Italy has many beautiful and historic cities worth a visit. Travel to cities is best done by train as driving in Italian cities may be very difficult and the extensive Italian train system is inexpensive. Most city centers are well-suited to walking and parts of the city centers may be closed to transportation. Large Italian cities generally have good public transportation, too.
1.漫游罗马(Rome) 赏最雄伟的建筑 吃最可口的甜品
来意大利一定要来其首都——罗马。历史绵延20个世界,是世界上最好的露天博物馆。随便在街上走走,你都会被这里的建筑震惊。这里有很多世界著名的 景点,如竞技场、圣彼得大教堂、特莱维喷泉、梵蒂冈和万神殿。如果你的假期时间充足,在广场上坐下来喝杯咖啡或吃冰激凌,虽然有点贵。罗马是一座艺术宝库、文化名城,占城区面积40%的古罗马城拥有着规模宏大的罗马古代建筑(如弗拉维安半圆形剧场、科洛西姆大斗兽场、大杂技场、潘 提翁神庙、戴克里先公共浴场等)和艺术珍品。同时,罗马也是天主教廷的中心,有700多座教堂与修道院,7所天主教大学,市内的梵蒂冈是天主教教宗和教廷 的驻地,有教堂、宫殿、博物馆、大学(建于1303年)、科学院和图书馆等。罗马,是意大利占地面积最广、人口最多的城市,也是世界最著名的游览地之一。
Little surprise this famous city made the number one spot on the list of the greatest Italian cities for visitors. The capital of modern Italy, Rome is a near perfect blend of historic and contemporary significance. The highlights include The Coliseum(Colosseum), St. Peter’s Basilica, the Vatican Museums, and The Pantheon. This barely scratches the surface of what there is to see and do in Rome though. This booming metropolis has enough delights to keep visitors entertained for weeks, and is one of those rare destinations that requires repeat visits to sample everything it has to offer.
2.威尼斯 Venice
著名的水城威尼斯是意大利最著名的城市,也是全世界最浪漫的旅行目的地之一。圣马可广场位于城市中心,周围还有著名的大教堂。如果你是一个文化爱好 者,威尼斯有世界上最具美感的杰作,还有无数的教堂、博物馆和宫殿值得一去;如果你追求浪漫,你可以坐上一艘平底船来参观,但记得多带一些钱哦。最好不要 在夏天去威尼斯,因为夏天游客最多。One of the world’s most romantic cities, Venice is also one of the planet’s most unique. Built over a lagoon, the city features hundreds more than 100 waterways, or canals, where couples can take a romantic, if touristy, gondola ride. The highlight of a visit to Venice is the Piazza San Marco with its world-renowned church. With over 400 bridges, and over 100 different bodies of land Venice can be quite confusing for the first time traveler to navigate. However, there are massive crowds of tourists here, so providing you don’t mind striking up a conversation with a stranger you can always find your way.
3.佛罗伦萨(Florence) 徐志摩笔下的“翡冷翠”之城
佛罗伦萨被认为是文艺复兴运动的诞生地,艺术与建筑的摇篮之一,拥有众多的历史建筑,和藏品丰富的博物馆。历史上有许多文化名人诞生、活动于此地, 比较著名的有诗人但丁、画家列奥纳多?达?芬奇、米开朗基罗、政治理论家马基维利、雕塑家多纳太罗等。佛罗伦萨历史中心被列为世界文化遗产。
The gateway to Italy’s beautiful Tuscany region, Florence also offers easy access to Pisa, where you can view the world-famous leaning tower. Must see attractions include Piazza della Signoria, the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, the Bell Tower, the Galleria dell’ Academia, home of Michelangelo’s world-famous Statue of David, and the Galleria Degli Uffizi, which houses the world’s most important collection of Renaissance art.
La Scala (Teatro alla Scala) in Milan is one of the world's most famous opera houses 米兰斯卡拉是世界上最著名的歌剧院之一
4.世界时尚之都 米兰 Milan
米兰是欧洲最富有的城市之一,也是意大利的时尚之都。这里以时尚的商店和高档餐厅而闻名。而且,米兰还有很多让人难忘的建筑,从古老的新古典主义宫 殿到超现代的塔和商业建筑,都会让你驻足。如果你想把文化和饮食与购物相结合,那么米兰就是你的首选。而且米兰斯卡拉是世界上最著名的歌剧院之一。米兰是世界公认的四大时尚之都之一,也是四大时尚之都中最具影响力的城市,米兰汇聚了众多世界时尚名品,阿玛尼,范思哲,普拉达,杜嘉班纳,华伦天 奴,古奇,莫斯奇诺等。米兰时装周是世界最为重要的时装周之一,有世界时装晴雨表之称。蒙提拿破仑街是世界最为著名的奢侈品大道。
Only the expense of visiting this beautiful city kept it from the #3 spot on the list of Italy’s best cities. Home of La Scala, one of the world’s best known opera houses, and, of course, the world famous Italian football club, A.C. Milan, the city also boasts a rich history of art and culture. However, it is arguably its world-class shopping that makes it such a popular destination among tourists. In Milan, the streets of the Quadrilatero district are where to go for serious shopping—or just for taking in the chic scene. Be prepared for some sticker shock though. Milan holds its own with the world’s most expensive cities and its stylish shops will quickly empty even the fullest purse or wallet.
维罗纳因莎士比亚著名的喜剧罗密欧和朱丽叶而闻名,这里有意大利第三大罗马竞技场,幸运的话,你可以赶上这里的歌剧节。由于维罗纳的罗马古迹和古代城堡、城市风格和建筑,这里被联合国列为世界文化遗产之列。从这里可以到达意大利很多著名的湖泊,如加尔达湖和马焦雷湖。维罗纳(Verona)位于意大利北部,是维尼托地区(Veneto)仅次于威尼斯的第二大城市,Verona在拉丁语中意为“极高雅的城市”。维 罗纳北靠阿尔卑斯山,西临经济重镇米兰,东接水城威尼斯,南通首都罗马,自古就是一个兵家必争的军事要塞,同时也是意大利和欧洲铁路、公路相连通的主要枢 纽,因此有“意大利的门户”之称。维罗纳是意大利最古老、最美丽和最荣耀的城市之一,拉丁语的意思为“极高雅的城市”。如今的维罗纳有27万居民,是维内 托地区仅次于威尼斯的第二大城市。它所处的位置非常理想,气候也格外宜人。维罗纳盛产葡萄酒、蔬菜和水果,还有著名的维罗纳大理石,维罗纳的确是一座非常 高雅的城市,拥有无数的自然美景,河流、山丘、依山的佳尔湖。更拥有许多著名的纪念性的建筑物,具有独特的城镇美景。维罗纳也被称作是爱之城,莎士比亚笔 下的爱情故事就发生在这里。
Most famous for being the setting of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, Verona trails just Rome, Venice and Florence on the list of the most visited cities in Italy. Offering a world-renowned opera festival, and one of Italy’s biggest Roman coliseums Verona has plenty beyond just the Bard’s tale to offer visitors.
6.博洛尼亚 意大利的美食之都
博洛尼亚是意大利的美食之都,以左派政治和富有而闻名。在不经意的闲逛间,你也许就会发现令你大吃一惊的广场,可以让你修下一下吃根冰激凌。据说这里有世界上最古老的大学,建于1088年。当然这里最著名的还是美食了,如意大利干面条、宽面和炸粉团等。博洛尼亚(Bologna),意大利城市。位于波河平原南缘、亚平宁山脉北麓,是意大利北部的历史文化名城,是意大利最古老的城市之一。博罗尼亚城 市规模不大,老城因拥有两座建于中世纪的姐妹塔楼闻名遐迩。博洛尼亚城市不大,建筑也不高,没有巴黎那样有风韵,但很敦实,很有历史感。 这里建筑的外墙色彩犹如莫兰迪油画色彩的调子,土红的、黄灰的、紫灰的,那些鲜明的颜色组合在一起,是很强烈的,但感觉却又是淡雅的,特别是承受着早上的 阳光,那种透明令人愉悦。在它的市中心,有中世纪和文艺复兴时期最大的建筑群体,一所建于公元1088年的欧洲最古老的大学——博洛尼亚大学。另外,博罗 尼亚的人行道均以走廊形式修筑,故被称为“柱廊之城”。
The capital of the Emilia-Romagna region of Northern Italy, Bologna is famous for its opulence, its world-class cuisine and its breathtaking beauty. Its reputation as a great place to eat has earned it the nickname “The Stomach of Italy”, and even once full it is hard to resist the tempting treats displayed in the windows of the city’s many bakeries. History buffs will appreciate its rich medieval center, and academic types will enjoy a wander through the halls of one of Europe’s oldest universities.
Sorrento makes a good base for exploring the scenic Amalfi Coast, one of Italy's top travel destinations 索伦托和阿马尔菲海岸
7.索伦托和阿马尔菲海岸 Sorrento & The Amalfi Coast
海岸可能是每个来意大利度假的人的首选。在著名的索伦托,你会品尝到可口的利口酒、柠檬酒很很多葡萄酒。从这里还可以到达著名的庞贝古城。阿马尔菲海岸是世界上最美丽的可驾驶海岸,所以如果可以的话租一辆车。但是夏天这里人会很多。阿马尔菲是一座建在海边悬崖下的小城。下着小雨的阿马菲尔镇非常安静,雨云在海边的悬崖中间徘徊不散,适合找一间小咖啡馆坐下发呆,眼前是暗蓝的地 中海,身后是迷宫般的小巷。这座幽静的小镇曾经是罗马帝国灭亡后的地中海阿马尔菲王国的都城,以往的荣耀和辉煌都已沉淀。在市中心的大教堂广场边,绕过那 些卖柠檬酒、陶瓷和点心的商店,走进广场旁边的台阶顶上的主教堂,才能体会到这个城市富裕的过去:主教堂的正面装饰着彩色马赛克和金碧辉煌的壁画,在天空 的照耀下隐隐发光;教堂内部12世纪的豪华蜡烛台和布道台,左边有曾经描绘着非常少见的湿壁画的罗马风格的“天国的庭院”,以及地下博物馆里丰富的收藏, 即使在处处是文物、步步有历史的意大利,也是相当珍贵的。
This coastline should be on everyone’s list of beautiful places to visit in Italy. The most famous area is the resort Sorrento where you’ll find the addictive liqueur limoncello and plenty of great wine. The city can also be used as a base to visit Pompeii, this is the town which was buried by Mount Vesuvius’ volcanic eruption back in 79AD. Further along the rugged coast you will find the picturesque and affluent town of Positano and the town of Amalfi. The Amalfi Coast offers one of the world’s greatest coastal drives so be sure to hire a car if you can. I would also recommend taking a boat from Sorrento to the island of Capri. On Capri you can take a trip to the gorgeous Blue Grotto – a sea cave that is flooded with a brilliant blue or emerald light. Just be warned the Amalfi Coast area gets very busy in the summer.
Since the 1960s, The Emerald Coast of Sardinia has been a mecca of the rich and famous 撒丁岛是意大利富人们度假首选地
8.撒丁区(Sardinia) 意大利富人们度假首选地
意大利最大的岛屿撒丁岛是很多当地人和富有的球员的度假目的地。这里安静而又闲适,唯独夏季会非常拥挤。撒丁岛的海岸世界著名,有令人惊艳的沙滩和清澈的海水。和欧洲众多的沙滩相比,这里的城市气息不严重,也没有钢筋水泥建成的酒店。大多数住所都很雅观。到了撒丁,立刻就会为地中海植被的香气而感慨,置身在这里意大利最美的海边之一,一定会为微咸的海洋空气与植物的香味混合的芳香气味所陶醉。自然环 境是朴拙的,未经雕琢触动,在低矮的植被和灌木丛中四处闪现着形态奇异的花岗石,使海岸呈现出真正的礁石滩与漂亮的沙滩交替蜿蜒的景色,夏季的海滩总是游 人如织。
说到撒丁,不能不提到它的岩洞,有一些是只能从海上进入的:最突出的是因有海牛栖息而得名的海牛洞 (grotta del Bue Marino) , 意大利最大的岩洞伊斯皮尼高利 (grotta di Ispinigoli),以及格罗普 (Gola di Gorroppu) 和罕见的卡雍岩洞 (canyon)。正因为如此,撒丁有3个国家公园:阿西纳拉 (Asinara),马达莱纳群岛 (Arcipelago di La Maddalena) 和奥罗塞伊湾和杰纳真图山国家公园(golfo di Orosei e di Gennargentu)。
This large island just off the coast of Italy is a favoured holiday spot for Italians and rich footballers. Most of the time it’s a quiet and relaxing island but popular areas can get very busy in the summer so you will need to book early to get the best places. To reach Sardinia you can sail into or land at Alghero, Cagliari or the port town Olbia. The whole island is beautiful and compared to many holiday islands resorts in Europe it remains relatively unspoilt. There are certainly no high rise concrete hotels here – even the resort areas are surprisingly tasteful. I would personally recommend Sant’antioco and San Pietro as these are the most remote and traditional areas. Sardinia’s coastline is world renowned and you won’t have to search far for amazing beaches and clear water. It isn’t a cheap island but it’s definitely worth a visit.
Puglia has a wealth of fascinating places to visit and is not yet overrun with tourists 如果你希望尝试真正的意大利风格,你可以来普利亚区
普利亚是意大利最漂亮的和游客最喜欢的大区之一。海湾确实很美,海岸的确是喜爱阳光和海上运动者的天堂。毫无疑问,在海边或者地下的一些多姿多彩的 岩洞也是很有观赏性的,例如卡斯泰拉纳 (Castellana) 的岩洞就 是意大利最重要的之一。 如果你希望尝试真正的意大利风格,你可以来普利亚区。这里有令人难以置信的碧蓝海水和沙滩、美味的烹饪、令人向往的巴洛克小镇和风景如画的橄榄树和果园。普利亚有很多教堂、城堡和要塞,其中值得特别关注的是山堡(Castel del Monte),这座矗立在山顶的几何八角形的城堡好像在居高临下地守护着整个大区,被教科文组织宣布为世界文化遗产。教堂大部分是罗马风格的,非常漂亮的 有巴里的圣尼古拉 (basilica di San Nicola) 和圣萨比诺教堂(cattedrale di San Sabino),特拉尼 (Trani) 和卢沃迪普利亚 (Ruvo di Puglia) 的主教堂。其他的艺术瑰宝还有莱切 (Lecce),真正的巴洛克之都和莱切巴洛克艺术风格的中心。
A strange inclusion some might say. To be honest I hadn’t really considered Puglia until I discovered ‘Il Collegio Holidays’. This part of Italy is perfect for those wishing to sample a genuine taste of the real Italy as well as the fabulous blue sea and beaches. Other reasons to visit this region are the excellent cuisine, beautiful baroque towns and picturesque olive groves and orchards.
Taormina, the loveliest place in Sicily, offers fantastic views of the coast and Mt. Etna volcano 陶米娜是西西里最著名的度假胜地
10.地中海传说 传统又纯朴的西西里岛
西西里岛是地中海最大的岛屿。和撒丁岛一样,这里也有极佳的沙滩和可口的食物,但是这里会相对便宜一些。西西里岛是一个传统的纯朴岛屿,丰富的文化 和建筑、艺术、美食、文学和音乐混合。海岸的东部更加发达游客也较多,而西部的海域未开发的较多。一定要去趟赛丽浓特,这是一个包括5个庙宇的古代建筑。 陶米娜(Taormina)可以算作是西西里最著名的度假胜地,这儿有古代希腊露天剧场、并由此鸟瞰位于西西里岛上为欧洲最活耀的火山、高3323公尺的 埃特娜(Etna)火山白雪景色。The largest island in the Mediterranean Sea makes an excellent holiday destination. Like Sardinia it has excellent beaches and wonderful cuisine only far cheaper. You will also have the luxury of being able to island hop – the Aegadian Islands, Aeolian Islands and Pantelleria Lampedusa are all nearby and very accessible. Sicily is a traditional and rustic island with a rich culture and a potent mix of architecture, arts, cuisine, literature and music. Here you can spend your time sitting on beaches, visiting archaeological sites or sampling the locally caught fish. Make sure you include a visit to the Selinunte which is an ancient building containing five temples centered on an acropolis. The east coast of Sicily is more developed and tourist friendly and the west coast is more untouched. The resort town of Taormina, the loveliest place in Sicily, is brimming with regional charm, chiseled stonework, and a sense of the ages. Taormina’s Greek theater, built into the hillside, has excellent acoustics and spectacular views of the sea and Mt. Etna Volcano. As you travel down the east coast you’ll be amazed how friendly the Sicillian people are and how pleased they are that you chose to visit Sicily.