Chinese man had knife blade stuck in his head for four years. X-ray images show the knife resting behind the man's throat.
Li Fu, 37, had been suffering severe headaches, bad breath and breathing difficulties but never knew the cause of his discomfort.
An official at Yuxi City People’s Hospital in Yunnan Province said that Li told doctors he had been stabbed in the lower right jaw by a robber four years ago and the blade broke off inside his head without him realizing it.
“As time passed, I used injections to kill the pain in my head and ears,” Li told Chinese state TV. “It has been four years already.”
The rusty blade fortunately did not touch the brain artery nor facial nerves, keeping him narrowly alive.“A miracle of miracles: A knife pierced his skull and stayed in the nerve and vascular intensive area,” said neurosurgeon Luo Zhiwei of the People’s Hospital. The blade entered through his right lower jaw, went past his tongue, nasopharynx and muscles and came to a rest with the tip almost touching his brain.
Doctors carried out a four-hour operation from 8:30 am to take out the 10-centimeter-long (4- inch), 1.8-centimeter-wide and 0.24-centimeter-thick blade.
“We checked his mouth, but no wound or scar has been found. It is very strange as to how the blade got into his head,” Xu Wen, an official at the hospital, told Chinese state TV.While shocking, Li’s case is far from unusual.
In fact, one of Li’s countrymen once had to have a pair of scissors removed from his esophagus two years ago.
In April 2009, a Colorado man coughed up a nail that had been stuck up his nose for three decades.
Also in 2009, a 2-year-old Brazilian boy was found living with 50 sewing needles lodged throughout his body.
And back in 2004, doctors in France found 350 coins in a man’s stomach.
The incident serves as a reminder that people can and do survive head trauma with little or no disability.
云南一男子李福(化名)4年前与抢劫他的歹徒搏斗时,颅内被插入一把断刀。4年来,他头痛不止、口腔流血,吃饭、说话逐渐出现困难。日前,云南省玉溪市人民医院通过艰难、缜密的手术终于把这把断刀完整地取了出来。2006年9月21日,李福在元江到甘庄的路途中,与抢劫他的3个劫匪展开了激烈搏斗。混乱的打斗让李福全身受了大大小小的伤,可他没有意识到,一 把断刀已由右侧外耳道插入头部。事后李福到医院检查、处理伤口时,受当地卫生医疗技术和器材的限制,医生仅为他右侧外耳道的伤口进行了清创缝合。此后4年 间,李福经常会莫名其妙的头痛,口腔流血,口臭越来越严重,但他一直以为身体有炎症,买一些消炎药来吃。
今年1月28日,李福疼痛难当来到玉溪市人民医院神经外科就诊。初步检查后,医生们都惊呆了:一个长约10厘米、宽1.8厘米、厚2.4毫米的匕形 金属异物“藏”于李福颅底、咽喉部颈侧部。幸运的是,异物位于通过咽、口腔等有通道的部位,炎症所产生的异物能从这些部位排除,一定程度上避免了病情的恶 化。而且异物在进入李福的头内时,避开了面部主要的血管和神经,让他奇迹般地存活下来。