃利推出一款女性新香,以它来纪念品牌诞生40周年。罗伯特·卡沃利是时装界、艺术界、现在更扩展到香水界的标新立异的独创者。 这款香水是水果花香调,名字叫做Anniversary周年纪念日,香水的调香师是Olivier Polge。
Roberto Cavalli罗伯特·卡沃利Anniversary周年纪念日女性香水的容量形式有三种,分别是30ml、50ml和100ml。它的香水瓶则重新启用 了Roberto Cavalli Serpentine情迷香水的瓶子模型,不过这回披上的是一件闪耀着珍珠母光彩的外衣。
40th Anniversary Roberto Cavalli perfume – a new fragrance for women 2010
Roberto Cavalli launched 40th Anniversary, a new fragrance for women, in October 2010. The fruity floral perfume celebrates the brand’s 40th year as a fashion house.Anniversary features notes of raspberry, green apple, pink pepper, orange blossom, jasmine, heliotrope, cedar, patchouli and vanilla.
Roberto Cavalli Anniversary will be available in 30, 50 and 100 ml Eau de Parfum.
莲娜莉姿 比翼双飞香水
由Philippe Starck设计的香水樽,代表两只相拥的白鸽,别具创意。由茉莉花、玫瑰、栀子花及康乃馨,混合佛手柑、玫瑰木、紫罗兰等,增添爽身粉般的清新感。莲娜丽姿“比翼双飞香水”Nina Ricci L’Air du Temps ,是莲娜丽姿 (Nina Ricci) 最著名的香水,创建于1949年,法语 L’Air du Temps 直译过来是“Air of Time”,这款香水是罗伯特·里奇 (Robert Ricci) 先生和著名调香师Francis Fabron 共同设计。
莲娜丽姿Nina Ricci L’Air du Temps 比翼双飞香水鸽子造型的香水瓶身非常著名,以赞美爱与和平为主题,满足世人追求欢笑、和平与爱的想望,让你我在时间之外,感受愉悦、纯净与真实,也是全世界三大畅销香水之一。
L’Air du Temps是属于芬芳花香系列香水。这瓶香水为法国当今最典雅的香水,而且也是以它的瓶身独特和寓意深远而著名。香水瓶以第二次世界大战中法国雕塑家 Marc Lalique 所雕刻的“双鸽”为设计背景。香水瓶盖是一个飞翔的鸽子,象征着二次大战结束人们对于和平的渴望。据说全世界每一分钟都有这种香水售出,象征无限温柔。
莲娜丽姿 (Nina Ricci) 其他经典女士香水还有:少女心 “Farouche”、玫瑰之吻 “Capricci”、”Fleur de Fleurs”、”Eau de Fleurs”,以上各款都各有 Marc Lalique 设计的独特香水瓶。
L’air du temps – Nina Ricci Perfume
The icon fragrance from the Nina Ricci houseThe legendary designer perfume L’AIR DU TEMPS was born in a creative and joyful spirit in 1948. The perfect harmony of an enchanting elixir, the symbol of femininity and eternal youth. the emblematic values of L’Air du Temps remain universal: Peace, Purity, Freedom and Love. L’Air du Temps is also the air that we breathe, the mood of the moment, the reflection of each era. L’Air du Temps… An unequalled moment of emotion.
由著名调香师Thierry Wasser主理的芬芳香味,以大量铃兰、玫瑰、白丁香、牡丹、小苍兰及橙花打造,层次分明浓厚,香味轻柔。法国娇兰蝴蝶夫人女士香水据说是为了纪念一位因日俄战争而和身为海军军官的情人分离的日本女孩。每当这位军官遥望东方或闻到这种神秘的东方之香,就 会想起那逝去的爱。 1921年推出,是第一个使用合成香精的香水,流行至今。香调:神秘东方香调前调:香柠檬,玫瑰中调:茉莉,水蜜桃,香料基调:橡树苔,草木植物50ml
Mitsouko by Guerlain for Women
Created by Jacques Guerlain in 1919, Mitsouko can be a difficult love affair for someone unfamiliar with the chypre family, which is not as popular these days. It does not reveal its beauty all at once, nor does it allow one to treat it casually. It starts out aloof and cool, before revealing its intense and sensual side. Peach note is very true and quite gourmand, however the abstract nature of the composition never allows it to be instantly recognizable.The EDT is the sharpest version, while the EDP and the parfum are much softer and subtler. The parfum in particular is quite lovely as all the notes are executed well and are in perfect harmony with each other. Since the parfum can be difficult to find, the EDP is a great alternative.
兰蔻 Trésor in Love
以柔和的桃花、佛手柑和梨子作前味,缀以辛香的粉红胡椒实,再以低调的水蜜桃和紫罗兰带来和谐气息。茉莉及玫瑰的花香中调,后味以雪松和麝香构成,整体感觉淡雅细腻。兰蔻(LANCOME)推出全新Tresor In Love女香!兰蔻(LANCOME)以柔和香调的耀眼果香为前味:桃花、佛手柑和极具风味的梨子,缀以辛香的粉红胡椒实,再以低调的水蜜桃和紫罗兰带来 和谐的粉嫩气息;花香中调的淡雅花瓣清 香,令人有犹如身处于以晨露与茉莉构成之晶透花束与土耳其玫瑰精油的香气之中;香氛后味,是以馥郁雪松和麝香构成的木质香调,可强调出此款香氛的时尚洗炼 气息。
Lancôme Trésor in Love (2010)
Trésor in Love by Lancôme is the latest from that famous house of perfume which had launched Trésor in 1990. After a span of two decades, the perfume house has launched the successor to its modern classic. The perfume was originally created by perfumer Sophia Grosjman.The perfume, a fresher and younger interpretation of the iconic Trésor fragrance, has a linear structure, which means you will smell the same aroma from beginning to end and there are no rude surprises. Trésor in Love has a fruity smell and also a pronounced impression of the white musk called Galaxolide.
You could recognize the plummy apricot, iris and heliotrope and it is almost soft and subtle in contrast to the predecessor. You could also smell the rose-amber-vanilla which makes it one of the more feminine perfumes launched. The fragrance lasts for a long time, and is being reviewed with great excitement across the perfume world.